Rubbing Hands Together To Produce Nuclear Fusion, Do You Call This Fireball Technique?

Chapter 93: Numb Scalp, Millions Of Monsters, Shen Ming’S Absolute Defense! 【56】

"Monster riot begins..."

The Kingdom of Yanxia.

Chongshan City.

Nanhe District No. 7 Middle School, the street area outside the school.

With this mechanical sound, it resounded in the minds of 640 people headed by Shen Ming.

All of a sudden.

Densely packed six-pointed star arrays appeared in all directions with the Super 8 Hotel as the center.


Up to millions of calculations.

Soon, countless mourners, goblins, boar monsters, tree girls, minotaurs, goat-headed monsters... stepped out of the six-pointed star array.

Basic data information from levels 11 to 20 appear on the heads of all monsters.

At a glance, Shen Ming found that 90% were ordinary monsters, 9% were elite monsters, the remaining 0.99% were commander-level BOSS, and 0.01% were lord-level BOSS!

Shen Ming stood in the sky and saw clearly the situation in all directions.

His face suddenly darkened.

Too much.

There are too many monsters.

There are hundreds of thousands of monsters in each direction. Adding up the four directions, the number of monsters is close to 2 million.

Even if the levels of these monsters are not high.

But change is enough to cause qualitative change.

With so many fighting professions present, no one except him could withstand the suicidal attacks launched by such a large number of monsters.

As for him!

He can indeed kill all these monsters.

But it takes a long time.

And this period of time was enough to bring a devastating blow to the team he led.

Some people in those fighting professions may be able to survive, but absolutely no children without awakened professions and those with awakened living professions can survive.

"What should I do? Use the big fireball technique to kill these monsters as quickly as possible?"

"No, you can't do this."

Thoughts quickly flashed through Shen Ming's mind:

"Even if you use the Big Fire Ball Technique, it will take a lot of time to kill so many monsters. Moreover, the temperature of the Big Fire Ball Technique is so terrifying that even a trace of residual power is enough to awaken those children and life-related professions. They were burned alive."

Shen Ming's Fireball Technique has reached level 27, and the power of its derivative skill, Fireball Technique, has reached an extreme level.

The temperature that leaked out was no longer something ordinary people could bear.

"I must find a way to protect the safety of those 27 children and those who have awakened to life-related professions. Otherwise, I might as well take Lin Lei, Rao Weixiang, Yuan Jixian... and escape with them."


A flash of inspiration flashed in Shen Ming's mind.

"Yes, I can use the Fire Shield Technique. The 24th level Fire Shield Technique can definitely easily resist the attack of the lord-level BOSS. In addition, when the Fire Shield Technique reaches level 21, the feature I choose to incorporate is control. To me, Fire Shield is like my own hands and feet, I can use them however I want."

"I can completely control the high temperature emitted by the Fire Shield Technique.

Thoughts flashed through my mind.

The next moment.

Shen Ming lowered his head and looked down. He waved the Dharma God's Staff five times in succession.






Five deafening roars resounded in succession.

Facing everyone's shocked gazes, four consecutive flame walls 480 meters long, 81 meters high, and more than 1 meter thick appeared in an instant, and were quickly spliced ​​together to form a square city of flames.

Above the Flame City, the fifth flame wall burning with blazing flames fell from the sky and covered the Flame City.

The entire city of flames was completely enveloped.

It's not over yet.

The next second.

On the four walls of the Flame City, an "Air City Gate?" 3 meters long and 3 meters high appeared at the same time, opening the Flame City to the outside world.

This is the way Shen Ming came up with. In this way, he can create an absolute defense that only belongs to him, Shen Ming.


I mean absolute defense.

But if it is attacked by monsters too many times, it will still be broken.


Lin Lei and the others still need to kill the monsters in the west and north directions, otherwise, Shen Ming will still be unable to save the lives of those children and those who have awakened to life-related professions.

Having said so much, in fact, only a short second passed before the flaming city created by Shen Ming was quickly formed.


Outside the Flame City.

All the combatants and priests, as well as Rao Weixiang, the commander-in-chief of the northern battlefield, looked at the flaming city that appeared behind them with dull eyes, and their minds went blank.

