Rubbing Hands Together To Produce Nuclear Fusion, Do You Call This Fireball Technique?

Chapter 57: Surviving A Catastrophe Is Bound To Be A Blessing, And You Have Acquired The Flying Skil

"Pap" "Pap" "Pap"

A rush of footsteps quickly came from far to near, awakening Shen Ming from his meditation.

He turned around and saw that Zhou Zhan was leading Huang Feihe, Shi Zhonglei, Liao Hongmei, Hong Zhong, Chen Jidong... these five novice combat professionals, running towards him.

"Brother Ming, are you okay?"

Running up to Shen Ming, Zhou Zhan asked with a confused expression.

Deep in his eyes, there was a look of disbelief.

At this moment, Shen Ming's whole body was soaked with sweat, and he looked embarrassed.

Are you kidding me?

Who is Shen Ming?

That is a powerful existence that hides the professional awakener and easily kills the commander-level BOSS alone.

Is there any monster in this world that can push Shen Ming to this extent?

Shen Ming took a long breath, adjusted his breathing rhythm, and after his breathing stabilized, he chuckled and said:

"Nothing, I just found a lord-level BOSS. I can't defeat it yet and was almost killed by it."

"However, once I improve my strength, I should be able to avenge this revenge before sunset today at most.

Shen Ming's tone was very calm, as if he was having trouble with Zhou Zhan.

But what he said caused a huge wave of panic in the minds of Zhou Zhan and others.

Huang Feihe and the other five have now awakened to combat professions. They are no longer the ignorant novice players they were ten minutes ago.

Naturally, they "zero three zero" understand how terrifying Shen Ming's strength is?

And now.

Such a powerful Shen Ming was almost killed by a monster.

This made them feel horrified in their hearts, and somewhat frightened by how dangerous this world was.

At the same time, I was extremely happy that Shen Ming and Lin Lei did not abandon them and were willing to give them a chance to grow. They were even willing to take them to level up quickly to improve their strength.

When Zhou Zhan and others were thinking about this, Shen Ming reached out and took out the green-level Goblin bow that was revealed yesterday from the space ring, and threw it towards Hong Zhong who had awakened the elemental shooter profession. , said with a smile:

"Hong Zhong, you are the only archer in our team. This bow and arrow are left to you to use. I hope you can cherish it, play its role, and make your contribution to our team."

Hong Zhong: "..."

He subconsciously caught the equipment thrown by Shen Ming and was dumbfounded.

After coming back to his senses, he quickly looked at Shen Ming and said at a loss:

"Brother Ming, isn't this... not good? I heard that Brother Jin Zi doesn't have any equipment for the time being. I..."

Shen Ming smiled and interrupted: "It's not that Jin Jin has no equipment, it's that he hasn't found any equipment suitable for him. It would be a waste for me to keep this Goblin Bow in my hands. It's better to just give it to you and make the best use of it."

"You don't have to feel any psychological pressure. As long as you have our team in your heart, then I will never be stingy with you if equipment suitable for you comes out.

Shen Ming finished speaking.

Hong Zhong suddenly expressed his gratitude with an excited expression: "Thank you, thank you Brother Ming. Brother Ming, don't worry, I will definitely work hard to kill monsters and upgrade in the future, and contribute to our team.

The corners of Hong Zhong's mouth raised uncontrollably.

I have the equipment.

I am still a level 0 novice, and I actually have equipment.

Is this how you treat Brother Ming like a dog?

This is too fragrant.

Hong Zhong couldn't put it down holding the Goblin bow, and suddenly felt that Shen Ming was so kind.

In the eyes of his cowardly classmates, this cruel, cold, and authoritarian boy seems not to be as domineering, ruthless, and selfish as he imagined...

As long as you truly submit to him and don't go against him, he will treat you with all his heart.

this moment.

Hong Zhong's impression of Shen Ming changed, and he secretly made up his mind to firmly support Shen Ming's dominance in this team.

Because only Shen Ming can lead this team to develop rapidly and develop pieces of equipment.

Let all of them, ordinary professional awakeners, become powerful quickly.


Huang Feihe, Shi Zhonglei, Liao Hongmei, and Chen Jidong looked at Hong Zhong with envy.

Like Hong Zhong, their impression of Shen Ming has changed.

Shen Ming silently watched the changes in the expressions of these people, smiled in his heart, and said:

"You are all elite members now, right?"

"How about it? Do you want to become a core member? If so, I will give you a task. As long as you can complete this task, the five of you will be the first batch of core members of our team, and you may not have the opportunity to be promoted to veteran members in the future. "

Shen Ming subconsciously drew a big pie.

His words settled.


Hong Zhong, who had already tasted the sweetness, immediately looked at Shen Ming with burning eyes and said as fast as he could:

"Brother Ming, please give me your orders."

Not to be outdone, Huang Feihe and the others said, "Brother Ming, tell me what the mission is."

Shen Ming said with a smile:

“It’s easy!”

"The level 1 monsters in the school are enough for all five of you to upgrade to about level 4. I will let Zhou Zhan take you to upgrade. After you reach level 4, it will be almost time for lunch."

"I want you to show off your professional skills in public during lunch, and by the way, show off your lunch as a core member."

"As long as you accept this task, you are now a core member of our team, and I will ask Xiangzi to increase your benefits."

Shen Ming finished speaking.

Zhou Zhan, Hong Zhong, Huang Feihe... the six people's expressions were also stunned.

Shen Ming's ideas don't require a high IQ to understand, they can understand them naturally.

Shen Ming wants to use welfare benefits and strength improvement to stimulate more cowardly students who dare not go out to kill monsters to "stimulate the bloody nature hidden in their bodies."


