Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 52 Transformation

Silently, Tony Stark searched for archive information on the Internet.

Soon he found the information of the Maximov brothers and sisters, integrated the information from different sources, and browsed it in a short time.

He continued to be silent for a while, and then he spread his hands and explained to everyone: "You know, before 2008, everything was done by that Obadiah Stan, and I was only in charge of development..."

Saying so, but Tony Stark's face has a strong sense of remorse.

He looked at the Maximov brothers and sisters, who were even more angry after hearing the words, and sighed: "Don't get me wrong, children, I'm not shirk the responsibility, it's just that I can't accept such a serious accusation, so as to give a fact as Just explain."

"Like Cowan said."

Tony Stark took a step forward, but stopped again in the more dangerous look of the Maximovs.

With a sigh, he raised his hand and gestured to Cowen: "As Cowen said, although I am not directly responsible, I still owe you a lot. In the end, it is all caused by the weapons of our Stark Industries. everything."

"I will do everything I can to make up for you!"

Tony Stark said very solemnly: "Not only you, I will do my best to investigate the past data after solving Ultron, and I will do my best to compensate all victims like you!"

"Will that bring our parents back?!


Pietro asked reluctantly: "What's the use of your compensation! Who cares about your compensation!

! "

"Sorry kids!"

Tony Stark has a few words.

He didn't dare to face the Maximov brothers and sisters, and looked away and said, "After solving the problem of Ultron this time, I will try my best to give you an answer!"

"All right!"

Tony Stark changed the subject. He looked around at Cowen and the Avengers, clapped his hands and said, "Now that everyone has a disagreement, then follow the rules and vote! The minority obeys the majority!"

Raising his hand, Tony Stark stared at Steve and said, "I'm in favor of the manufacturing plan!"

The atmosphere was silent for a moment, and then Bruce Banner, who had talked to Tony Stark beforehand, also raised his hand.

"I-I think I can try..."

Bruce Banner said hesitantly: "The new Ultron may betray again, but other than this choice, we have no way to deal with Ultron, so we can only try again."

"I agree."

Natasha raised her hand casually, and then she stopped paying attention, and turned her attention to Kewen.

In her opinion, no matter how bad the result is, there is still Kewen who can do the final insurance.

She is convinced that Kewen can solve all problems.

And Natasha's statement made everyone stunned.

Clint hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Then I will abstain."

"Very good! It's over!"

Tony Stark immediately said to Steve: "Look, the Avengers voted internally, three votes in favor of you and one vote against you, even if Thor is on your side, then the one we choose to vote for will win. "

"Above the Sky"

"Even if you're going to add these two kids to the voting rights, we still have Cowen on our side, four to three, and we still win."

Seeing what Steve wanted to say, Tony Stark immediately deceived him: "Captain! Do you want to break democracy? You are Captain America who flaunts democracy and freedom! Instead of choosing dictator Steve Rogers!"

Steve was left speechless.

But Tony Stark didn't give Steve a chance to think at all.

He raised his hand and pointed to the dolls behind Kewen: "Everyone! I have absolute confidence this time! I have invited helpers! They will help us limit the new Ultron!"

"Once Ultron has the possibility of going bad again! These guys will imprison the new Ultron in the network for the first time! Give us enough time to erase the new Ultron!"

"Are you sure?" Steve's persistence faltered.

"Cowen?" Tony Stark asked immediately, "Can I say it?"

Cowen nodded.

Tony Stark smiled, and he pointed to the dolls more confidently: "Introduction! These ladies are not actually human, they are the artificial intelligence I traded to Kewen."

"artificial intelligence!?"

Others were still in a daze, and Bruce Banner and Clint were surprised at the same time.

"That's right guys!"

Tony Stark nodded heavily: "Look, Kewen has long mastered the technology of physically mechanizing data, so I specially invited him to help this time! Next Ultron! We will never make any mistakes again. !



Clint no longer avoided suspicion, and looked at the puppets with unscrupulous eyes, and couldn't help but smile: "Kewen, you are really good, for several years, I didn't even see that they were not human at all."

"Doctor Quinn!" Bruce Banner couldn't help but ask for knowledge. He asked in surprise: "What biotechnology did they use? This is the attitude of a normal human being!"

"Mysticism!" Tony Stark interrupted: "Magic or something, anyway, guys, should we pay attention to the new Ultron thing first?"

