"It's not entirely out of the question."

Su Bai spoke slowly.

Gu Yunyao's expression changed, and she said along the line: "You mean, waiting for others? Indeed, Fan Yueshi can't stay outside for a long time, Ge Xingrui and the others will become suspicious.

Su Bai touched his nose and said, "Teacher, ~ you misunderstood.

Then let's talk about what's going on outside.

Gu Yunyao was stunned at the time.

This time it is absolutely impossible to count on - Ge Xingrui and a few others.

Army Traitor and Destroyer would be enough to distract them all.

By the time they discovered the problem in the secret realm, it might have been after Fan Yueshi entered the field to silence him.

At that time, if there is no evidence of death, even if he doubts Fan Yueshi, he will not be able to act rashly.

"Isn't this a dead end. 35

Gu Yunyao muttered to himself.

Su Bai smiled and said, "Teacher, as I said just now, it's not that there is no chance at all."

Gu Yunyao is a little unclear.

Su Bai explained: "As long as I am promoted to the gold level and the teacher is promoted to the platinum level within this half month, then I will have the opportunity to kill."

Gu Yunyao rolled her eyes and said angrily, "It's not that easy. 99

Su Bai waved his hand: "Let's not talk about this, someone is chasing after him. 35

Just as they were talking, several gold-level beastmasters quietly came to the distance.

It looks normal.

But Su Bai knew the news of Fan Yueshi's mutiny, and looking at their trajectory, something was wrong.

"I saw these people at the entrance camp before.

Su Bai said quickly.

With his current strength, he can be completely unforgettable.

Gu Yunyao immediately made a judgment: "They are following you to find me. 35

Su Bai nodded.

This is inevitable.

A few people who approached shouted from the air: "Major Su, is the investigator Gu next to you, we finally found it, let's go out and report to Commander Fan.

Su Bai replied: "Investigator Gu is injured, I'm here to watch, you go back and call the medics.

Several people in the distance continued to approach and shouted: "What's wrong, I know a little about medicine, so let me take a look."

Su Bai replied in a surprised tone, "That's great.

When a few people approached, Su Bai suddenly said: "I am the Twilight Magic Bullet, I don't know what to call them.

The person opposite subconsciously retorted: "Impossible, I know the Twilight Magic Bullet, you are not at all.

As soon as the words came out, the opposite party sensed something was wrong and immediately assumed an attacking stance.

But Su Bai moves faster.

The wind and thunder war eagle has already spewed out chain lightning, scorching the whole body of several people, and fell straight to the ground.

Then add the blasting slash, slicing several people into several sections.


A space bracelet fell to the ground.

Su Bai swooped down, picked it up and bound it, felt it for a while, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Teacher, you said that half a month is too late to upgrade, but I think there is still plenty of time."

As he spoke, he took out a crystal ball from the space bracelet.

Gu Yunyao naturally knew what the use of this thing was, and suddenly said: "You are going to catalyze the zombie hut? But relying on silver-level beasts alone may not be enough.

After pondering for a moment, Gu Yunyao said quickly: "All the fire of the soul will be handed over to you to absorb, and you will be promoted to the gold level as quickly as possible."

"When the time comes, let's rush out together, and after I stop, at the speed of the wind, thunder and war eagle, we can definitely escape.

"As long as the news gets out, the victory is ours.

Su Bai frowned: "Teacher, it's not that I underestimated your strength. It's that you definitely can't beat Fan Yueshi, and if you break it, you will die.

Gu Yunyao looked indifferent: "I'm already mentally prepared, it doesn't matter. 35

Su Bai would definitely not accept this plan.

But he didn't say anything, just snapped his fingers.

The wind and thunder war eagle fell to the ground and began to eat the corpses of the war pets on the ground.

Now is not the time to pay too much attention.

Seizing every opportunity to replenish energy to accelerate the upgrade is the kingly way.

Gold-level pets contain no less energy than beasts of the same level.

While the Wind Thunder War Eagle was eating, Su Bai remembered another incident, drew the face of Hall Master Wugen on the ground, and asked, "Teacher, do you know this person.

Gu Yunyao looked at it for a moment and said, "It seems to be Qian Yangxu, the owner of a transportation company. 99

Su Bai smeared the pattern on the ground with his toes, and said casually: "He is the new head of the World Destruction Association, and he committed suicide by taking poison.

Gu Yunyao thought for a moment, her expression changed, and she said: "The fusion monster of the World Extermination Society, I am afraid it has already entered the city.

Su Bai nodded.

The transportation company is the best cover.

After all, the city defense army is notorious for only looking at money and not people. As long as the money is in place, anything can be transported into the city.

Su Bai thought about it and said, "Teacher, I think we may not have to wait for half a month.

Gu Yunyao wondered: "Why did you say this. 99

Su Bai explained: "I took a little corpse of the fusion monster and gave it to Ge Xingrui and the others, and they must have started to study it.

"The energy fluctuation of this monster is very strange, and it can't be hidden for too long."

"Plus you discovered Fan Yueshi's mutiny."

