There is a saying that paper cannot contain fire.

Nan Chengxuan's death was finally discovered.

At first, the steward of the World Chamber of Commerce in Yanlong City noticed something was wrong.

Nan Chengxuan went to Anluo Mountains to catch Huankong Die, but he did not go alone.

There are three platinum-level beastmasters and more than two hundred masters in the company.

And will be sent back regularly.

However, two days had passed since the agreed contact date, and there was still no news at all. The steward felt that something was not right, and hurriedly organized a team to look for it in the Anluo Mountains.

Also prepare a ransom.

After all, in the Anluo Mountains, in addition to the beasts, there are also World Destroyer Clubs wandering in it.

Perhaps Nan Chengxuan was caught by them.

Under normal circumstances, will the World Extermination Society be the enemy of the World Chamber of Commerce?

On the contrary, the two sides have a lot of business dealings in secret.

What the World Extinguishing Society does is beheading business, and spending money is extraordinarily generous.

The World Chamber of Commerce is also happy to make more money.

It's just something special recently.

Daxing City's Destruction Society was cleaned up twice and suffered heavy losses.

If you can't keep the rest of the World Extermination Society, you will have to spend some money.

However, in the face of the World Chamber of Commerce, the World Destruction Association should only need money not to kill.

In contrast, the steward more hoped that Nan Chengxuan would be arrested by the Society of Destruction.

It can be redeemed anyway.


The steward shuddered.

Nan Xiangtian's anger erupted, and the entire Southeast theater was shaking three times!

A day later, the teams sent by the steward came back one after another.

Brought back bad news.

They contacted the World Destruction Society in the Anluo Mountains, and the other party did not hijack Nan Chengxuan.

Didn't even come across.

Then, an even more terrifying news of "650" passed to the steward.

There was a battle on the estimated route of the phantom sky butterfly.

The traces on the scene were destroyed by beasts, but it could be vaguely identified that three platinum-level beastmasters died here!

At the same time, a large number of beastmasters of other levels were killed.

Although no trace of Nan Chengxuan was found, it was basically certain.

More bad luck.

The guards are all dead, how can he still beg for it?

The steward even suspected that Nan Chengxuan died in the aftermath of the battle.

The battle between the platinum level is too high.

Although Nan Chengxuan has gold-level strength, he is all based on the treasures of heaven and earth, and his actual combat ability is extremely poor.

The more he thought about it, the more flustered he became, so he quickly reported the news.

The structure of the World Chamber of Commerce is that each city arranges a steward, and then several cities are connected together as a district, with a regional president.

Large and small areas are combined and spread throughout the Southeast Theater.

In the area where Yanlong City is located, after the regional president received the news, his eyes went black on the spot.

When Nan Chengxuan came before, he was not happy about it.

Although the Phantom Butterfly is rare, it is not irreplaceable.

The World Chamber of Commerce is capable of catching more advanced pets.

Nothing more than waiting.

But Nan Chengxuan wanted to come, and the regional president couldn't stop him.

I thought to myself, with three platinum-level beastmasters, there shouldn't be a problem.

As a result, Nan Chengxuan's whereabouts are unknown, three platinum-level beast masters have fallen, and the entire guard team has been wiped out.

The regional president seemed to see Nan Xiangtian's furious face.

Although he was uneasy, the regional president bravely reported the news.

Jinling City, the headquarters of the World Chamber of Commerce.

The atmosphere here is terrifying.

Nan Xiangtian looked at the information in front of him, and a flame was burning deep in his eyes.

who is it!

Dare to kill his most beloved grandson!

"Call me back the two unfilial sons!

Nan Xiangtian slapped the table furiously.

"My grandsons are dead, what's the use of their money!

Soon, Nan Xiangtian's two sons rushed to hear the news.

Among them, the second son's eyes were red.

Nan Chengxuan is not only Nan Xiangtian's grandson, but also his son.

Now that Nan Chengxuan's life and death are unknown, he must find out.

The eldest son Nan Yushu frowned and said: "Father, now we need to find out whether Chengxuan encountered a beast or someone else. Or, it was our competitor who did it.

The World Chamber of Commerce has expanded for so many years, and the grudges forged are countless.

In the past, Nan Chengxuan was in Jinling City and was strictly protected.

But this time, when he went to catch the Phantom Butterfly, the protection was definitely reduced.

The second son, Nan Yuming, was full of grief and anger, and said loudly: "What else is there to investigate, Chengxuan has an accident in Yanlong City, then let Yanlong City be buried with Chengxuan!"

