Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 167 Perseverance

Cowen is not good enough.

How did it become a child?

When did he say he was going to let Wanda give birth to him?

That's a foreshadowing that Mephisto casually planted, right? And Mephisto is also not at ease.

At that time, Mephisto casually said that if Kewen and Wanda really combined, then it was his matchmaking.

And if there's something counterproductive and there's a break between Cowen and Wanda, then Mephisto would be more willing to see that future.

After all, Kewen had already cut off Natasha's noble soul, and Mephisto certainly didn't want Kewen to cut off Wanda, the special soul, again.

So Mephisto was a random child at the time, and no matter what the result was, it was not bad for him.

But what about now?

Wanda actually took it seriously...

This made Kewen not knowing how to respond for a while.

He could not laugh or cry.

And Wanda continued to be ashamed there.

She bowed her head deeply, wondering if she could look beyond her own talent to the ground.

Her pair of soft catkins were pinching each other unconsciously in front of her, and the exposed skin was extremely blood red.

Kewen could feel that Wanda at this time was getting more and more impatient because of the shyness waiting for a response.

So in order to avoid the girl's collapse, Kewen hurriedly said: "Cough, that, Wanda, don't be impulsive because of being drunk, you know, I already have Natasha, and you should go to the 'sperm bank' to see Or find a better one..."

"It's ok!


Wanda suddenly raised her head and interrupted. She blushed and said, "First, sir, I, I will! I, I will not compete with Natasha for anything! I only want my children!"

Kewen rolled his eyes secretly.

He secretly said: Girl, before you said this, did you take away your disobedient tone?

Too obvious to disagree.

That said, but if he really rushed the other party, I am afraid that Wanda will inevitably cause some trouble in the future.

Once this girl becomes emotional, no one can stop her.

Wanda's spiritual will will become fragile because of emotions, and it will also become stubborn because of emotions.

Kewen will never touch this kind of character who loves to be on the horns.

No matter how good the other person is and how sweet his face is.

Imagine if it is Natasha, then no matter what Kewen does or decides, the other party will give understanding and support. Natasha is a good helper.

And what about Wanda?

It is estimated that there will be a quarrel to stage a full martial arts...

Therefore, in the face of Wanda's revelation, Kewen could only continue to appease: "Calm down Wanda, your current thoughts are just impulsive, and you are affected by alcohol."

Bending down, Kewen looked directly at Wanda and persuaded: "You will regret it when you wake up. Give yourself some time to think about it carefully, okay?"


"Be obedient." Kewen interrupted, and raised his head and gently rubbed the top of Wanda's head.

Without giving Wanda a chance to continue speaking, Kewen straightened up and smiled and said, "Come on, let's go back and continue to enjoy the banquet. Erina Nakiri's cooking skills have improved, so let's go eat some more."

After speaking, Kewen made the action of following me and walked out of the study first.

Wanda followed with hesitant steps.

She tried to open her mouth several times, but after one rush, she waned again and again.

Wanda was in the third stage at this time, which made her too shy to say the words just now.

In desperation, she could only sigh secretly and followed Kewen back to the restaurant.



The banquet went into the middle of the night.

This is because Clint is so lonely.

Although the retirement life is comfortable, he has not been lively for two years.

Now that there is such a chance to reunite with friends, how could Clint not let go of his body and mind.

In the end, Kewen simply poured it down and sent him to the guest room to rest.

Early the next morning, Natasha was woken up by the nonstop phone ringing.

Looking at the call information, Natasha couldn't help sighing.

Hang up the phone and send a message.

Then she leaned over and kissed Kewen, and said apologetically as she got out of bed and dressed, "Sorry, it looks like my vacation is over."

Cowen also got up and got out of bed.

He hugged Natasha, who was half-dressed, from behind and leaned over his shoulder for a long kiss.

After separating, Kewen warned in a gentle voice, "If you have any trouble, tell Tifa and the others."

"Well, I said hello to them last night."

Natasha nodded happily, and asked expectantly, "This time... how long will you stay?"

Kewen calculated the time line, and then responded with a smile: "Don't worry, the next time you leave will be two months later."


Natasha was slightly excited, turned around involuntarily, and put her arms around Kewen's neck on tiptoe.

Another long kiss.

Until she was a little suffocated, Natasha buried her pretty face in Kewen's chest.

When her breathing subsided, she took a step back and smiled, "I'll handle the work as soon as possible."

"Don't change the rhythm." Kewen urged: "Safety first."