After speaking, he looked at Steve again, waiting for the other party's answer this time.

Steve was silent for a moment, and finally nodded helplessly: "I will always supervise, and..."

He looked at Wanda, who had returned to God for some time, and asked softly, "Can you help?"

Wanda glanced at Kewen quickly, then nodded slowly: "I can read the thoughts of the body inside, and I will always supervise it."

"Thank you!" Steve breathed a sigh of relief.

"What are you waiting for!?"

Tony Stark immediately walked to the cradle of life and said hello again: "Bruce, Cowen, come and help quickly."

Bruce Banner first looked at the expressions of Steve and the twins before walking to Tony Stark.

Kewen turned his head and commanded the puppets behind him: "You all work together to build a network matrix and limit the network to this room."


Five different voices responded, and the puppets separated from each other under the envious gaze of others, and went to the corner of the room to start connecting data.

Kewen also came to the 'cradle of life'.

In terms of computer understanding, Kewen is limited to simple programming, which is what he learned when he did not pass through.

So he couldn't understand the high-end operations of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner.

But he can also bully other people who don't understand magic.

So he raised his hand and hovered above the 'cradle of life', and sprinkled a magic glow with bells and whistles.

Because of the characteristics of vibration gold, Kewen released a huge amount of magic power, which broke the kinetic energy and energy absorption of vibration gold, and completed the analysis of the cell structure of the robot.

At this point, Kewen waved his other hand, forming a magic screen in the air next to him, showing all the structures of the robot.

In the amazement of others, Kewen raised his hand to operate on the magic screen, sometimes magnifying the internal structure of the robot, and sometimes magnifying the cellular structure of the robot.

This made Bruce Banner stop what he was doing.

He looked at the operation screen in front of him that was still designing the algorithm, and then shook his head helplessly.

"Doctor Quinn..."

Bruce Banner came to the Kewen God Ranking, and he stared at the magic screen and asked, "Magic... can it still be done at this level? Is it the same as technology?"

"I don't know either." Kewen shook his head: "I can't understand your operation, so I can only choose my own way."

Bruce Banner nodded, pointed to the magic screen and asked, "Can I?"

"Of course, please."

Kewen gave way to the side and reminded: "The fingers may be a little hot, don't be nervous."

Bruce Banner was stunned, then nodded again, and raised his hand to operate on the magic screen.

Soon, Bruce Banner got the details of the robot, and immediately said to Tony Stark: "Tony, the genetic code of the new Ultron has not been written completely, and there are still 30% of the remaining parts, we need to first Complete its cellular coding."

"No problem, let me see..."

Tony Stark operated on the display screen of the cradle of life, and then smiled: "Dr. Helen Zhao did a good job, the gene weaving program is already in it, we just need to continue the process."

"Then I'll build the device." Bruce Banner said, "You go to complete your artificial intelligence map, and this time, don't make any omissions."

"rest assured."

Tony Stark looked around and said to everyone: "This time I will add the clause of respecting life to Ultron's bottom-level order."

Seeing that there was no objection, he called out Jarvis's data spectrum and began to compile it.

Bruce Banner also got busy.

He checked the "cradle of life", and then began to configure its energy system and manually modify various interfaces.

While others have nothing to do.

In addition to Steve and the twins still insisting on staying in place to supervise, Cowen and Natasha and Clint walked to the lounge.

As soon as he sat down, Clint asked: "Korwen, Xiaona said that her change was caused by you? What have you done to her? Her spirit seems to have changed. "

"You didn't say it?" Kewen didn't answer immediately, but asked Natasha.

Natasha smiled and shook her head: "Not yet, everyone only discovered my mental state, and the others haven't seen it yet."

Kewen was stunned, and then smiled: "Then talk to Clint yourself."

"say what?"

Clint was at a loss, he looked at Natasha: "Xiao Na? Are there any other changes in you?"


Natasha nodded heavily, shifted her body on the sofa, got close to Cowen and folded her arms.

"You are... together?"

Clint thought he understood the reason for Natasha's change, and couldn't help laughing: "Then I want to congratulate you!"

But Natasha shook her head.

She glanced at Kewen quickly, and then hid the longing in her heart.

Although she was transformed by Kewen, the sins she committed in the past still made her feel a little inferior.