They think it's so magical.

It is obviously a city and city wall formed by flames.

But it didn't emit any warmth. They only felt warm all over, but they were extremely comfortable.

That's it.

Shen Ming’s shout resounded:

"Everyone listen."

Shen Ming shouted and issued orders one after another:

"The priests have all returned to the city of flames. The combatants who need to treat their injuries and restore their physical strength and spirit should find an opportunity to return to the city for treatment and recovery."

"The combatants don't need to take the initiative. They only need to kill all the monsters that dare to destroy the city wall and want to rush into the city. I will kill the monsters on both sides of the southeast as quickly as possible, and then rescue you."

Shen Ming's words were settled.

All of a sudden.

One after another loud shouts resounded:

"Yes, Brother Ming!"

"Yes, Brother Ming!"

"Yes, Lin!"

Everyone had a horrified expression on their faces, and their eyes were shining with excitement.

too strong.

It's incredible.

Brother Ming... is simply a true god.

He can actually create such a terrifying city of flames to protect the lives of all children, priests, and those who are awakened in life-related professions.

Being able to follow Brother Ming is definitely the greatest luck in their lives.

By following Brother Ming, they will definitely have a better chance of surviving than the survivors elsewhere.

All this happened in just ten seconds.

Because when those monsters were refreshed, they were relatively far away from the Flame City.

So until now, the densely packed monsters have not officially launched an attack on the team led by Shen Ming.


When Shen Ming's order is issued, when all priests retreat into the Flame City, and when all combatants guard the city gates on both northwest sides...


Countless monsters have arrived.

It's this moment.


The west wall.

Linley's eyes glared angrily and he shouted loudly.


Linley waved the purple magic wand in his hand and pointed forward.

All of a sudden.

A blue light point shot out, penetrated a distance of 200 meters in an instant, and quickly fell towards the ground, turning into a thunder pool with a diameter of 80 meters.

Thunder splashed from the thunder pool, tearing all the monsters in the area into pieces.

Zhou Zhan held a purple-grade war sword, rushed in front of Lin Lei, and drew his sword to slash.

"Blast with violent wind and thunder!" he yelled loudly.


"Boom" sound.

A purple sword light spread out, killing dozens of monsters in an instant.

Tang Qinglong patted the wild boar king Heng Heng under him, gave a ferocious laugh, and shouted: "Heng Heng, let's go up and use the pig to advance suddenly."


The Wild Boar King hummed in response.

The next moment.

Its huge body, which was 6 meters high and 10 meters long, crashed out.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

Monsters were killed on the spot by the wild boar king Heng Heng.

Tang Qinglong wielded a purple-grade, three- to four-meter-long big gun, and shredded each monster into pieces as the gun light flashed.

Wang Fangfang stood behind everyone.

She is very cautious.

However, he also continued to control the zombies, skeleton warriors and skeleton warriors all upgraded to level 20 or above, slaughtering monsters one after another.

And at the same time, he waved the necromancy staff in his hand to display a group skill "Death Shroud" that can increase physical damage to summoned creatures, superimposing it on the necromancy creatures he summoned, enhancing their combat effectiveness.


Rao Weixiang stood at the entrance of the city gate of the Flame City and shouted with the loudspeaker in his hand:

"The earth magician uses multiple earth stabs to disrupt the attack rhythm of these beasts."


The nine earth magicians waved their blue-level staffs together and pointed forward.

Only a moment passes.

"Puff" "Puff" "Puff"......

One after another, extremely thick and sharp earth thorns emerged from the ground, overturning, killing, and tearing apart each monster...

Earth magicians who do not know multiple earth stabs are also using earth magic similar to earth stabs, or the earth skills that come with their equipment, resulting in similar effects.

The monster's attack rhythm was slowed down for a moment.

It was at this moment that Rao Weixiang's shouts resounded again:

"Water magician, use water magic to create water flow and continue to disrupt the attack rhythm of these beasts."

There was no hesitation.

16 water magicians waved blue-level staffs in their hands at the same time.

All of a sudden.




The sound of rushing water resounded in the sky more than ten meters high.

The next second.