Natasha smiled confidently, she raised her arms to show her posture, and said at the same time: "Is this Asgard physique you gave me, am I still in any danger?"

"This kind of thinking is unacceptable." Kewen raised his hand and stroked Natasha's hair. "Don't forget, didn't you say yesterday that a mutant race has appeared recently? The ability of mutants is strange. Don't be careless."

"Don't worry." Natasha nodded: "Cautiousness has become an instinct engraved in my bones."

"Prepare more insurance for you."

Kewen flipped his right hand and took out a fingernail-sized gem and some 'Ulu steel' from the 'Cube Space'.

Using the magic of shapeshifting, Kewen designed a necklace.

Next, he enchanted the necklace.

After the production was completed, Kewen put the necklace on for Natasha by himself.

"What function does it serve?"

Natasha didn't feel smug for the first time, but asked rationally.

"It can protect your mind from external forces." Kewen replied: "And it also has a healing function. Kissing a gem will activate the holy light magic in the magic gem. The interval between the two magics is half and half. Hours."

"I remember." Natasha tucked the gemstone necklace into her neckline, looked up at Cowen and smiled, "Do you need me to say thank you?"

Kewen pursed his lips and smiled, raised his hand to arrange Natasha's hair and said, "Go, contact me or Tifa and the others if you have any difficulties."

Natasha said nothing more.

She stared at Kewen deeply for a moment as if she couldn't see enough, then turned and walked away quickly.

Soon, the humming of fighter planes appeared on the roof, and the fighter planes twisted the air away in stealth.

Soon, Clint came to the living room with his forehead covered.

"Is that the sound of a fighter jet just now?"

Clint said with a look of lack of sleep and hangover sequelae: "God, I haven't drank this much in two years, oh... my head hurts, help me recover."

Kewen laughed, raised his hand and gave Clint a ray of holy light.

This made Clint regain his vitality in an instant.

He walked over to the wine cabinet without seeing it and poured himself a glass of wine.

He raised the glass to signal to Kewen, and after receiving a response of shaking his head, Clint drank all the wine in the glass.

After moistening his throat, Clint asked, "Dude, do you have any plans for today?"

"No arrangement." Kewen shook his head and said, "What? Are you in a hurry to go back?"

"That's not it."

Clint sat on the sofa and replied, "Since I'm out here, I'm thinking of taking Laura and the kids to have a good time in New York."

"Do you mind bringing some more people?" Kewen said with a smile.

"What?" Clint asked amusingly. "You want to be with me too?"

"No, it's Tsunade and the others." Kewen smiled: "They are also alive now, and they are very interested in human life, so if it is convenient, I would like to ask you to take them out for a stroll and re-understand the world. ."

"Of course no problem." Clint readily agreed.

"Ah yes."

Kewen took out some gadgets that he put into the 'Cube Space' after he made it yesterday.

There are bracelets, earrings, and necklaces.

Handing the things to Clint, Cowen smiled and said, "This is what I've prepared for the children, these things can protect them from accidental harm."

"Any accident?" Clint asked happily.

Kewen shook his head, pointed to the trinket, and said, "There is a detection mechanism on it. They can only resist fatal dangers. Usually those minor injuries and minor touches are unavoidable."


Clint immediately grabbed the jewelry and said gratefully, "This is the best way! It allows children to experience danger without putting them in real danger!"

Kewen smiled and said, "Then it's up to you to distribute it to the children. After all, I don't know their hobbies, so I made three types of accessories."

"I thank you for the kids bro!" Clint nodded.

"Let's go." Kewen stood up and greeted, "I'll let Erina make some breakfast."

Clint got up and followed with a smile: "Then I'll go get the kids up first."


Soon after breakfast, when the city was full of energy, Clint left the hospital with his family and Tsunade and his daughters.

Even Pietro followed, and only Wanda expressed no interest and stayed in the hospital alone.

Kewen sent everyone out of the hospital door.

Not long after he returned upstairs, Wanda approached hesitantly.


After greeting and seated, Kewen smiled and joked: "Don't worry, I didn't care, after all, what you said yesterday was just a slip of the tongue."

"Do not!"

Once again, Wanda responded unexpectedly.

She stared firmly at Kewen's eyes, and said aggressively, "Sir! I thought about it carefully!"

"I can accept it's you! I can't accept strangers..."

Swallowing the shy words back, Wanda took a deep breath and said sadly, "Sir! Please! I dreamed of children from other universes again last night, please bring them to me!"

Kewen opened his mouth, he was speechless...

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