Royal Road Qingtian

Chapter 43 Responses from various races

The peaceful voice of the Buddha on the opposite side said: "The way of heaven is fair, why should there be any grievances? Senior brother said too much."

The clear voice snorted and said: "Back then, someone would come to pay back the blood debt! I don't want to talk nonsense with you. But how many of my people were taken away back then, I will send them all back. If one is missing, I will use a thousand Let the heads of ten thousand bald donkeys be filled!"

"Brother, if it's not because of me, I won't pay it back. It's just because they have already converted to Buddha.

"Already converted to the West? The fixed number cannot be changed by force? That is your fixed number, what does it have to do with me? I just want you to return the person! The follow-up has nothing to do with you. Don't let them continue to convert to the West, or return to my teaching. It has nothing to do with you!"

The voice gradually became cold and cold: "Even if I become your hardcore, I have to come back first, and then go back!"

"Brother, if you act recklessly like this, it will definitely arouse the displeasure of the teacher. The matter of measuring the calamity is still in front of you. Do you still want to..."

"Now it's time for the world to kill and robbery, and this killing and robbery was not arranged by the teacher, and even he can't control me! A grievance for killing and robbery must be returned to me during this scene! I Just asking you, or not paying back?"


"I'm not your senior brother. I'll ask you one last question, whether to return it or do it. This is the last question. From now on, I will only ask with a sword!"

"My Buddha is return!"

"Hmph, don't eat a toast and eat fine wine!"

Before the words were finished, the five swords were in unison, fierce and powerful, with their sharp edges pointing straight to the sky.

"come out!"

The void was shattered, the waves of magic rolled, and a black shadow flew out like lightning. It was the killing spear.

The God-killing Spear buzzed: "Everyone, it's been a long time."

"You don't need to be polite, tell the Demon Ancestor that my sect will be reopened, and the demons are not allowed to enter without permission. Those who act recklessly will be sentenced to death with one sword!"

Wu Jian didn't care about the reaction of the God Killing Spear, and rushed into the sky with a whistling sound.

"Penglai Island, Biyou Palace is open!"

A leisurely voice resounded throughout the world.

"Open up the earth, open up the sky, I am self-evident, educate and transform the living beings;

Whoever has supernatural powers has a low number of days, and will fight for the avenue again! "

"Jiejiao disciples, Master, you are back!"

On the other two sacred mountains separated from the Sanqing sacred mountain, there was a faint sigh at the same time.

On this day, in the ancestral land continent, only the sword energy can be seen for thirty thousand miles, and the pride is endless.


Yaozu Tiangong.

Two middle-aged men in yellow robes sat opposite each other and sighed leisurely: "Tongtian has established a teaching again!"

"Is this going against the sky?"


"This killing, the heavenly secrets are chaotic, there is no such thing as God's will anymore, or this killing is the only chance for Tongtian to break free from the shackles of heaven and transcend himself! If you miss this time, there will never be a second chance. "

"At the beginning of conferring the gods to measure the calamity, who didn't know that Tongtian was defeated and aggrieved; a sentence of supernatural powers was not as good as the number of days, and the first great sect disappeared in smoke; as the leader, as the master, Tongtian has been incomplete for so many years, and feels ashamed of all his disciples. Given this rare opportunity, he will definitely gamble everything to fight for his disciples' destiny and seize this opportunity!"

"This time, Tongtian's shot was not for himself."

Demon Emperor Jun sighed.

"Probably he is the only one who does not hesitate to be the first to jump out and suffer murder, but also asks for a clear thought, and asks for an explanation for all the disciples of the Intercepting Sect. He is worthy of the Master of Tongtian Sect, and he is a real person!"

Donghuang Taiyi said softly: "Oh, once he jumps out, there will be no Sanqing Lingbao Tianzun anymore, only Jiejiao

Lord. "

"You can't say that."

The Demon Emperor Jun said indifferently: "It's unknown what the fate will be like."

"Whether my monster clan can survive this time... is still uncertain. Destiny, everyone is fighting, and this time..."

The Demon Emperor Jun looked at the gray and invisible changes in the sky, and murmured: "Although we can't see clearly, we are like the sky.

It's the last chance. "

"Before, maybe I was able to get out of the shell, maybe speculate and steal my luck, and escaped by feigning death, giving the world a false impression... But this time, it is really time to fight with all my strength."

"It's Tongtian's chance to break free from the shackles, and it's also our only, last, detachment chance."

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi sighed: "Under the sky, who is orthodox is unknown."

A smile appeared on the handsome face of the Demon Emperor, he shook his head slightly, and said, "Wrong."


"It should be, who is orthodox in the battle of the Dao. There is no distinction between heaven and earth!"

He walked with his hands behind his back, and said softly: "If you say the words "Under the sky", you are already inferior."

"That's what my brother taught."


In an endless abyss, two swords tossed up and down in the blood river, with mighty and evil aura soaring to the sky, which was not weaker than the previous sword's vertical and horizontal power.

An old man in white was standing by the river of blood, looking at the blood, his brows were tightly furrowed.

"How should I deal with myself when I am in a murderous situation?"


Among the three thousand gods in the west.

Two monks sat on the lotus platform, their expressions ancient and calm.