Nan Xiangtian was also quite moved.

Nan Yushu hurriedly said, "No, Yanlong City has a population of one million. How can it be destroyed if you say it is destroyed."

Nan Yuming said angrily, "Brother, what do you mean, are you just sitting idly by!"

Aware of Nan Xiangtian's dissatisfied gaze, Nan Yushu scolded his younger brother in his heart.

You are the only one who can speak.

After his son died, he didn't go looking for the murderer, but he was still here to sow discord and try to seize power?

However, on the surface, Nan Yuming still looked sad and said solemnly: "Chengxuan is a good boy, something happened to him, I feel more heartbroken than anyone else, but this is the Yan Kingdom, it is not difficult to destroy Yanlong City, but the consequences I'm afraid it's not something we can afford.


Nan Xiangtian slapped the table with a slap and scolded: "You really are going back the more you live, who would dare to oppose us on this southeast ground! 99

Nan Yushu echoed: "Yes, this Jinling City is not surnamed Yan, but Nan!

While the three of them were talking, a graceful and luxurious old woman rushed into the office leaning on a faucet and crutches, and said eagerly, "As for Chengxuan, they said something happened to Chengxuan, is it true!

Nan Yushu and Nan Yuming hurriedly saluted: "I have seen the old lady.

Nan Xiangtian glared at the secretary at the door.

Who spread the news.

The secretary shivered, indicating that he didn't know either.

Before Nan Xiangtian could speak, he was knocked on his calf with a cane and knelt down.

The old woman's face was full of anger, and her kindness disappeared: "I don't care who hurt Chengxuan, I will make them pay for their lives! Give them to me! If I can't handle this matter, what kind of president are you going to be? What a homeowner!

Nan Xiangtian hurriedly said: "Don't worry, mother, I will definitely find out about this matter. 35

After a while of persuasion, the old woman was persuaded away.

Nan Xiangtian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Before speaking, the secretary went back and said at the door: "President, Commander Si Wenhao has sent someone, please come over and talk.

Nan Xiangtian's heart moved.

Si Wenhao is the military commander of the Southeast Theater Command, commanding an army of millions.

He sent people, it must not be idle and boring.

Taking a deep breath and calming down, Nan Xiangtian shouted: "You two, go to Yanlong City for me, don't come back if you don't find out what's going on!"9

The brothers took command immediately.

Nan Xiangtian came to Si Wenhao's office, and as soon as he sat down, he heard the other side say expressionlessly: "President Nan, the people from the World Chamber of Commerce attacked the lieutenant colonel of the army, I hope you can give me an explanation.


Nan Xiangtian almost jumped up.

When did this happen, why didn't he hear any news.

Nan Xiangtian hurriedly said: "Commander Si, everything pays attention to evidence. Our Chamber of Commerce in the world has always been disciplined and law-abiding, how could it be possible to attack the lieutenant colonel of the military department. I hope the commander of the Division will investigate!"

Si Wenhao flicked his finger, and a confidential letter fell on the table.

"This is a joint letter from the three commanders of Daxing City, who confirmed that a military lieutenant colonel was attacked in the Anluo Mountains.

"After verification, those people belonged to your World Chamber of Commerce.

Saying that, Si Wenhao took out another sealed newspaper.

"This is the report of the Heavenly Sword Division. During the battle at that time, there was also an investigator from the Heavenly Sword Division who was present and could testify.


These words exploded in Nan Xiangtian's mind like thunder.


All connected.

The one who killed Nan Chengxuan was none other than the military!

Could it be that the military is going to attack the World Chamber of Commerce?!

Although his heart was horrified, Nan Xiangtian had experienced strong winds and waves after all, and his expression did not show any flaws, but said sadly: "Commander Si, I am afraid you don't know, my most beloved grandson, Nan Chengxuan, is also in the Anluo Mountains. Missing! 35

Nan Xiangtian deliberately put emphasis on the word most beloved.

Sure enough, Si Wenhao's expression became solemn.

The development of things caught him off guard.


The one who died turned out to be Nan Chengxuan?

He didn't know the news at all.

For a moment, Si Wenhao even suspected that he had been tricked.

When others die, Nan Xiangtian will not say anything.

But Nan Chengxuan is dead, he will definitely not give up.

Isn't this forcing the military department and the world chamber of commerce to have a grudge?

Nan Xiangtian is a diamond-level beastmaster, and the world's chamber of commerce is huge, with countless beastmasters under his command. If something really happens, the consequences will be disastrous.

