Rubbing Hands Together To Produce Nuclear Fusion, Do You Call This Fireball Technique?

Chapter 65: Killing The Lord-Level Boss, Global Announcement: The First One-Turn Player Is Born! 【10

While smiling coldly, Shen Ming suddenly grabbed the blazing super-large blood-red fireball below.


"Boom" sound.

As if time and space had shifted, the huge blood-red fireball actually spanned a distance of nearly a hundred meters in a short moment and reappeared above Shen Ming's right hand.


The Wind Spirit Rat screamed in horror, and subconsciously wanted to land downwards and escape in other directions.


It's too late.

The moment Shen Ming caught the super-large fireball above his right hand, he threw it towards the body of the Wind Spirit Rat.

Only a moment passes.

The super-large fireball engulfed the Wind Spirit Rat's body.

"Explode!" Shen Ming shouted coldly in his heart.


"Boom" sound.

A super large fireball exploded.

In the sky one or two hundred meters away, the super-large fireball expanded rapidly, and in just a moment, it turned into a circular flame mask with a diameter of 125 meters.

In the circular flame mask, the fire attribute energy boils, and the terrifying high temperature stirs the air, forming a heat wave that suppresses all directions.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"


A series of roars resounded in the sky.

The water below the Yanjiang Bridge was crushed by the heat wave, causing waves several meters high.

Moreover, except for Lin Lei, An Xin... these combat players with level 20 or above, the other survivors were unable to withstand the terror emanating from the circular flame mask even though they were six or seven hundred meters away. With the high temperature, they kept retreating and retreating...

Use this to make yourself a little more comfortable.

Inside the round flame mask.




Earth-shattering vibrations resounded every moment.

Every time there was a vibrating sound, horrifying numbers would float out from above the circular flame mask with a diameter of 125 meters.





Ten seconds flew by in the blink of an eye.

But everyone six to seven hundred meters away felt that these ten seconds were too long.

They looked at the sky in the distance and felt that the circular flame mask was like a big sun hanging low in the sky, trying to burn everything in the world.

That power made Shen Ming, standing above the circular flame 380-degree dome, full of divinity, as if he were the sun god descending on the earth.


After all the dust settled, the circular flame mask quickly dissipated in the air.

Just a moment.


A charred figure, spitting hot blood from its mouth, burst out at a crazy speed and rushed towards the deck of the Yanjiang Bridge.

It is the Lord-level BOSS, the Wind Spirit Rat!


The Wind Spirit Rat was extremely embarrassed.

Its HP of 48,000 points only has the last 12,000+ points left.

The whole body was charred black, and while the skin and flesh were torn apart, the bones inside the body could be seen.

Even the bones were roasted black by the high temperature.

But, luckily, it's not dead yet.

It actually survived a super-large fireball with such terrifying power.

It is indeed a lord-level BOSS, and its survivability is simply incredible.

At this moment.

It has no intention of confronting Shen Ming head-on.

It just wants to escape, to a place where Shen Ming can't find it.

The strength of this two-legged beast is really terrifying.

Even it has no ability to resist at all and can only be killed.

But run away!

How could Shen Ming let it escape?

Shen Ming was still standing at an altitude of one to two hundred meters. He looked at the fleeing Wind Spirit Rat jokingly, stretched out his hand to grab it, and then pulled it upward.


"Boom" sound.

A wall of flames 90 meters long and 36 meters wide, no... this time it should be a flame floor, which quickly condensed and formed in just 0.2 seconds, floating upward, blocking the Wind Spirit Rat. the way to go.


The wind spirit rat neighed impatiently.

It quickly stopped its downward escaping figure and burst out to the left as quickly as possible.

But it's a pity.

Shen Ming had anticipated all this.


"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

A series of roars filled the air.

The flame shields that Shen Ming first condensed quickly rose into the air, blocking the Wind Spirit Rat's path in all four directions.

Just the flame shield cannot stop the Wind Spirit Rat from escaping.

But if it is only to resist the Wind Spirit Rat for two or three seconds, such a large number of flame shields is far enough.

That's it.

At the moment when the wall of flames and the flame shield blocked all the paths for the Wind Spirit Rat, leaving only the "survival path" above his head, Shen Ming stood one or two hundred meters high in the air, looking down with a sneer, "There is no way to the sky, The Wind Spirit Rat, who had no way to go to the ground, waved the flaming magic wand in his hand and pointed downwards.

In the blink of an eye and in a breath.

A blood-red light spot appeared at the front of the flaming magic wand.

And as soon as it emerged, it fell downwards.

During the fall, the blood-red light spots emitted "boom", "boom", "boom"... like the roar of thunder exploding internally.

The size of the blood-red light spot is growing rapidly.

When it fell above the head of the Wind Spirit Rat, it once again turned into a super large fireball with a diameter of 12.5 meters.


"Boom" sound.

The super-large fireball exploded, and a circular flame mask with a diameter of 125 meters was formed instantly. The boiling fire energy emitted terrifying high temperatures, quickly engulfing the Wind Spirit Rat's body.

"Click" "Click" "Click"

The flame shields were destroyed by the circular flame mask, making "click", "click", "click"... shattering sounds.


The wall of flames placed horizontally was violently turbulent.

But he persisted and was not shattered by the circular flame mask.

this is necessary.