"Tongtian acts like this, arrogant and domineering, not a son of man."

"Give it to him. Now that the world is in chaos, killing and calamity are confused, and forcefully retaining unfaithful people, it will only backfire on yourself... It's better to do it with your own strength."

"Senior brother said so."


In a boundless and extremely dense forest.

Countless elves are flying in the forest, full of vitality everywhere.

"Return to Shajie, my Spirit Race, what should I do?"

"All high-level officials, enter the hall to discuss matters."


Nine days above.

The dragon sings and the Phoenix sings.

"How to do it? Anyway, cooperation is impossible? I don't want to cooperate with you."

"Do you think we are willing to cooperate with you? You Dragon Clan go far away, I, Phoenix Clan, have my own ideas! I won't cooperate with you even if I die!"

"My Qilin clan has its own decisions! There is no need for the dragon and phoenix clan to worry about it! You should worry about your own survival. Since the beginning of the world, who has our Qilin clan been afraid of!"

"Hehehe...Since that's the case, everyone will go their own way."

"Then Zulong, what did you call us to discuss?"

"I have nothing to do when I'm idle, I'm just taking a walk with you!"

"Ancestral dragon! Your uncle! You dragons will die!"*2

"Hehehe... I wish you all a good death."



Qilin and Shifeng left angrily, their stomachs bulging.

If it wasn't for the catastrophe of heaven and earth, I'm afraid there would be a fight to the death here now!

The golden dragon crossed the sky, watching the Qilin Emperor and Shifeng leave one after another with huge eyeballs, with disdainful eyes and disdain.

"My king, what should my Dragon Clan do?"

"It's better to be still than to move, and play by ear."

"Many of the Scattered Dragon Clan are now working for other clans, so what should we do?"

"Only the self can become a dragon, and the rest is just mediocrity!"

"Yes. It's just that I have been fighting all the year round, and the birth rate of my ethnic group is already low...Now, the number is less than ten thousand...I'm afraid..."

"It doesn't matter. The situation of dragon, phoenix and unicorn is like this. Don't worry too much. If you are in a catastrophe, just do your best!"

"It's... Wang, the cooperation between the three clans... Hey... Isn't it about cooperation this time... What?..."

"Hehe, the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn catastrophe was caused by us. Why did we start it? We, the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn clans, always feel that we are the boss, and no one will accept anyone. The catastrophe caused by this bad temper...Cooperation is purely a matter of cooperation." Thinking too much! This king has never thought about it, and this time he is just playing with them. Even if they want to cooperate with us, I am still not happy! Just because they look like that? How ugly?"

"Wang is right. These two clans are not only incompetent, but also ugly. It is right not to cooperate with them."


Phoenix family.

"My lord, this catastrophe is different from the past, and it is extremely dangerous. Does the lord have any intention of cooperating with the dragon unicorns, who are not on the stage?"

"Great Elder, even you think they are not on the stage, so does this king have a crush on them?"

"What Wang said is that those two clans are weak and ugly, and the protagonists in the world should be our Feng clan."

"Of course! Although there are very few people in our Feng clan, the essence is concentrated. Only rats can have several litters a year, and there are many in one litter. Then there are snakes, which are similar to dragons. It's ugly...a nest of dozens of eggs, really..."

"And ants... Wang."

"Even if there is only one of our Feng Clan left, it is enough to unify the world!"

"What the king said is true! Our Feng clan has always been number one in the world, a natural savior!"

Kirin family.

"How was the meeting, Wang?"

"Hehe, the dragon and the unicorn actually wanted to cooperate with us to fight against this catastrophe...I rejected it! I also spat on their faces. If it wasn't for the catastrophe, I would have wanted them to look good!"

"The king is right, what disaster has our Qilin clan not passed through? Why should we cooperate with them!"

"Of course, those two arrogant idiots are not worthy of cooperating with our Qilin clan! We Qilin clan are the only protagonists in this world! It is an insult to us to put dragon and phoenix alongside us in the ancient god clan. , is also worthy of being called a god?"

"My king is mighty. It's good to refuse! The looks of the two clans are really hard to describe. The old man vomited once every time we saw each other."

"Of course! Take a look at what those two clans look like. One looks like a worm, the other looks like a bird. They are so arrogant... This king is very disgusted! When I come back this time, I will take a bath on the way. Twice..."

"King, what about this catastrophe?"

"How many people are there in our clan?"

"There are also 6,800 people from old to young."

"Enough! Enough to push the dragon and the phoenix horizontally, the King's Landing is over!"

"The king is right!"


The mainland is no longer the previous continent!

The four words "turning upside down" can be described as extremely correct, unprecedentedly correct!

Zuo Xiaoduo was stunned to find that he couldn't understand the world anymore.

Yes, it's not that I can't understand more and more, but I can't understand it directly!

Although my cultivation base has been promoted to the peak level in this world, even if all the clans return, I am still a peak person... However, it seems that this so-called 'peak' is crowded with too many people!

The pinnacle is actually overcrowded, Zuo Xiaoduo feels that I am also drunk...


【. I'm leaving tomorrow, and I haven't finished the manuscript yet... It's been so hot these days that I've become a steamed bun in a steamer]

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