Royal Beast: The Strongest Breeder

Chapter 132 (Two in One)

Chapter 132 Eudemons Restaurant (Two in One)

You Huang was slightly taken aback, then nodded, but this time, she asked, "Then where are you going to find a part-time job? The wages are different in different places I know."

When the giant ugly fish heard what You Huang said, its eyes lit up, and it excitedly wagged its tail and asked, "Ugly?"

How much is too much? How much less?

You Huang thought of some phantom beast restaurants that the former envoy took her to, and the tips given by those phantom beast waiters, and said thoughtfully, "Ji~"

I don’t know if there are less, but if there are many, the tip alone is hundreds or thousands.

I used to accompany me as an envoy of beasts to a restaurant. I ate a meal. It was a dish served by a phantom beast. I gave a tip of 500. If I served more than a dozen customers a day, there would be several thousand. Adding the salary, it was enough to buy a meal. Got a cell phone?

Hearing You Huang's words, the giant ugly fish's eyes almost popped out.

so profitable? !

You Huang shook his head, "Ji~"

There is no Eudemons League competition to make money, as long as you enter the finals and bet on yourself in a game, you can win a lot of money.

The giant ugly fish thought that he had signed up for his own beast master before, and his mood was instantly agitated.


Then we'll be that Eudemons attendant you mentioned!

I am even more excited when I think that I can make so much money before writing novels to make money.

When the Eudemons League competition started, she and You Huang would enter the finals and take first place.

That reward, hehehe!

The giant ugly fish felt a surge of emotion just thinking about it.

The giant ugly fish opened the window, and He Youhuang flew out of the window.

Chen Qiyue was still writing and drawing on the desk on the other side. He raised his head, glanced at the giant ugly fish and Youhuang flying out of the window, and shook his head with a smile.

He had seen the live broadcast of the giant ugly fish freezing the phone just now.

I didn't expect Zai Zai to have so many ideas.

But can you earn so much money as a waiter for Eudemons?

If I had known that when I was short of money, I would have let Zai Zai be the waiter of the Eudemons, so that I would not be targeted by the poker club.

Chen Qiyue smiled and turned the page of the notebook, and continued writing.

Later, he will go to the boss's side to practice the breeding plan he is doing now.

But before leaving, Chen Qiyue had to finish what he was doing.

He is now preparing You Huang's nutritious meal.

Different from making nutritious meals for the giant ugly fish back then, his knowledge was limited at that time, so he could only ponder a little bit first.

Now I have more knowledge to lay the foundation, and have more experience in making different Eudemons nutritional meals.

There is no need to mix it bit by bit, first make the most basic nutritional plan, and then add or subtract some flavored fruits to adjust the taste.

After Chen Qiyue finished writing the formula of the nutritious meal, he calculated the combination of it, and after confirming it, he made seven nutritious meals with different flavors, each in a bowl, and put them on the dining table.

There are not many meals in each bowl, but seven bowls can add up to fill you up.

There is also a special rice bowl for Zai Zai, which contains Zai Zai's nutritious meals.

After helping the giant ugly fish and You Huang to prepare dinner, Chen Qiyue packed up and went out.

The giant ugly fish and You Huang floated on the road to the school, but they attracted the attention of many people.

Especially You Huang, many people stared at her eagerly.

"Is this You Xueji? It's amazing. Is it the phantom beast of some senior or mentor?" A male student looked at You Huang enviously.

There are also female students who are looking at You Huang with love, and at the same time frowning at the giant ugly fish,

"But why did someone sign You Xueji and Ugly Fish again? This aesthetic is really amazing."

"Yeah, Youxue Ji is so beautiful, but the giant ugly fish is extremely ugly, and it's hard to evolve into a beautiful one. It's a pity."

The giant ugly fish lay on the cloud and mist, and seemed to have gotten used to these words for a long time. It didn't speak, but just moved forward.

But Youhuang quit, how could her family's elder brother be so underestimated by these people.

It's just that her freezing trick made the giant ugly fish's cell phone broken before, so she can't hit too hard now.

So she pointed at those gossipers, and a small white cloud appeared above their heads instantly, and then snowflakes poured towards the top of their heads like falling down.

"Bah bah, this Youxue Ji is very strong," a male classmate wiped the snowflakes on his face, "Bah bah" spit out a lot of snowflakes, "Why is this snowflake still bitter?"

You Huang floated beside the giant ugly fish indifferently, she had long thought that someone would gossip about the giant ugly fish.