Fireball is level 19.

Fire Shield is also level 19.

How could the Great Fireball Technique, which was derived from the Level 19 Fireball Technique, so easily destroy the Fire Wall Technique, which was derived from the Level 19 Fireball Technique?




The iron cable steel frame that hangs the Tamjiang Bridge is too close to the circular light mask this time, so it can no longer withstand the terrifying high temperature overflowing from the circular flame mask, as well as the manic heat waves that ripple in all directions.

There was a constant sour and harsh noise.


A "boom" sound resounded.

The first iron rope broke.

When it breaks, it's like a stone causing thousands of waves.

Just three seconds passed.

The iron cables holding the Yanjiang Bridge broke one after another, causing the Yanjiang Bridge to shake violently.

a certain moment.

As the last iron rope breaks.

The eyes of everyone standing six to seven hundred meters away were all wide-eyed, as their minds went blank.

Not long after.

Exclamations resounded.

"My, my God...Yan, the Yanjiang Bridge collapsed."


The Danjiang Bridge fell towards the Yanjiang River below. The huge bridge body, carrying a terrifying weight, smashed the Yanjiang River into huge waves more than ten meters high.

having said so much.

In fact, only a few seconds passed.

Within the circular flame mask.

As the initial high temperature of 72,000 degrees continues to climb.




Numbers like this floated out quickly.

Just three seconds passed.

At the same time that the Tamjiang Bridge collapsed, the Wind Spirit Rat died in the circular flame mask.

Shen Ming took a closer look and saw that from the circular flame dome, two rings, a staff, a magic robe, a pair of boots, a magic hat, and a cyan energy crystal the size of an adult's fist fell. A career awakening scroll, and a light golden scroll that Shen Ming had never seen before.

at the same time.

A golden light fell from the sky and enveloped Shen Ming's body.

Shen Ming rose to level 26 in this way.

But at this moment, Shen Ming had no intention to care about the upgrade.

"What the hell, so many things exploded?" He looked at the equipment and items that fell out with bright eyes, and he was filled with surprise.

He didn't expect that his luck would be so good this time, and so many good things would come out in one breath.


Shen Ming quickly controlled the fire wing technique, no... it should be the explosive wings, and quickly flew towards the fallen items and props.

Shen Ming's figure turned into a flame of light and shadow again.

As if in the blink of an eye, he appeared under the items and props that fell towards Yanjiang. He grabbed them with both hands and grabbed everything in his arms in one breath.

Then, he looked closely and saw the basic data information displayed by these things.

They are:

[Item name]: Wind attribute energy crystal

[Item Level]: Advanced

[Item name]: Space ring

[Item Level]: Purple

[Item status]: Unidentified

[Item name]: Wind Spirit Ring

[Item Level]: Blue

[Item status]: Unidentified

[Item name]: Wind Spirit Staff

[Item Level]: Blue

[Item status]: Unidentified

[Item name]: Wind Spirit Robe

[Item Level]: Blue

[Item status]: Unidentified

[Item name]: Wind Spirit Boots

[Item Level]: Blue

[Item status]: Unidentified

[Item name]: Wind Spirit Hat

[Item Level]: Blue

[Item status]: Unidentified

After seeing clearly the data information of the five pieces of magician equipment, Shen Ming's face suddenly became a little ugly.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Why is it always like this?

Why do I always reveal equipment that can be used by others, but can’t reveal any equipment that I can use? I can’t even reveal a skill book!

What did i do wrong?

Could it be that God is deliberately targeting me just because I have awakened the skill upgrade panel and it is already on the wall?

Shen Ming was extremely depressed.

If it weren't for the revelation of a purple space ring and a high-grade wind energy crystal, Shen Ming would really want to curse her.

Cursing in his heart, Shen Ming looked towards the last pale golden scroll.

Immediately you can see that the basic data information displayed above is:

[Item name]: Job transfer mission scroll

[Item Level]: One turn

[Item Description]: After opening, a mission from normal difficulty to hell difficulty can be randomly opened.


】:Level 30 combat profession

[Additional instructions]: The more difficult the job transfer task is, the higher the reward will be obtained after the job transfer is successful.

Shen Ming's eyes suddenly lit up.


Job transfer mission scroll!

He actually revealed a job-changing mission scroll that can randomly open a job-changing mission.

It’s so delicious~

Doesn't this mean that he will soon become a first-turn player?

This moment!

Shen Ming even thought about the next plan.

He plans to continue to expand the scope of the sweep tomorrow, and it is estimated that he can reach level 289. The collected energy crystals will most likely allow him to use the fireball, fire shield, and fire wing techniques.

, multiple fireballs... two or three of them can be upgraded to level 21 or above.

At that time, he can open the king-level copy.

After he breaks through the king-level dungeon and returns to the real world, he can take a turn.

Shen Ming was extremely satisfied with his idea.

However, just when he came to his senses and prepared to return to the street area as a "winner".


Including him, a mechanical voice resounded from the depths of the minds of all surviving humans around the world:

"Global announcement: Sun Xingwu, a player from Yanxia Kingdom, successfully completed the first-turn mission and became the first first-turn player in the world. Additional rewards for player Sun Xingwu: all attributes +100, skills

Points +100, God of War suit +1 for encouragement!"

Shen Ming's expression was dull. .

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