Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 87: Engagement (3)

   Chapter 87 Engagement (3)

  Zhuge Ye patted him on the shoulder, and said without anger: "Don't think about the past, when you arrive at Kashiqing, someone will arrange for you to enter the camp and come back alive."

   Yao Lang solemnly responded: "Yes."

  Zhuge Ye nodded and said without changing his face and heartbeat: "Qianqian rested, and told the grandfather that she is fine, you can go back."

   After returning to the palace, Zhuge Ye immediately found the regent.

   This time, the pressure of the army in Mobei caused great turmoil in the courtroom and the northwest. Some people say that the Northwest Inspector makes the supervision ineffective and cannot observe the military situation at any time, and should be dismissed and investigated. Some people also say that the Northwest Jing Lue did not report the information, cooperated with the enemy and betrayed the country, and should be beheaded to show the public.

  The officials of the two factions quarreled in the court hall, and His Majesty followed suit, saying that he had to send the imperial minister to find out the ugly man.

   This matter is to be investigated, but not now.

   Now the most important task is how to get Mobei to retreat, send the little prince back, or keep the little prince as a proton.

   When the regent was thinking about countermeasures, Zhuge Ye came in.

   "Father." Zhuge bowed at night.

  The Prince Regent looked at him with a pale face and asked, "Did you run out again?"

   Every time I go out and come back I have to be sick for a few days, and I don’t listen to what I say.

   Zhuge Ye lowered his eyes and said, "When can I marry Chu Qianqian?"


   Last time I said yes.

   The regent put down the book in his hand: "You want to marry a Han man?"

  Zhuge Ye met his cold gaze frankly: "Yes."

   The Regent was lost in thought.

After    half a sound, I don't know what kind of tradeoff I made, and said: "Okay."

After Zhuge Ye left, the prince regent went to the princess' yard. Zhuge Ye didn't know how the prince regent persuaded the princess to give up the chance to marry her family and instead accepted Chu Qianqian as the prince concubine. Zhang blushed, his eyes were full of smiles, and he couldn't hide it, and he generously gave all the servants the moon silver.

After   , the princess entered the palace with the post, begging the two queens to marry her.

  In Fengqi Palace, the princess visited Shangguanyi.

  Shangguanyi is His Majesty's wife, the same generation as Sejong. She is in her thirties this year. She has delicate skin, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and is very young and beautiful.

Seeing the princess saluting, she stepped forward, took the princess' hand, and said with a smile, "Why is Auntie free to see me today? "

   "Yes, it's much better, and I can go out occasionally." Even though she had to lie down for two days when she came back, the princess smiled and sat down on the couch with Shangguanyi, "I'm here for Ye'er's marriage."

The affair between Zhuge Ye and Yao Xi was widely heard in the entire royal family, and Shangguan Yi naturally heard some rumors and said, "Your Majesty Qian'er also told me that the little prince asked him for grace to bring Yao Xi back to the prince. The government has recuperated from the guilt."

  Princess doesn't care about Yao Xi anymore, that kind of person should never dangle in front of her again, the little prince can take it if he likes it, she can't ask for it!

   "In the end, the little prince gave Mr. Zhang face." She said.

  Shangguanyi rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "That's right. Ah, Aunt Huang just said that it was for Ye'er's marriage? Did Ye'er fancy which girl?"

Princess    nodded: "Ye'er is going to marry Chu Qianqian, the eldest young lady of the Chu family, and become the prince's concubine."

   "Concubine Shizi, Han Chinese?" Shangguanyi was shocked.

   Her reaction was completely expected by the princess. When she heard the news, she fell off the bed.

The princess    smiled slightly: "Yes, I want to know that this is a bit abrupt, but I still ask the two queens to come forward and give me a marriage contract."

   More than abrupt? Shangguanyi's eyes turned again and said, "If Ye'er really likes it, I won't have any opinion, just see what the Queen's Wife has to say."

  The two joined hands and went to the Weiyang Palace.

   In the inner hall, the two met Empress Zhuang Su who was building flower branches.

   "Imperial Sister-in-law." Shangguanyi greeted with a smile.

   Queen Zhuangsu invited the two of them to take a seat, and then let Tan mama serve tea.

   Empress Zhuangsu is two years older than Shangguanyi, not as beautiful as Shangguanyi, but she is also very beautiful.

   After hearing the news that Zhuge Ye was going to marry Chu Qianqian, she was slightly taken aback, and thoughtfully asked: "Miss Chu, but Miss Chu who ruled the Fourth Emperor's son?"

   After her reminder, Shangguanyi also remembered, clapped his hands and said, "Yes! Ye'er's illness was also treated by her, right? I heard that she also treated Mrs. Zhang's leg?"

   A hint of pride flashed in the eyes of the princess: "Master Zhang's leg has not been cured yet, but the fourth prince and Ye'er have been cured by Qianqian."

  The fourth prince is Queen Zhuang Su's treasure, saving the fourth prince means saving Queen Zhuang Su's life. How can Queen Zhuang Su not favor Chu Qianqian? He said, "It's nothing to give her a marriage, but she's a Han Chinese. I'm afraid it won't be so easy to deal with in Kashiqing."

Princess    smiled and said, "The lord said, don't worry about Kashiqing."

  Prince Regent is so inclined towards this Han girl!

  The two queens glanced at each other, and then glanced at the princess from the corner of the eye.

   Finally, they all nodded.

   The princess let out a long sigh of relief, this marriage has finally been settled!

   (end of this chapter)

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