Mighty water fell from the sky, drowning all the monsters that were attacking.

"Gululu" "Gululu" "Gululu"

The monster was submerged in the water, and the sound of being choked by water came from its mouth.

Rao Weixiang squinted his eyes calmly.

Although only a few days have passed.

But after "living in a high position for a long time", he has left behind the timid self he once was. Now he can be brave no matter what he does.

Rao Weixiang continued to shout loudly:

"Thunder magician, attack and electrocute these beasts."


28 thunder magicians, waving blue-level staffs, pointed towards the water flow.

The crackling sound of thunder resounded quickly.

Thunderbolts struck the water from all directions from the sky and the ground, from all directions.

I saw those monsters that were "submerged in the water and at a loss", all trembling violently like a hammer under the bombardment of thunder.

Not long after.

All monsters bombarded by thunder will have their health bars cleared.

It's not over yet.

Rao Weixiang shouted again:

"Where are the two ice magicians? Use the freezing skills to freeze the ground and make the soles of these monsters slip."

The shouts settled.

Two ice magicians, a man and a woman, walked out of the crowd.

They pointed their staffs at the water on the ground.

Just for a moment.

in their hands

Taking the staff as the starting point, the astonishing cold current quickly spread forward, freezing the ground wetted by the water into an ice surface as smooth as jade.

It was just as Rao Weixiang shouted.

When the ice spreads out.

The monsters that continued to rush from behind stepped on the ice, and fell to the ice one after another due to slipping.

Rao Weixiang curled up his lips and shouted again:

"Wind magicians, fire magicians... all the other magicians who have not taken action, use their skills to kill these beasts.

In an instant.

Fireballs, wooden spears, wind blades...

Countless magic attacks rained down overwhelmingly on the monsters that fell to the ground.




After an earth-shattering explosion, the first wave of monsters that rushed towards the north city gate were all killed by Rao Weixiang's command.

Rays of golden light fell from the sky and landed on the bodies of the magicians of all types who had just taken action to kill the monster.

233 Seeing that the warrior-type awakened person who had never had a chance to take action could not help but show an expression that was about to make a move.

But he was stared at by Rao Weixiang with a sharp look and quickly lowered his head.

"Warrior-type professions, all stay where you are. Your mission is to kill those fish that have slipped through the net, protect the safety of the mage-type profession, and restore the spirit of the mage-type profession.

When the time comes, it's up to you to stop the attacks of these beasts. "

Rao Weixiang looked back at the priests and shouted:

"You are all prepared for treatment at any time.

"All of them are here. Repeat the plan just now. I want none of these beasts to be able to cross this city gate."

Everyone shouted loudly: "Yes, to a certain extent.

Unlike Lin Lei and others in the west, Rao Weixiang and others in the north... the wonderful scenes of fighting monsters are different.

Shen Ming alone guards the southeast sides.

The way he kills monsters is much simpler.

Just crush it all the way.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

Shen Ming was still standing hundreds of meters in the air, and he pointed the Dharma God's scepter downwards.

In an instant.

Dense red fireballs fell from the sky, and when they were still 200 meters high, they turned into two torrents of flames and fell towards the monster areas to the east and south.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

Explosions resounded.

Blast every monster to pieces.

Just ten seconds passed.

The first wave of monsters that rushed to the front, numbering several thousand, were all killed by Shen Ming.

It's a pity that Shen Ming, who has completed the first mission and successfully transferred to the "Great Fire Magician", is too high-level, far more than 5 levels above these monsters.

Therefore, he can only gain 1 point of experience forcibly.


Milomon Jia'er is only level 0.

It's not right... She can share 50% of the experience Shen Ming gets from killing monsters.

As the first wave of monsters were all killed by Shen Ming.

Immediately, two golden rays of light fell from the sky and enveloped Milomon's body.

This change attracted Shen Ming's attention. He turned his head slightly and found that in just a short time, Milo Beast Jia'er had turned into a "puppy?"

The next moment.

A human cry came from the puppy's mouth:

"Pupmon evolves..."

The puppy's body begins to transform.

After a while, it transformed into a creature that looked like a cat and a little like a mouse.

From her mouth came a woman's voice:


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