Natasha felt that she was not worthy of Kewen, so it was better to maintain the current relationship.

This hidden feeling couldn't be expressed, so Natasha smiled at Clint: "It's another reason that changed me, Clint, I'm complete!"

"Complete? What's the end..."

When he said this, he was suddenly stunned, and Clint couldn't help but widen his eyes and glanced at Natasha's lower abdomen.

Seeing this, Natasha nodded happily: "Yes, Kewen used magic to recreate my organs."

"Even organs..."

Clint was shocked, he looked at Kewen, and then suddenly smiled: "You guys surprised me, Kewen, it seems that the treatment was just the tip of the iceberg, I thought you healed my wound so easily. It's amazing, I didn't expect that you can even reconstruct organs!"

"Kewen's means are more than that."

Natasha smiled and stretched out her hand, easily lifting the large coffee table with one hand.

After gently putting down the coffee table, she smiled at Clint: "Did you see it? My current genetic structure is already Asgardian, my strength is about fifteen to twenty times that of humans, and my defense is also improved. correspondingly strengthened.”

Clint was stunned.

He rubbed his eyes, then shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Am I dreaming now?"

Natasha chuckled softly: "You can't fool yourself."

"All right……"

Clint smiled wryly again: "This is so dreamy, I mean, unbelievable!"

Natasha smiled and said, "You... Forget it, it's nothing."

She and Clint are close friends who can be trusted with life and death, so Natasha subconsciously wants to ask Clint if she wants to become an Asgardian as well.

But she reacted immediately, she was not qualified to ask Kewen to do that.

So Natasha quickly took the words back.

This made Clint puzzled and asked, "What am I?"


Natasha excused: "I wanted to make a joke with you and asked if you wanted to learn from me, but I thought it was unfair, so let it go."

Clint was stunned and couldn't help laughing: "It's quite unfair. I admit defeat in melee combat, but if it makes me distance..."

With a confident smile, Clint's meaning is self-evident.

Natasha raised her eyebrows and reminded: "Don't ignore my defense strength, and my reaction speed is beyond the limit of human beings."

"Don't be too confident."

Clint's face looked serious: "Xiao Na, you'd better maintain awe and caution, I don't want you to make mistakes because of your arrogance."

"Thank you for reminding me, I will." Natasha responded sternly.

"Okay..." Clint relaxed again, he started joking again, and said to Cowen, "I really envy Cortana, Cowen, can I also become an Asgardian?"

Natasha's eyes lit up, but Clint unexpectedly brought it up.

Kewen did not discover Natasha's mentality process.

Hearing this, he smiled nonchalantly: "Of course, it's easy for me to do, when do you want to start?"

Clint was taken aback for a moment, and Kewen's answer surprised him a little.

He thought that genetic changes would be difficult.

After returning to his senses, Clint couldn't help but think seriously, and after a while, he smiled freely.

Shaking his head, Clint refused: "Forget it, when I think of changing my race, it's a little hard for me to accept it."

"Really gave up?" Kewen reminded: "Asgardians are not only physically strong, but also have a life span of thousands of years."

"Then I would have to refuse."

Clint shook his head again, and he smiled softly: "I just hope to see my children grow up safely, and then grow old with Laura is enough. I can't imagine the feeling of loneliness after losing them."

Kewen gave a thumbs up, sincerely admiring the other party's consciousness.

"Then let me help you improve in other areas."

Kewen pointed upstairs: "Go find a room to replace the equipment, and I'll make it for you."

"Remodeling equipment?"

Clint did not refuse this time.

After he got up, he looked down at the battle suit and asked curiously, "How do you want to transform it?"

"I'll transform you into Zhenjin."

Cowen smiled: "Make your combat suit strong shock absorption, plus immunity to bullets or something."

"You too."

Kewen looked at Natasha again: "You also go to the room and change the battle suit, I will transform it together."

"Then I won't thank you much."

Natasha's eyes were very gentle, she looked at Kewen affectionately, and then walked towards the stairs first.

"What do you need my thanks for?"

Clint laughed and joked: "Do you promise me?"

Kewen rolled his eyes: "Believe it or not I'm going to seduce Laura?"

"Ha ha……"

Clint laughed out loud, then ran after Natasha.

Not long after, the two returned in their casual clothes and handed over their battle uniforms to Kewen.

