Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 173 Answers

In the living room on the fourth floor, Kewen was sitting on the sofa, and in front of him stood the six beauties of Tifa and the others.

"So, what are your thoughts?"

Kewen said softly: "Follow me, but your future life may be very boring. Or stay here, go through the fireworks in the world, and watch the spring rain and frost all over the place."

"Sir! We want to follow you, we want to be a useful tool in your hands!"

Mao Zhihualie was the first to speak. She knelt down on one knee, bowed her head, and said faithfully, "We will become your sharp blade and eradicate all your enemies for you!"


The other five also fell to their knees and bowed their heads in allegiance: "Sir! Please let us follow you!"

"Not that serious."

Kewen smiled and said, "For the enemies who can compete with me, you will die when you go up; and those who cannot compete with me are just a matter of my eyes."

"Then we will continue to handle the chores for you!" Tsunade raised her head, she said confidently: "Some trivial matters, you don't have to do it yourself, sir."

Kewen shook his head: "The point is, I don't know what the next world will be like."


Tifa heard something, and she tentatively said: "Do you want everyone to stay?"


Kewen nodded slightly: "I prefer this, because it is the most suitable for you, but now you have a fresh new life and your own thoughts, so I think it is better to consider your thoughts. for good."


Tifa was undecided. She looked at the sisters from left to right, and finally bowed her head to Kewen and said, "Sir, please give me your order."

Kewen sighed slightly. Although the Tifa girls in front of them had already developed the will of their souls, the time was still too short, so they had too little experience, and their thoughts and consciousness were still immature.

It is indeed a bit embarrassing to ask them to think about such multiple-choice questions.

In this case, he will continue to act arbitrarily.

Thinking of this, Kewen gave his order.

"Then, you stay here."

Kewen said: "I give you the mission to protect the world. You stay to protect the integrity of the planet and protect human beings from being destroyed by external forces. In addition, when Natasha asks for help, you need to help with all your heart."

"Yes!" The six responded in unison.

"Get up."

When Kewen raised his hand, the six Infinity Stones were suspended above his palm.

While making the shell for each gem, he continued: "You can usually live the life you like, but you should pay attention to hiding your identity to reduce trouble. You can learn from those Eternals."

"Of course." Kewen's eyes showed a little coldness: "If any force or country dares to go too far, you don't have to get used to them."

"If you don't know how to grasp the strength of the shot, then you can ask Natasha, she will teach you."

Speaking of which, Kewen has wrapped all six gems in golden spherical shells.

The spherical shell is similar to the small ball in the Eternal Circus, which can be used for mutual communication.

In addition, Kewen also added a part of the magic circle to each small ball.

When all the balls are gathered together, they will form a complete magic circle, which will activate the magic and make the six shells coalesce into an infinite glove.

This is the trump card that Cowen left behind for Tifa and Natasha.

This idea appeared when he went to the 'Time Variation Administration'.

That's why he took two sets of Infinity Stones there.

One set of gems was prepared for the current trump card, and the other set was used by him to collect and comprehend the rules.

At this point, Kewen had finished processing the Infinity Stones.

He pushed his hand forward slightly, causing the six gems to fly in front of each of Tifa and the others.

"Put them in.


Kewen said: "In that case, you can also use the power of gems. However, you should wait until your strength is not enough to solve the problem. After all, the power of gems will attract many ghosts and snakes."

"Yes, sir."

Tifa and the girls responded, and each put the golden ball containing the Infinity Stones under the collarbone.

In the next instant, six colors of streamer light suddenly appeared, overflowing from the bodies of each of Tifa and the others.

Tsunade is the purple light of the Power Stone; Unohana is the orange light of the Soul Stone; Duanmurong is the green light of the Time Stone; Tifa is the yellow light of the Mind Stone; 2b is the red light of the Reality Stone.

Finally, the blue light of the space gem radiated from Nakiri Erina's body.

After a while, the six girls finally got used to the power of the gem. The various colors of outflow glow began to fade away quickly.

Compared with before, their breath has grown significantly.

"Try it."

Kewen's chin raised slightly: "You should already know how to use it."

"Yes, sir."

Several women responded, and after looking at each other, they raised their palms at the same time.

The streamers of various colors appeared again, and six small balls of different colors flew out from the bodies of the women, gathered where their palms were aligned, and quickly turned into a metal glove inlaid with all gems.