Since the time she destroyed her phone, she thought that she couldn't be such a cheap gossip.

So, she used a cloth bag and filled it with a lot of bitter salt, and put a little bit of it when performing tricks, so that they could suffer.

She heard from Chen Qiyue that although this bitter salt has a bit of a bitter taste, it is a kind of condiment used by phantom beasts.

You must know that many Eudemons have very strange tastes.

The giant ugly fish glanced at the classmate next to him who was "peh pee pee" and raised his head proudly.

This little girl was well accepted, and it really was the right choice for the Beastmaster to accept her.

That's right, the Ugly Fish and You Huang are both females, and Chen Qiyue is the luckier one.

For trainers, male phantom beasts are more aggressive in fighting, but for breeders, female phantom beasts are better, as they can lay phantom beast eggs after breeding.

"Ugly~" the giant ugly fish waved its small fins.

Xiaoyouyou doesn't need to worry about them, let me tell you first, where is that restaurant?

You Huang nodded, snapped his fingers, and Xiao Yunduo disappeared.


My restaurant was at...

As soon as You Huang pointed out her finger, she froze, as if she had forgotten where the restaurant was.

No, it should be said that the road outside is very strange, and she doesn't know where to go.

You Huang stared blankly at the giant ugly fish, and the giant ugly fish also stared at You Huang blankly.


What's wrong?


can't remember the way...

Ugly Fish: ...


What's the name of that restaurant?


It seems to be called Xuanting Pavilion.

The giant ugly fish nodded, took out You Huang's cell phone, and turned on the navigation.

This was Chen Qiyue navigating when he was young, and the giant ugly fish remembered it.

Soon, a route appeared on the phone screen.

Seeing this, You Huang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The two then walked forward like the mobile phone navigation.

The students around were a little dazed looking at the cell phone in the giant ugly fish's hand.

Especially when they saw that the giant ugly fish called up the navigation from the mobile phone, everyone was stunned.

"Fuck, am I dazzled? I saw a fish, holding a pen with my mind, and clicked on the navigation in my hand?"

A classmate rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

Another classmate swallowed slowly, "You are not dazzled, I saw it too."

"Is that giant ugly fish really a giant ugly fish? Isn't a giant ugly fish ugly and stupid? How can it be so powerful?"

"No, have you forgotten that there is a person whose giant ugly fish is very powerful."

"I remember, isn't that Cheng Qi?"

Originally, You Huang wanted to make some little clouds over the heads of those who spoke ill of the giant ugly fish.

As a result, suddenly, I heard this sentence.

She knew that Cheng Qi was the name of her Beastmaster, so she glanced slightly differently at the person who spoke.

"So this Youxue Ji is Cheng Qi's second phantom beast? It's too powerful!"

You Huang turned his head to look at those students who were amazed, and followed the giant ugly fish out of the school gate.


Is our Beastmaster very famous?

The giant ugly fish smiled, "Ugly~"

I have gone through many things with the Beastmaster, and I will tell you one thing, now our Beastmaster is called Cheng Qi.

But his real name is Chen Qiyue, and he is a super genius who got full marks in the breeder exam.

While following the navigation, the giant ugly fish told Youhuang about the past between himself and Chen Qiyue.

The two phantom beasts marching on the street attracted the attention of many people, especially the rare phantom beast Youhuang, which attracted many people to follow.

Fortunately, Xuanting Pavilion is not very far from Qingda University, just a few streets away.

"Ji!" You Huang said.

Here it is.

The navigation has ended, the giant ugly fish locked the phone screen, and then looked up.

Xuanting Pavilion occupies several floors on one side of a shopping mall.

The entrance hall is simple and grand, with jade bricks and withered walls, possessing a low-key luxury.

"Ji!" You Huang exhorted.

This place is not accessible to ordinary people and Eudemons, it is all membership-based.

So wait a minute, be sure to follow me.

You Huang raised her chest and raised her head, and floated towards the gate of Xuanting Pavilion full of arrogance.

The giant ugly fish was stunned for a moment, but when it came to its senses, it quickly imitated Youhuang's appearance, raised its chest and raised its head, letting Yunwu support itself, and followed Youhuang.

"Hello, please show your membership card."

There are attendants on both sides of the foyer checking membership cards.

You Huang stood calmly behind a man, and the giant ugly fish stood obediently behind You Huang.

After the man checked the membership card, he just walked forward, and You Huang immediately followed with the giant ugly fish.

The waiter just glanced at You Huang and the giant ugly fish, but did not stop them.

