Rubbing Hands Together To Produce Nuclear Fusion, Do You Call This Fireball Technique?

Chapter 61 Unexpected Teamwork, Can Lin Lei And The Others Kill The Boss? 【615】

Not only Liao Hongmei, the only female combat professional player at the scene, was shouting Shen Ming in surprise.

The moment she finished shouting, Hong Zhong, Huang Feihe, Shi Zhonglei, and Chen Jidong also raised their heads in surprise and shouted happily to Shen Ming:

"Brother Ming, I am also level 20."

"Me too, I'm level 20 too.

"And me, I'm also level 20.

"+1, I have also reached level 20."

When the five Hong Zhongs spoke, their words contained excitement and excitement that could not be hidden.

This is incredible.

They were still Muggles who hadn't awakened their profession this morning.

As a result, it was only around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and all of them had reached level 20.

Even 10 minutes ago, Shi Zhonglei revealed a piece of green-level equipment: Ironwood Shield!

To know.

Shi Zhonglei’s awakened profession is: Shield Warrior!

His combat weapon is a shield. While using the shield to defend, he can also use skills to injure the target.

That is to say:

From morning to now, it only lasts a few hours.

Not only have all five of their core-level members reached level 20, but two of them also have their own weapons and equipment.

At this moment.

They are extremely grateful for the decision they made yesterday.

As they said when they chatted before, being a dog for Shen Ming is really fun.

It's not just them.

Lin Lei, An Xin, Zhou Zhan, and Tang Qinglong also achieved quite good results.

Lin Lei, An Xin, and Zhou Zhan have all reached level 22, which is only one level lower than Shen Ming.

Tang Qinglong and his mount Wild Boar King Hengheng reached level 21 at the same time.

At this moment, Heng Heng was five meters long and three meters tall. Tang Qinglong was riding on Heng Heng's back. He no longer looked funny, but became majestic.

Especially Tang Qinglong's strength.

Because the Explosive Horn Gun was identified by Rao Weixiang as having good attributes.

At this moment, Tang Qinglong had both weapons and mounts.

His strength is still not as strong as Lin Lei, a hundred-explosion thunder magician, but it is almost the same.

He acts as a human shield to resist damage, and Linley acts as a mage to attack from a distance.

If two people cooperate perfectly, not only can they kill the commander-level BOSS, but they will have absolutely no difficulty escaping from the commander-level BOSS!

Having said so much, actually not much time has passed.

After Huang Feihe and the others shouted happily, they immediately ran out with Lin Lei and the others and began to pick up the fallen equipment and items.

A few minutes later.

The nine people returned home with a full load and handed all the harvest to Shen Ming.

There are a total of 236 primary wood attribute energy crystals, 4 career awakening scrolls, and a green staff.

Plus the gains from the previous half hour.

Shen Ming has already harvested 983 primary energy crystals and 11 career awakening scrolls in such a short period of time.

Shen Ming stretched out his hand and put all the energy crystals and career awakening scrolls into his space ring.

follow closely.

He grabbed the green staff. Everyone took a closer look and found the data information area displayed on it:

[Item name]: Aoki staff

[Item Level]: Green

[Item status]: Unidentified

Shen Ming put the Aoki Staff into the space ring with an expressionless expression.

He was used to this situation.

His luck was particularly strange.

His explosion rate is higher than others, but he has never exploded the equipment he can use.

Thanks to him for awakening the skill upgrade panel.

Otherwise, you will not be able to reveal the equipment you can use.

So~ his current strength might be even worse than An Xin, Huang Feihe, and others.

With these thoughts flashing through his mind, Shen Ming said to Lin Lei and the others:

"You have all reached level 20 or above. I won't leave you to kill the next monsters. I am going to [sweep] all the monster spawning areas around our school as quickly as possible."

"Try to collect as many energy crystals as possible before the sun sets, improve my strength, and kill the lord-level BOSS."