"I estimate that Fan Yueshi may act in advance and carry out an armed riot. 99

Gu Yunyao's mouth opened slightly.

Is this judgment too arbitrary?

There is no basis.

But think carefully.

It seems to make some sense.

The World Destruction Society of the Anluo Mountains has been discovered. Even if they want to search the army for traitors, Daxing City will organize a beast hunting group to clean it up.

The World Destruction Society has been in business for so long, and it will definitely not sit idly by and watch the stronghold be destroyed.

Rather than being passive, it is better to strike first.

Work together outside the city and inside the city to ensure that Daxing City can be erased from the map!

This time, there is no ruthless person like Rosa to save the field.

Su Bai looked at Gu Yunyao with anticipation, and asked, "Teacher, does Tianjian Division have any hidden powers nearby."

Gu Yunyao said a little embarrassedly: "The location of Daxing City is a bit out of the way, so..."

Su Bai got it.

So I can't count on the Heavenly Sword Division.

The scene was somewhat silent.

Su Bai began to look back on the whole incident.

From the original 122 farms, to the beast tide behind, and then to the possible melee.

The shadow of the World Extermination Society shrouded Daxing City from beginning to end.

Even if Rosa comes in person, she will resolve the beast tide crisis with the power of thunder, and will remove most of the gangsters of the World Destruction Society.

Su Bai and Gu Yunyao were left to be active.

Many things still haven't changed.

Or rather, never changed, just delayed.

"The troubled Daxing city. 99

Su Bai concludes.

Then cheer up and prepare to detonate the zombie hut.

Violently brush a wave of experience.

In any case, there is nothing wrong with improving strength.

At this time, Gu Yunyao's injury recovered, and the golden feather eagle was summoned to escort him.

The next soul fire, Su Bai prepared to only let the wind and thunder war eagle absorb it.

Time is short, and it is too late to upgrade all pets.

Taking into account the need to avoid Fan Yueshi's pursuit in the future, the Wind Thunder War Eagle is the best choice.

Followed by the double water cannon turtle.

Su Bai needs enough defense to avoid being instantly killed.

In fifteen days, two silver high-level pets reached the gold level.

The task is daunting.

But not entirely impossible.

Because Su Bai has the ultimate killer.

Evolutionary energy.

Although it is now emptied, it may not be possible for the Wind Thunder War Eagle and the Double Water Cannon Turtle to evolve as soon as they are promoted.

But the evolutionary energy can be accumulated again, and the little life is gone, but it is really gone.

"If there is a surplus of soul fire, then try to let the Heavenly Fire Lion King break through. 35

Su Bai secretly said.

However, his abacus is playing well, and there is still a problem to be solved.

That was the pursuer sent by Fan Yueshi.

The previous beastmasters were obviously just appetizers.

Before Su Bai went to a zombie hut to throw a crystal ball, he saw the new beastmaster approaching.

The two sides didn't talk nonsense, and they were very tacit and directly attacked, and the tricks were fatal.

This time, though, Su Bai isn't fighting alone.

Gu Yunyao held back her anger, and even started mercilessly.

The golden feather eagle flapped its wings and threw out several wind blades, cutting the beastmaster in the distance, together with the flying pets under his feet, into five segments.

Su Bai shrank his head.

This beautiful teacher is also a violent temper.

The battle ended quickly.

Not to mention these few beastmasters, even if there are dozens of them, Su Bai is not afraid.

As long as the platinum-level beastmaster cannot enter, he is the strongest in the secret realm.

Fan Yueshi also discovered this.

After losing more than a dozen men, the pursuers were never seen again.

It is not easy to cultivate a beastmaster, and he is still a beastmaster who is willing to join the World Extermination Society.

No matter how thick Fan Yueshi's family was, he couldn't stand such consumption.

Su Bai didn't even think about going out of the secret realm, so he found a zombie hut and threw the captured crystal ball over there.


The zombie hut spewed thick black smoke, and the walls and roof trembled.

Iron armored zombies jumped out one after another, howling constantly, full of thirst for flesh and blood.

Then the next second, they ushered in the storm.

Gu Yunyao's golden feather eagle was very envious when he saw the iron armored zombie that turned into fly ash under the thunder.

It is specialized in the wind element, and its attack is unstoppable, but it lacks a bit of domineering.

The wind and thunder war eagle noticed the gaze of the golden feather eagle and fought even more vigorously.

After the iron armored zombies are cleaned up, the wind and thunder war eagle swoops down and absorbs all the fire of the soul.

At this time, the second batch of armored zombies also took shape.

It's still a thunderstorm, and it's still an instant kill.

The golden feather eagle turned his head away.

Don't look at it.

More and more sad.

Why doesn't it have lightning properties?

After killing three waves of iron armored zombies in a row, the Wind Thunder War Eagle screamed and rose to the top level of silver.

It was the last to contract, but now it is the highest.

In the imperial beast space, the Heavenly Fire Lion King and the Double Water Cannon Turtle stared wide-eyed, silently accumulating evolutionary energy.