"Ugly?" The giant ugly fish wagged its tail excitedly.

We're in, let's go get a job, shall we?

You Huang shook his head, "Ji~"

We got in with that man's membership card just now, and they probably thought we were his phantom beasts.

And those people can't understand what we say, so it's probably not going to work to ask them to hire us.

The giant ugly fish froze for a moment, with a slight look of anxiety in its eyes, "Ugly?"

What should I do then?

You Huang looked at the opening of the end plate, and called softly, "Ji~"

follow me.

You Huang quickly brought the giant ugly fish to the serving place.

This is a small hall at the back of the hall, and there are quite a few Eudemons in it, all waiting in line to serve the dishes.

In front of the end plate, there is a screen that will display the scene and route.

As long as a new dish is made, the screen will show which table this dish belongs to, and show it to the Eudemons.

In this way, Eudemons will not deliver wrong meals.

You Huang pulled the giant ugly fish and stood behind the phantom beasts that lined up.

"Ugly?" the giant ugly fish asked in a low voice.

What should we do now?

"Ji!" You Huang made a silent gesture to the giant ugly fish.

Be quiet here! Do not talk! Learn from them. We don't need wages today, we just earn tips.

The giant ugly fish suddenly realized.

Because the salary must be paid by the official Huanshou employees, and she and You Huang must not have it, because they just came in secretly.

But tips, as long as the food is served, those customers will give it.

That's a lot of money, too.

The phantom beasts lined up behind the giant ugly fish looked unfamiliar to the giant ugly fish and Youhuang, but they didn't care.

Here, the Eudemons who deliver meals often change.

After all, the Phantom Beast delivery will get tired of watching. Changing more different Phantom Beasts will also increase the fun.

Especially the giant ugly fish and the secluded huang, one ugly and the other beautiful, are very suitable for making customers interesting.

Soon it was You Huang's turn to take the plate.

You Huang took the dinner plate, saw the table number and place displayed on the screen, wrote it down, then turned to look at the giant ugly fish, "Ji~"

I'll go there first, just remember to come here and deliver the meal to the customer.

The giant ugly fish nodded seriously.

You Huang was satisfied, and then took the plate in his hand and floated towards his delivery place.

The next one was the giant ugly fish. With a flash of white light in the eyes of the giant ugly fish, the dinner plate floated up.

Holding the dinner plate, she headed for a box on the second floor.

"Wow, this phantom beast is so beautiful, what kind of phantom beast is this?"

Along the way, when passing the hall, there was a little girl sitting on a table beside her, looking at You Huang with sparkling eyes, and asked excitedly.

"This is You Xueji. If Xiao Ai likes it, Dad will find a way to help you get one?" The middle-aged man beside him looked at the little girl dotingly.

"It's so beautiful, I like it so much, Dad, I want it to deliver my meals!"

"Okay, okay, wait a minute, wait for it to deliver the food, then we will look for it to see the number, and designate it to deliver the food."

Not only this table, but many tables that saw You Huang became interested in her.

You Huang elegantly delivered the food to its destination.

The people at that table were amazed when they saw You Huang. There was a rich woman who especially liked such a beautiful phantom beast. When she saw You Huang, her eyes lit up.

She gave You Huang a lot of money, roughly one or two thousand.

You Huang was very happy, this made Zai Zai very happy.

It's just that things are not going well for the giant ugly fish.

Because the food she sent was upstairs, and the corridors extended in all directions, she was immediately taken aback.

Although she memorized the map and directions, why are the surrounding boxes decorated exactly the same?

Holding the dinner plate, the giant ugly fish finally found the box where it delivered the food, and then opened the door and went in.

"Dad, I don't know which phantom beast will deliver my food this time!"

A little boy sat expectantly on a chair, looking at the box door.

"It must be a very special Eudemons, we Youyou will definitely like it." A beautiful woman gently stroked the boy's hair and smiled.

But as soon as her words fell, the giant ugly fish had already opened the door and entered.

The little boy was startled at first, then frowned and burst into tears, "Wow, such an ugly Phantom Beast, I don't want it, don't want such an ugly Phantom Beast to deliver food for me!"

The beautiful woman's face changed slightly, and she frowned slightly when she looked at the giant ugly fish.

The clownfish was startled by the little boy's cries, and then his eyes were filled with anxiety.

If they don't like themselves, wouldn't their tips be gone?

The giant ugly fish quickly put the food on the table and put it away, then quickly swam to the little boy, trying to make him happy.

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