Cowen nodded slightly in satisfaction.

Not finding anything wrong, he ordered again: "Okay, take it back."

The six women responded, and according to the method instilled by the ball, they each mobilized the energy in their bodies, and radiated the energy fluctuations from their palms, converging on the infinite glove.

The Infinity Gloves disintegrated instantly, and reincorporated into a spherical shell to wrap each gem separately.

The small ball flew back to the women automatically as if it had recognized its master, and was taken back into the body by them.

"Okay, so be it."

Ke Wen hooked his finger to Duanmu Rong, causing the Time Stone to fly out again.

He raised his hand to cast a spell, and opened the entrance to the Time Corridor with the help of the Time Stone.

Returning the gem to Duanmu Rong's body, Kewen's gaze swept across the faces of the six women.

Finally, with a warm smile, Kewen stepped into the time corridor without delay.

"Sir!" The six women called out at the same time.

However, Kewen just raised his hand and waved it gently, and then closed the entrance to the Time Corridor.

There is no need to say goodbye.

He will one day fully control the 'crossing the Rubik's Cube'.

At that time, Kewen is completely free to return to every world he has traveled through.

Even he can also travel to any point in time at will.

Maybe, in the eyes of Tifa and the others, he would just come back in the next second.

So why do you have to make a fuss about it?


At this time, Kewen walked upstream along the Time Corridor.

Observing the time pictures on both sides, it didn't take long before he found the desired time mark.

That was shortly after he led the Avengers to just behead Thanos, and shortly after he came up with a way to restore hope.

Without the hidden danger of "two identical gems appearing at the same time", Kewen took out another time gem in the time corridor.

He borrowed the power of the gem to open the portal and stepped back to a point in time in the past.

The atmosphere changed instantly.

The earth at this point in time seems to be shrouded in a shadow all over the world.

There was no honking of cars coming and going outside the hospital, and there was no one inside the hospital, which looked extremely cold.

This kind of estrangement seems to be two different worlds, and Kewen does not need to re-adapt at all.

With the exception of a few people, Kewen was completely indifferent to the world.

He never really fits into the world.

Naturally, whether the world is booming or bust, it will not have any effect on him.

Kewen doesn't have the heart to be sad, he must solve a problem now.

That is, why would he, five years later, choose to let Tony Stark snap that finger?

Why didn't he change the fate of Tony Stark's curtain call?

Why let the other party sacrifice like in the original plot?

Kewen couldn't think of a reason why he didn't take action.

This problem has been bothering him for some time.

Because it was in the future, Tony Stark no longer existed in that future timeline, so he couldn't find the reason from the farther future.

And now it can.

At this point in time, Tony Stark is studying quantum physics with Bruce Banner, and is studying hard to create the 'Pym particle'.

Only by observing the future at this point in time can he find the answer in the countless futures where Tony Stark exists.

So Kewen leaned on the sofa in the living room and stabilized his body. He borrowed the power of the 'time gem' and began to observe the future.

In an instant, Kewen seemed to have become an illusion formed by the superposition of countless ghosts.

After a few minutes, Cowen suddenly took a deep breath, freeing himself from the ghosting phenomenon of observing the future.

"No wonder……"

With a murmur of emotion, Kewen put away the gem, and then shook his head helplessly.

He found the reason.

Found a reason not to stop Tony Stark from self-sacrifice.

Because Tony Stark is too bad in the future.

If Tony Stark is prevented from snapping his fingers five years later, so that the other party can survive, then the future earth is simply a word that can't describe the disaster.

Give a few examples.

Let's start with the most recent disaster.

It was caused by Arisham's appearance.

Arisham's "earth-like toy" appearance drove Tony Stark utterly insane in the timeline in which he survived.

Thiam's descent made Tony Stark collapse, and when Thiam was turned into stone by Circe, Tony Stark was still not at ease.

Afterwards, Arisham's presence detonated the explosive pack.

In that timeline, Tony Stark was completely dominated by his distorted sense of crisis.

He developed weapons frantically.

In order to avoid being brought back to Earth by Arisham to avenge the clan, Tony Stark chose to take the initiative to attack.

He got cosmic technology from the 'Guardians of the Galaxy', which allowed him to enter the universe and launch an active attack on the Celestials.

Obviously, this annoyed Arisham, and he took action to destroy the earth.

This is the first catastrophe caused by Tony Stark...

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