Chapter 128 Lies

Since he was posed by Snape that day, in the following days, whenever he sees Snape, he will silently condemn him with bitter eyes.

Snape showed no remorse, and every time he saw Cowen's small resentful eyes, he felt better.

I haven't even been picky for a long time and deducted points from the other three colleges.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the Christmas holiday is almost here.

During this period of time, the academy life was very quiet. If there was any disturbance related to Cowen, that is, in the Quidditch match, Wood, who had been promoted to captain, was under the black hands of the Slytherins and put him in the hospital. went inside.

Cowan is used to this kind of thing, and since Wood successfully entered the Quidditch team, he has been hospitalized at least once every year.

His highest record was being in a coma for a full week in the hospital.

As a friend of the same grade, Kewen would visit every time, and give Wood some chicken soup to cheer him up.

This year was no exception. After learning that Wood was sober, Cowen naturally went to the school doctor's office to visit.

Even, Cowen knew that from this year onwards, any Quidditch game involving Harry Potter would not be stable.

Therefore, Cowen specially made an alchemy pendant for Wood, the effect is to automatically release the 'Slow Falling Curse' to make Wood less injured in future games.

Another thing worth mentioning during this period is that the protagonist trio and Kewen have become familiar with each other.

Since saving Hermione that time and being introduced to him by Ron, Hermione has made Kewen a target of catching up, and has been even more diligent in her studies.

She also often came to Kewen to ask questions she didn't understand.

Even after Ron showed off Cowen's achievements on the Dementor to both her and Harry, Hermione's fascination with Cowen had a taste of above and below adoration.

Although Spilett was sent to Ravenclaw, she often stared at Cowen, so she easily noticed Hermione's abnormal performance.

For this reason, Little Loli also deliberately warned Kewen fiercely, warning that Kewen must keep a good distance from Hermione.

In this regard, Kewen feels a little bit that his recent life seems to be in dire straits...

Dinner the day before the Christmas holidays.

Corvin was sitting at the Ravenclaw long table, eating dinner with Spilett.

At this time, the protagonist trio suddenly came together.

In Little Loli's alert and wary look, Ron and Harry gently pushed each other a few times, as if urging each other to speak first.

Seeing this, Hermione, who had come over, rolled her eyes in disgust, and then quickly glanced at Sprite.

After ignoring Little Lolita's precautions with a clear conscience, she said to Kewen, "Senior, is it convenient to ask you a question?"

"Of course." Cowen was no stranger to the fact that Hermione often came to him for advice. He nodded and said, "What's the problem?"

"That's it." Hermione said solemnly with her very characteristic one-of-a-kind look: "Recently, we were looking for a person's information, and the other person was probably a celebrity, but we couldn't find each other's introduction for a while."

"Who is it? What's your name?" Kewen asked.

But just after asking, he guessed the specific situation based on memory.

Sure enough, Hermione gave a specific name: "It's Nicole Lemay."

"You..." Kewen glanced at the protagonist trio: "What did you ask him to do?"

Listening to Kewen's tone, he obviously knew who Nicole Lemay was, so the trio couldn't help showing a look of joy.

In the face of Kewen's inquiry, the trio tacitly chose to keep it secret.

After a moment of silence, Harry Potter, who couldn't use the right place, said quickly, "That's right, we heard this name by accident before,

But no one can think of anything more specific, so we bet who will get the answer first. "

After swallowing, Harry Potter continued to lie: "But it's been too long, we decided to end the game, so we're going to find someone to ask the answer."

Corwin stared at Harry Potter inexplicably.

At this time, he finally understood why Dumbledore often looked at Harry Potter in this way. Obviously, he knew that the other party was lying, so I would cooperate with you leniently.

After a long while, Ron couldn't help asking aloud, "That... Kewen, do you know the answer?"

Kewen retracted his gaze, glanced at the three of them again, and then smiled slightly: "Does any of you collect 'Chocolate Frog Cards'?"

"I have a collection." Ron replied, "I have almost five hundred in my collection."

"Well, then you might as well go and look at the 'Dumbledore' card." Kewen suggested: "Read the introduction on the back of the card carefully."

The three of Ron looked at each other, then quickly thanked Cowen, and couldn't wait to run towards the dormitory, ignoring the sumptuous dinner.

Staring at their disappearing backs, Kewen shook his head wordlessly.

"Kewen!" Spilett tugged at Kewen's sleeve and pouted, "I don't like them!"

"Why?" Cowan asked amusingly.

"I just don't like it!" Spirit shook his head vigorously: "I always feel that if I have more contact with them, I will cause trouble."

Kewen took a breath and stared at Little Loli in surprise: "Then your spiritual sense is really incredible."

With Cowen's approval, Spirit's expression changed from cloudy to sunny, and his face returned to a smile, fork a large piece of steak onto the plate in front of Cowen.


The Christmas holiday came, and on the day of the holiday, Cowen took Spilett back to Diagon Alley through the fireplace to celebrate the holiday with Ollivander.

It was the first time to spend Christmas with his granddaughter. Ollivander was very serious about it. Not only did he prepare a sumptuous meal in advance, but he also arranged the wand shop with great care.

Christmas trees, decorations, magic lights, Ollivander has decorated the entire wand shop like a fairy tale house.

No matter how cold the little loli is, she still has a childlike innocence because of her age.

Therefore, for Ollivander's careful arrangement, Spilet seemed to like it very much, as lively as an elf.

After Christmas, Kewen received a large number of New Year's invitations. He visited various shops in Diagon Alley on New Year's Eve, and received a lot of thanks.

Three days before leaving the school, a letter from Dumbledore called Kewen back to the academy ahead of schedule.

The matter about the potion reform was finally fully implemented, and Snape successfully completed a book on the "Standard for the Dosage of Herbs", which was submitted to the Ministry of Magic together with Kewen's paper.

The entire magic world exploded in this New Year's holiday in 1992...

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