"When the monsters are refreshed tomorrow, I plan to continue sweeping out, and then open the king-level dungeon the day after tomorrow, and take you to refresh this dungeon.

"Otherwise, when we reach level 30 or above, there will be no way to open that king-level copy.

Sink out your thoughts.

Linley 9 people will naturally not have any opinions.


It only took Shen Ming a minute to clear away the remaining monsters in the square area at the back entrance of the school.

On the contrary, it took Lin Lei and the others almost five minutes to pick up equipment and items.

After dealing with the monsters in the square area, Shen Ming and his team quickly walked into the stadium.

Immediately, I saw hundreds of towering trees growing inside the stadium.

Most of them are ordinary monsters.

Only nine trees are elite monsters.

In the middle, there is a willow tree with the name "Willow Demon" on it, which is the commander-level BOSS!

The moment Shen Ming and the others entered the stadium.

These plant monsters immediately launched an attack.

"咻" "咻"

Densely packed branches, vines, wickers...with terrifying power that could penetrate gold and crack rocks, they struck the bodies of Shen Ming's 10 people, and the air was sucked out with a sonic boom.

"Stop hurting my brother Ming!" Tang Qinglong yelled.

"Hmph, let's go." He patted the Wild Boar King under him and hummed.


The Wild Boar King hummed and roared "Hmph", and like a small mountain of meat that could move quickly, it rushed in front of Shen Ming and others.

The Wild Boar King hummed and stamped his feet on the ground.

Only a "rumbling" sound was heard in the air.

An invisible wave rippled out, then suppressed.

All of a sudden.

The branches, vines, and willows that were hitting Shen Ming and others all slowed down and their power became much weaker.

This is the skill of the Wild Boar King Heng Heng: Gravity Control!

It’s not over yet!

Followed by.

Tang Qinglong waved the explosive horn gun in his hand, swung it in front of him, and shouted loudly:

"Knight Slash!"

There was a buzzing sound.

Only a sharp spear light exploded.

The next moment.

"Puff" "Puff" "Puff"... The overwhelming branches, vines, and wickers were chopped to pieces by Tang Qinglong.

At this moment, Tang Qinglong can easily deal with attacks from elite monsters.

Still not finished.

The moment Tang Qinglong cut off the branches, vines, and wickers, Zhou Zhan rushed out quickly.

He stood in front of Heng Heng, the wild boar king riding on Tang Qinglong, and drew his sword to strike.

"Draw your sword and kill!" Zhou Zhan shouted loudly.

All of a sudden.

A sharp sword light spread out, cutting off more branches, vines, and willows that rolled back, and even killed 3 ordinary monsters in an instant.

To this.

No one felt strange.

After all, Zhou Zhan is the fourth strongest among them, and he is still holding the blue-level divine corpse-killing knife in his hand.

Shen Ming originally raised his right hand, preparing to release the fireball technique, which would directly destroy the entire stadium and kill all the monsters inside instantly.

But when I saw this scene, I couldn't help but scream in surprise, and then my mind moved slightly [shouted:

"Lin Lei, let the nine of you try to see if you can defeat the commander-level BOSS through cooperation!"

"I'll help you deal with ordinary monsters and elite monsters."

Shen Ming finished speaking.

He pointed toward the sky with his flaming magic wand.


The sound of a series of burning flames resounded.

In just one second, more than a thousand red fireballs condensed in the sky above the stadium.

These red fireballs fell from the sky and bombarded the trunks of big trees.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

The deafening explosion, mixed with the violent explosion of the stadium, resounded in all directions.

After a few seconds.

Everything is settled.

In the stadium, except for the leader-level willow demon who was still alive, all the other monsters were killed by Shen Ming. Fifty or sixty primary wood attribute energy crystals and a professional awakening scroll were dropped, as well as a green Magic robe.

…………Please give me flowers…

The equipment exploded again.

And it's also defensive equipment like magic robes.