This is not the reason why the six people in Zhou Zhan looked stunned.

The real reason is:

They don't understand very much, how deep is Shen Ming's heart?

Only after he was almost killed by the Lord-level BOSS was he still thinking about the development of this team.

This moment.

Hong Zhong, Huang Feihe...all five of them felt that their previous selves were extremely ridiculous.

They actually think that Shen Ming is a beast who relies on his strength to be selfish, domineering... and engages in dictatorial rule.

They are wrong.

They couldn't be more wrong.

There is no student alive at Nanhe District No. 7 Middle School who cares more about the development of their team than Shen Ming.

They thought of a sentence they had learned in the textbook: "There have always been reforms that were carried out without bloodshed and sacrifice."


The Yanxia Kingdom has been able to reach this day, isn't it because of sacrifice and bloodshed, which gradually awakened the soul of the nation?

Shen Ming, no...Brother Ming is doing this now.

Faced with this gamified apocalyptic world where dangers abound, and even Ming Ge may die at any time, Ming Ge has no time to slowly inspire the blood in all the students. He can only use the cruelest and most indifferent method to quickly kill them. Bloody arousal in the body.

Only by doing this will their chances of survival become greater and the number of people who will sacrifice will become fewer.

These thoughts ran through my mind.

Hong Zhong, Huang Feihe... the five of them looked at each other, and they all saw the guilt in each other's eyes.

After a few seconds.

Led by Hong Zhong, the five people bowed to Shen Ming at the same time and said in a sincere tone:

"Brother Ming, I'm sorry, we wrongly blamed you."

The corner of Shen Ming's mouth curled up.

Not bad.

He Shen Ming is indeed a top student.

With just a few tricks, students who originally thought he was cruel, cold, and selfish could all respect, admire, and support him from the bottom of their hearts.

The thought in his mind flashed away, Shen Ming said with a smile:

"What did you wrongly blame me for?"

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, hurry up and go to school to upgrade... I still have things to do, so I won't chat with you."

The words fell.

Shen Ming and Zhou Zhan staggered their bodies and walked toward the Super 8 Hotel.

As he walked, he squinted his eyes and thought about the strength gap between himself and the loyal lord-level BOS$ Wind Spirit Rat:

"Based on the previous situation, after the Fire Shield skill reaches level 16, it should be able to defend against the attack of the Wind Spirit Rat."

"However, I must be more cautious, so I must at least upgrade the fire shield to level 17 before I can seek revenge on this beast."

"Upgrading the Fire Shield Technique to level 16 can prevent the attack of the Wind Spirit Rat. Then, if you want to kill the Wind Spirit Rat, the Fire Ball Technique must also be upgraded to Level 16.'s better to be safe. Let’s get to level 17."

"If I add multiple fireballs, I still need 6,700 energy points to kill the Wind Spirit Rat without any damage.

"In other words, I have to kill at least 50,000 to 60,000 monsters this afternoon."

"No, it's not over yet."

Shen Ming's eyes flashed with a glimmer of light: "I also want to open that king-level dungeon, which is called a king-level dungeon. There will most likely be a king-level BOSS, fire shield and fireball. Just upgrade it to level 17. , definitely not enough.”

"It would be best to upgrade to level 21 so that the attack and defense power of Fireball and Fire Shield can be greatly improved again. Only then can I be confident of clearing that King-level dungeon.

"In this way, I still need 14,800 energy points to upgrade the fireball, fire shield, and multiple fireball techniques to level 20. As for level 21... God knows how many more energy points are needed?"

After thinking about this clearly, Shen Ming was a little dumbfounded.

Oh my God.

How many monsters do I have to kill before I can challenge that king-level copy?

After I reach level 30, I still haven’t collected enough energy to upgrade all my skills to level 21, right?

At this moment.


A burst of violent footsteps came from far and near, awakening Shen Ming from deep thought and attracting the attention of all students.

Everyone, including Shen Ming, looked up.

Immediately, he saw Tang Qinglong riding a wild boar the size of an "adult domestic pig", holding a red spear in his hand, followed by An Xin and Lin Lei, rushing towards the street area quickly.

The scene of Tang Qinglong riding a pig in 0.7 made everyone dumbfounded.

They wanted to laugh, but they didn't dare to laugh for fear of offending Tang Qinglong.

Therefore, I could only hold back my laughter while looking curiously at the funny scene of Tang Qinglong riding a pig.

Tang Qinglong didn't care about the strange looks from these cowardly students.

With a joyful expression on his face, he rode his mount "Heng Heng" and rushed to Shen Ming as fast as possible, saying proudly:

"Brother Ming, I want to tell you some good news."

"Not long after you left, Heng Heng and I worked together to kill an elite monster. Guess what happened?"

When Shen Ming heard this, his eyes lit up slightly and he said:

"Equipment I can use, or skill book I can learn?"

Tang Qinglong:

His triumphant expression immediately became depressed, and he complained:

"Brother Ming, you are so boring, you have no fun at all.

Shen Ming smiled and said: "Stop talking nonsense and tell me quickly, is it equipment or skill book?"

Tang Qinglong smiled again, took out a skill book from his arms like a treasure, and handed it to Shen Ming:

"Brother Ming, you will definitely like it."

Shen Ming took the skill book and found that it was actually a flying skill book: Fire Wings!

"Does this mean that I will be lucky if I survive a catastrophe?"

"Very good."

Shen Ming thought in surprise: "With this Fire Wing Technique, I will be more confident in killing that Wind Spirit Rat without any damage.".

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