Royal Road Qingtian

Chapter 37 Where did the monster race come from?

Zuo Changlu's eyes widened, and after a long, long time, he seemed to be unable to hold back before he laughed out loud: "You are so whimsical, Mingfeng...what kind of person is that, he has already surpassed ordinary species are really unreasonable to be jealous..."

Zuo Xiaoduo scratched his head anxiously, and finally couldn't help but transmit the voice: "Dad, Mom, how could I not know that Mingfeng is an ancient power born in the world, but Nian Nian Mao... Actually, I had doubts a long time ago." Nian Mao's life experience, this... Nian Nian Mao's soul has traces of ice flames... that is ice flames, dad."

Zuo Changlu frowned, thoughtfully: "Bingyan? The legendary Phoenix family, the Bingyan of the Supreme Heavenly Phoenix?"

"Yeah, Dad, you don't know, I found out at the time, I was shocked, it scared me..."

Wu Yuting frowned: "That's not right, how did you notice something that your dad and I didn't find out? Besides, with your insignificant knowledge and shallow experience, you know what Bing Yan is, and nothing else?"

Zuo Xiaoduo groaned, winked at the boss for a while, and finally stammered, "This...cough, boudoir secrets...Parents, you old couple, don't need to ask in such detail, right?"

Zuo Changlu widened his eyes and was about to hit someone.

But was stopped by Wu Yuting.

"Nonsense!" Zuo Changlu said angrily, "You think too much! You are young, don't be so jealous! What kind of boudoir secrets, what kind of mess... Go back and practice hard, don't think about it every day Some don’t! Niannian cat was raised by your mother and I, based on our experience, what don’t you know? What can’t you see? How can you not be as good as you?”

With a cold snort, he walked away.

Wu Yuting also smiled wryly and nodded Zuo Xiaoduo's forehead with her finger: "You, you, you said that you have been doing this every day, what are you thinking? Can you do something serious!"

Before he finished speaking, he had already followed Zuo Changlu.

Zuo Xiaoduo stared and was speechless.

"What I said is true, why don't you believe me..."

As Zuo Xiaonian's husband, he claims to be the closest person in the world. To put it bluntly, Zuo Xiaoduo knows Zuo Xiaonian better than his own parents.

During a double cultivation, both of them fell into a wonderful state of complete ecstasy.

And it was at that time that Zuo Xiaoduo accidentally discovered the terrifying ice flame hidden in Zuo Xiaonian's body.

That kind of inexplicable power caused his Yuanhuo Jue to shake!

But once it was triggered, Zuo Xiaonian himself didn't realize that the ice flame and primordial fire formed a subtle fusion, water and fire assisted each other, and the fusion of ice and fire formed an extremely terrifying speed of practice!

The same weekly operation is more than ten times faster than ordinary dual repairs in terms of efficiency and speed!

But that kind of situation often happens only when the two parties are blissfully blended, and it will not appear at all in leisure time, and it is extremely rare to be out of control.

So Zuo Xiaoduo worked harder and harder.

But just because Zuo Xiaoduo worked harder and harder, Zuo Xiaonian became more and more afraid...

And Zuo Xiaoduo checked for a long time, and with his own guesses, he vaguely judged that Bing Yan was the supreme inheritance of the Divine Phoenix Clan! Even Shifeng, who was so coercive back then, has not cultivated into the complete Ice Flame Nine Heavens.

"My parents don't believe it... It seems that I am the only one who can protect Nian Nian Mao..."

Zuo Xiaoduo sighed, inexplicably recalling the Phoenix Impulse Soul in Phoenix City.

"Niannianmao, I will definitely protect you!"

"Practice! Practice! I want to become stronger! No matter what identity Nian Nianmao is, she has only one identity now, and that is my wife!"

Zuo Xiaoduo is about to start fighting again.

Mingfeng's attitude made Zuo Xiaoduo feel a great sense of crisis, and he had to respond positively and desperately!

Zuo Xiaoduo felt ruthless.

"In case Nian Nian Mao is the follower of the Feng Clan early on... I can't even compete if I am not strong! I have been a single dog for so many years, and I finally found a satisfactory wife.

The two have only been together for a few can they let go so easily! "

"No matter who it is, dare to hit my daughter-in-law's idea, I will fight you to the death!"

Zuo Xiaoduo gritted his teeth, looking a little angry.

Looking at the direction Mingfeng left, Zuo Xiaoduo's eyes flickered.

From the beginning to the end, Zuo Xiaoduo never suspected such absurd questions as Mingfeng's desire for Zuo Xiaonian.

What he worried about was never this.

There must be another reason.

What Zuo Xiaoduo was worried about was the calculations of some ancient powers.

This is the knife in his heart. (It can be regarded as an explanation for many children's shoes that want to be crooked.)

But, what is going on...

This matter... we still need to figure it out more clearly!

I don't know what to do, I always hang in my heart, uncomfortable, lack of energy, suspicious every day, uncomfortable!