Kewen made no secret and started the transformation on the spot.

Due to the almost magical insulating properties of vibranium, Kewen was unable to enchant it.

So he can only change the texture of two sets of battle suits.

But Kewen did not completely vibrate the battle suit, but chose another change.

He just analyzed the robot in the cradle of life, so he got the structure of the vibranium cell.

So he transformed the material of the battle suit into that cellular structure.

In this way, the battle suit is not only light and not heavy, but also has the characteristic of vibrating metal to absorb kinetic energy.

It took nearly an hour for Kewen to complete the transformation of the two battle suits.

The characteristics of vibranium are really annoying, and it takes Kewen to use a lot of magic power to break the vibranium's characteristic of absorbing kinetic energy and almost magical insulation.

Handing over the two battle suits to Natasha and Clint, when the two returned from wearing them, Kewen smiled and suggested, "Try it?"

"I come!"

Natasha was so confident that she pulled a pistol from Clint and pressed the muzzle to her arm.

Before Clint could stop her, she pulled the trigger.


A shot went off.

"Little Na!" Clint had time to stop it.

"It's ok."

Natasha smiled and shook her head, then moved the gun away from her arm.


A bullet slipped from the muzzle and fell to the ground, but the battle suit wrapped around Natasha's arm was not damaged at all.

"What happened!"

The urgent inquiry sounded, and Steve, Tony Stark and others rushed to the lounge one after another.


Natasha immediately reassured her, then she looked at Kewen, and after she got a nod, she told about Kewen's help in transforming the battle suit.


After listening, Tony Stark hesitated.

But in the end, his self-esteem was still a problem, so he couldn't open his mouth to ask Kewen for help in transforming the armor.

He is confident that with his own ability, he can also create a battle armor with strong defense.

So did Steve.

It's not because of his pride, but because he doesn't want to trouble others at all, so naturally he didn't speak.

So seeing nothing, everyone went back to the studio downstairs to continue working.

But Clint couldn't sit still.

Seeing the powerful defense of the battle suit with his own eyes, he immediately pulled Natasha to the training room in the building.

He has to get used to the new battle suit as soon as possible to avoid mistakes due to incompatibility in battle.

So Kewen was the only one left in the lounge.

Feeling a little idle, he simply got up and went to the workshop.

Without interfering in other people's work, Kewen walked up to Tifa, who was building the network matrix.

Raising his hand and pressing it on Tifa's body, Kewen began to change the texture for it.

For more than an hour, Kewen converted Tifa's skeleton and skin into vibranium cells, but not the other internal structures.

If other structures are also converted into vibranium cells, then the doll may not be able to operate, because vibranium absorbs kinetic energy and hinders the transmission of magic power.

This is also the reason why Tony Stark did not choose to use vibranium to make battle armor in the future.

Even the robot in the 'cradle of life' is the same, but the skeleton and flesh are made of vibranium cells, and there are still many complex circuits of normal materials in the body.


Unconsciously, the sky came to evening.

Kewen has replaced the bones and flesh materials for the three dolls, Tifa, Tsunade, and Duanmu Rong.

Just when he wanted to make renovations for Uzumaki, Bruce Banner suddenly reminded him.


While watching the data on the "Cradle of Life", Bruce Banner said: "The genetic coding has been completed 97%, and it can be completed in three minutes. You should upload the program map."

"OK, I'm doing it."

Tony Stark kept beating on the control interface: "Ready, start uploading!"


Patting his palm on the OK button, Tony Stark turned to look at the cradle of life, his eyes full of expectation and hope.

"Stark! Dr. Banner!"

Kewen immediately gave up the renovation plan, and he raised his voice to remind: "Do as I say! Count down to twenty-five seconds, then turn off the power immediately!"


Tony Stark was stunned, and the others were also stunned.

"Trust me, do as I say!" Kewen reminded solemnly: "This is fate!"

Tony Stark hesitated for a moment, then nodded his head: "How many seconds are left now!?"

"Nineteen seconds."

"OK! Eighteen, seventeen, sixteen...Okay! The automatic power-off program starts."

Taking a deep breath, Tony Stark turned his head to look at Cowen, and said helplessly, "Man, I hope you can give me a better reason."

"It's the only correct future."

Cowan responded with a seemingly inscrutable response...

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