But it's a pity that Shen Ming didn't even need to go to Rao Weixiang for appraisal. He was sure that the green magic robe was definitely not for him.

The residual power generated by the multiple fireball explosions continued to be released, shaking the stadium violently, as if it was about to collapse.

Lin Lei and the other nine people looked at each other, and they all saw the firm and warm look in each other's eyes.

The next second.

Lin Lei shouted loudly: "Let's go, don't let Brother Ming look down on us, 9 against 1, I don't believe it, we can't kill a commander-level BOSS!"

The moment the shouts resounded, Lin Lei waved his thunder staff and pointed his finger in the air at the only commander-level BOSS still alive.

Only a second passed.

A low beast roar resounded.

A few meters high in the air, a beast with a thunderous luster all over its body jumped down.

It is the skill that comes with Thunder Beast, the thunder staff.

The moment the thunder beast landed on the ground, it quickly rushed out towards the commander-level BOSS, the Willow Demon.

But it is a pity that Tang Qinglong is faster than the Thunder Beast.

"Hmph, use gravity control and fang collision to weaken its strength." Tang Qinglong roared.


The Wild Boar King, whose basic attributes are stronger than those of rare professions, snorted and howled immediately.


follow closely.

It stepped on the ground with all four legs, and with the vibrations of "boom", "boom", "boom"... it was the first to rush to the Willow Demon.

He saw that the willow demon was already waving willow branches all over the sky, lashing at his body.

Tang Qinglong gritted his teeth and slashed again.

"Knight Slash!"

Wild Boar King Heng Heng raised his two forelimbs high, stepped heavily on the ground, and used the skill of gravity control to limit the attack speed of the Willow Demon and weaken the strength of the Willow Girl.


Tang Qinglong's strength is still too reluctant to face the commander-level BOSS alone.

His knight's slash only cut off less than one-tenth of the willow branches, and had no remaining power.

At the critical moment when Tang Qinglong and Wild Boar King Heng Heng were about to be hit by a willow branch and penetrate their bodies.

"Qinglong, let me help you."

Zhou Zhan’s shouts were loud.

He jumped several meters high in the air and slammed his body down. The corpse-decapitating knife in his hand was glowing black and he slashed hard.

"One powerful blow!" Zhou Zhan shouted loudly.


"Puff" "Puff" "Puff"


Two-thirds of the willow branches were cut off by Zhou Zhan with one knife.

But in the end, less than a third of the willow branches still penetrated towards Tang Qinglong, as if the willow demon, the commander-level BOSS, had made up his mind to kill Tang Qinglong first.

Heng Heng killed the wild boar king.

"Guardian of the Shield!"

At the critical moment, Shi Zhonglei's voice resounded.

He stood in front of Tang Qinglong and Wild Boar King Hengheng, and slammed the ironwood shield, whose properties had not yet been identified, onto the ground.

The ironwood shield emits a rich brown luster, and then quickly expands, turning into a huge shield 3 meters high and 1 meter wide.

"It's not over yet, shield counterattack!"

Shi Zhonglei roared again.

The next moment.

"Pap" "Pap" "Pap"

All the remaining wicker sticks were slapped on the huge iron-wood shield, making a crisp sound.

The rebound force emitted by the Ironwood Shield shattered most of the remaining wickers.

Finally, a few dozen wicker sticks were rolled up high, trying to fall from the sky and pierce the bodies of Tang Qinglong, Wild Boar King Heng Heng, Shi Zhonglei, Zhou Zhan...


The willow demon's body trembled violently.

"Hey, I'll take a watermelon knife from your Huang Fei grandpa.

"Shadow Strangulation!"

It turned out that Huang Feihe, the shadow assassin, used the elementary invisibility technique to quietly come to the back of the Willow Demon, and stabbed it in the torso with a watermelon knife.

With the increase in skill "Shadow Strangulation", the Watermelon Knife has the penetrating power to stab the commanding BOSS, the Willow Demon.


A pitiful figure floated out from above the willow demon's head. .

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