The entire southeastern theater will be in chaos!

But this matter, Si Wenhao will not back down.

For no other reason, Lieutenant Colonel Su Bai has a brilliant resume.

In fact, during this period of time, the military has been paying attention to the battle in Daxing City.

The World Extermination Society is doing things there, and it seems that the skin is itchy again.

In the two battles, Su Bai's active performance made the bosses very like.

Young, talented, and righteous.

As long as it is cultivated a little, it will be the backbone of the military in the future.

Su Bai himself doesn't know, but he actually has fans in Jinling City and even in the cities in the Southeast War Zone.

Along with the military battle report issued everywhere.

Su Bai's name also spread far and wide.

Now, Su Bai is attacked, and if the military does not make a statement, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction.

Therefore, even if Su Bai took the initiative to kill Nan Chengxuan, Si Wenhao would not back down.

Can't keep Su Bai, where will the military's face go?

Even his own people couldn't keep it, and he said that he would kill the beasts to defend the city.

Does anyone believe it.

Confidence is something that is hard to regain when it is lost.

Thinking of this, Si Wenhao said solemnly: "The report said that there was a young man in Chinese clothing who led the attack, probably Nan Chengxuan. President Nan, you really taught a good grandson! Lieutenant Colonel, what do you want to do, rebel!"

While speaking, Si Wenhao's breath rose steadily.

He is the commander of the Southeast Theater Command, a diamond-level beastmaster, and he is not afraid of Nan Xiangtian at all.

Whether it is personal strength or background forces, they all overwhelm each other.

The World Chamber of Commerce is very strong.

But the army is stronger!

"This matter is an opportunity."

Si Wenhao secretly said.

In recent years, the World Chamber of Commerce has become more and more arrogant, and even secretly traded with the World Destruction Association.

Is the army really blind?

Nan Xiangtian's face became more and more ugly.

He thought that after he said Nan Chengxuan, Si Wenhao would die and even hand over the murderer to him.

It now appears to be quite the opposite.

The other party not only does not know how to make friends, but also makes a fuss about this matter and presses them all over the world chamber of commerce!

Nan Xiangtian's inner anger could no longer be suppressed.

He has worked hard for so many years, and he has never seen any storms.

Immediately said solemnly: "Commander Si, tearing your face is not good for anyone!"

Si Wenhao smiled contemptuously: "President Nan, what do you mean, are you going to openly confront the military? If so, then I will immediately send an order to let the commanders of the cities seize the world's chambers of commerce!

In a word, Nan Xiangtian was directly dumbfounded.

But this matter, if it was like that, how could he still be a man.

Si Wenhao gradually restrained his breath and said slowly: "President Nan, don't blame me for not reminding you that the lieutenant colonel of the military department that Nan Chengxuan assassinated, named Su Bai, is the proud student of Major General Luo, the chief of the Heavenly Sword Division.

Heavenly Sword Division!

Nan Xiangtian's eyes narrowed.

To say that within the Yan Kingdom 4.0, the most feared force in Nanxiangtian is the military department.

Further subdivided, Tianjian Division ranked first.


Nan Xiangtian muttered, feeling that the name sounded familiar.

Si Wenhao said by the side: "The young man who has been the most popular in the military recently is him.

South to the sky suddenly.

He seemed to know why Si Wenhao had such a tough attitude.

If Su Bai is not protected, the military will lose face.

When the time comes to investigate, maybe even Si Wenhao's position will not be stable.

But still the same sentence, if he does nothing, how can he convince the public.

By that time, the military will be stabilized, and the world's chambers of commerce will fall apart.

Just when Nan Xiangtian was thinking about who to send to assassinate Su Bai, Si Wenhao spoke again.

"Major General Luo just spoke to me, and her meaning is very clear. 99

"If something happens to Su Bai, no matter who did it, she will come to Jinling City and pick your head anyway.

"President Nan, how strong Major General Luo is, I don't need to say more.

A few words made Nan Xiangtian feel extremely sad and angry.

This is too domineering.

It doesn't even make sense!


Si Wenhao's words changed.

"Major General Luo also said that he will give you a chance."

"In view of the fact that the World Extermination Society has been very active recently, the military decided to organize a beast-defying martial arts exercise.""

"Participants are not limited to the military, all gold-level beastmasters under the age of 25 can participate.

"If President Nan is dissatisfied, send someone to join the war."

Nan Xiangtian asked, "If there are casualties during the exercise."5

Si Wenhao smiled slightly: "Never pursue it.

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