After rising to the top level of Silver, Su Bai clearly felt that the upgrade speed of the Wind Thunder Eagle had slowed down.

....... Flowers... 0

From the top level of silver to the primary level of gold, there is only one level, but the energy required is more than the sum of the previous levels of silver level!

"No wonder there are so few gold-level beastmasters, it's too difficult to level up."

Su Bai muttered softly.

Gu Yunyao took over the conversation: "It's hard to say, it takes time to accumulate. It's simple and simple, as long as you add enough energy and digest it through battle, you can level up quickly.

Speaking of this, Gu Yunyao added: "I speak very quickly, it is based on months, and generally starts in five or six months.

Su Bai was noncommittal.

Does it take that long.

It seems not necessary.

He didn't feel it anyway.

While thinking about it, another zombie hut was depleted of energy and could not create armored zombies.

Su Bai decisively switched targets.

Soon, he found a problem.

The Zombie Hut is being destroyed!

"It's Fan Yueshi.

Gu Yunyao frowned and analyzed: "The only thing in this secret realm that can quickly produce beasts is the zombie hut.

"As long as you destroy the Zombie Hut, you can't quickly level up."

"Your Wind and Thunder War Eagle has just been upgraded. If you want to hit the gold level, even if you have Soul Fire to supplement it, it will not be easy."

Su Bai said in his heart that Fan Yueshi's reaction was quite fast, and it was indeed material for a major event.

Too bad I went the wrong way.

And he never imagined that there was such a good thing as evolutionary energy.

Looking at the points accumulated by the Wind and Thunder War Eagle, before I knew it, there were more than 8,000 evolutionary energy.

"System, can the current accumulation make Fenglei Warhawk advance?

"Ding, go back to the host, it's not enough, at least 10,000 is needed."

Su Bai nodded, not in a hurry.

The difference is more than 1,000, and at most two days can save enough.

"Huh. 35

Su Bai was a little surprised.

He suddenly found that his courage seemed to be a little bigger.

Only children make choices, adults want all.

It's not just the Wind and Thunder Eagle that is going to be promoted.

Skyfire Lion King and Double Water Cannon Turtle can't fall either!

In the next fifteen days, there is a complete opportunity to promote all three pets to the gold level!

Although Fan Yueshi sent a beastmaster to sabotage it secretly, he probably didn't completely tear his face, and his subordinates couldn't destroy the zombie hut in front of other beastmasters.

Zombie huts are also a type of resource.

Being able to continuously create iron armored zombies, over time, is enough to train many rookie beastmasters.

Coupled with Su Bai's wandering, more than half of the zombie hut was finally saved.

But the crystal ball ran out first.

Fan Yueshi should have calculated this point before he stopped the sabotage.

With a naturally born beast alone, it is impossible for Su Bai to raise his pet to the gold level!

As for Gu Yunyao, it would be good to be able to save his life after being injured by him.

Want to move up to Platinum level?

Even more impossible!

Under normal circumstances, Fan Yueshi's calculations are fine.

But he would never have thought that there is a system like this in this world.

Enough to make Su Bai successfully promoted to gold level!

Unexpectedly, Su Bai found the blood orchid, completely cured Gu Yunyao, and brought her back to her peak state!

At this time, Fan Yueshi was waiting in peace outside the secret realm.

Although he lost some of his men, he believed that the victory would be his in the end.

When the entrance to the secret realm is stable, he can go in and kill Su Bai.

But still a little annoyed.

Su Bai is so good at running.

Even if he slipped to the Anluo Mountains, he actually found the World Destruction Association stronghold.

Such a big mountain.

How did he find it.

For so many years, he secretly intervened in the Beast Hunting Group's plan to open up wasteland, making Daxing City ignore the Anluo Mountain Range, and gained a lot of time.

also made achievements.

Originally, he wanted to use the beast tide to destroy Ge Xingrui and others, and then turn him into a fighting hero, move up the ranks and gain more power.

I didn't expect to meet Rosa, and I was stunned to calm down the beast tide alone.

Even the blood slaughter and the devil wolf were killed.

Whenever I think about this, Fan Yueshi's liver hurts with anger.

Fortunately, Rosa did not discover his true identity.

still have a chance!

Who would have thought that there would be trouble again.

First, his identity was noticed by Gu Yunyao, and he had no choice but to take action.

The result was unsuccessful, allowing the other party to escape into the secret realm.

Although Jia sent people to hunt down and kill, but nothing was found.

This is very strange.

The secret realm is so big, where can you hide.

This matter was not over yet, Su Bai came back and directly exposed all the Anluo Mountains.

At that time, Fan Yueshi had the heart to beat him to death.

Fan Yueshi knew.

There was not much time left for him.

"Come on, the fusion beasts in the city have been arranged almost, just wait for the beast hunting group to leave the city, and then execute the plan!""

Fan Yueshi's eyes flashed with cold light.

He wants to destroy Daxing City.

Since you can't get the position of the city lord, then destroy it! Towel.

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