As the magic army receded, the line of defense became quiet again, and the high-level executives held meetings almost every day.

There are really too many follow-ups that need to be discussed and discussed before making a decision.

After all, the retreat of the magic army was not only strange, but also abrupt. So suddenly relaxed? ?

Today, the Allied Forces of the Three Continents are undoubtedly strong and strong, with a cloud of masters, and geniuses are constantly emerging.

Another example is that a special talent like Ji Weiran develops targeted technological weapons and reverses the situation. It can be said that the situation is very good.

But the high-level people know that in the final analysis, it is still just a crisis.

If the continents return one after another, the so-called tranquility in front of us will only be a flash in the pan, and it will disappear in a blink of an eye.

With the fierce battle between the coalition forces of the three continents and the demons, six months have passed, and the remaining time limit is less than half a year.

According to Zuo Xiaoduo, after one year, the Yaozu will return in a big way, and now it has been six months, and now they are full of plans, there are at most six months left!

Time is extremely tight!

And where will the Yaozu come back from?

This point is the answer that the senior officials of the three continents are thinking about and eager to know, and it is also a deadly unknown answer.

Zuo Changlu once secretly asked Zhu Yan, the guiding light: "Brother Zhu, you performed very well in this battle, thanks to the ancient giants, our high-level executives are going to give you a big vacation, take a look at the entire ancestral continent , where do you like to go to play? It is the Demon Race Continent, if Brother Zhu intends to go, I can also help you clear it, there will be no obstacles!"

As a result, Zhu Yan shook his head frankly, and said, "I'm not going anywhere, I'm right here, and I feel most comfortable here."

This answer made Zuo Changlu melancholy!

You are right here, the most comfortable here,... Doesn't it mean that the monster clan will attack here at the first stop?

"Is there really no other place I like to go? It is said that the Demon Race Continent is also very interesting. Don't you plan to go for a stroll?"

"Don't go, there is only barrenness in that place, what's the fun in that."

Zhu Yan didn't want to move at all.

He really likes the current atmosphere, there is no ostracism, no contempt, no spurning, only cooperation, only tacit understanding, and he can safely hand over the younger generation to his comrades-in-arms. This is a feeling of intimacy that he has never experienced in his life !

Even now that the battle situation has just been decided, Zhu Yan still misses this place, so he plans to stay here for a while, even if it's three or five hundred years, it's not too much!

Zuo Changlu almost spurted out a mouthful of old blood. If you plan to stay here for a long time, wouldn't that mean death? The Yaozu must have returned in Zuojin? This is big bad news, okay?

But Zuo Changlu's distress was quickly dispelled.

Because the Dao League has started to be a demon again. Compared with the Human Race Wu League, they are very dissatisfied with the retreat of the Demon Race. There is a monstrous hatred between them, how can they just let it go!

The entire continent of the Dao League has now become the territory of the demons. Hundreds of millions of souls have died at the mouth of the demons. It is rare for them to be lucky. Countless soldiers are bloody on the battlefield...

This hatred has gone too far, and there is no room for change.

If it is only limited to wars, that's fine. Generals will inevitably die in battle, as has been the case since ancient times.

But... the demons eat people!

There is nothing wrong with dying in battle, but how can you forgive being eaten...? !

The hatred exploded directly, and there was no room for resolution.

After the demons retreated, the Taoist League formed countless teams and chased them away.

This is the result of the top management of the Dao League trying their best to stop it, otherwise, the hundreds of millions of troops belonging to the Dao League will probably chase them out...

At this time, after Zuo Changlu and Wu Yuting experienced many fierce battles between the evil dragon and the phoenix, the bottleneck that had already reached the peak was loosened, and it was now on the verge of breaking through; because of this, they entered the Miekong Tower to practice again, Breathing in and out, the space has already begun to become unstable, which indirectly proves that breakthroughs like the flood witch can no longer use the Miekong Pagoda to practice diligently.

Also because of the example of Zuo Changlu and his wife, all the high-level officials stopped practicing at Miekong Pagoda.

When one's cultivation has reached a certain level, no matter how high-quality the cultivation atmosphere is, the long years of closed-door training are meaningless. Only by chance, a moment of epiphany, and the experience of blood and fire can a breakthrough be achieved!

Zuo Xiaoduo led the small team, just like the small troops of the Dao League, and plunged into the original Dao League continent, now the territory of the Demon Race.





This is Zuo Xiaoduo's purpose...well, one of them.

Zuo Xiaoduo's main goal at present is still luck points, as well as collecting demonic souls and devouring demonic energy... While making Xiaobai and Xiaojiu grow faster, it also allows Yan Shishi to obtain the fastest growth resources supply……

Every day, Zuo Xiaoduo would throw out a large number of secret orders in a frenzy.

Feeling the continuous drop of luck points, feeling the constant change of space, feeling Xiaolong, Xiaobai, Xiaojiu, Yanshishi, Xiaoxiao, etc. becoming stronger and stronger...

There is also the recovery visible to the naked eye of Wahuang Sword...


【. . 】

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