Ruins of the past

Chapter 645 Between divination and mad awakening

Time goes back to the time shortly after Tianxian Taoist launched the ritual.

In the main hall on Dragon Snake Mountain.

Supreme Elder Wuchenzi is currently leading many disciples in reciting scriptures and maintaining the ritual of the mountain-protecting formation.

Before leaving, Huang Huangpeng emphatically told them about Chu Qiguang's alliance with Shenxian Dao, and asked them to maintain rituals to fight against the intrusion of the gate of the Buddhist world.

Later, the arrival of the Immortal Dao and their conversation with Huang Daoxu seemed to illustrate this point.

But not long after Huang Huangpeng left, Li Shentong stepped into the hall.

He looked at everyone in the hall with a cold face and said, "What I am going to say next may be difficult for you to accept, but it is all facts."

Beside Wuchenzi, Tao Tong wrote words on his hand, and the two parties communicated through Tao Tong and other elders around him.

Li Shentong continued: "Taoist Xuanyuan fell into madness after being infected by the great devil, and became a monster without any reason..."

Tao Tong's fingers were halfway through writing on Wuchenzi's palm, and he did not dare to write any more.

The elders around him also stood up and glared at Li Shentong.

For these fanatical believers of Xuanyuan Dao Zun, Li Shentong's statement is tarnishing their faith.

At this time, Wuchenzi snorted coldly, and then drew a series of handwriting on the ground with his fingers: "Let him continue talking."

After finishing writing, he motioned to the Taoist boy next to him not to be afraid, and wrote everything Li Shentong said into the palm of his hand.

Li Shentong didn't seem to care about the anger of the believers, and just said coldly to himself: "Originally, he might have continued to be crazy."

"But about 10 months ago, during the war in Shuzhou."

"Because of the interference of the God of Heaven, Dao Master Xuanyuan unexpectedly awakened."

In Li Shentong's mind, he recalled his experience of being possessed by Taoist Xuanyuan in the snowy mountains.

"During a fight between the two sides, a small part of Dao Zun Xuanyuan regained consciousness."

"So the current Taoist Master Xuanyuan is not completely crazy, but is in a state of half-madness and half-awake."

If Qiao Zhi hears this information, he will definitely lament the changes in history.

Because of the series of influences brought by Chu Qiguang, it finally led to the early contact between God Huang Tian and this world, and even led to the unexpected awakening of Taoist Xuanyuan.

After hearing these words, the elders in the hall started talking about it for a while.

"Nonsense! Blasphemy against the Taoist Master! Even if you are a Taoist Immortal from the Demon Suppressing Division, don't think about ending it easily today."

"Master Li is the imperial court's Demon Suppressor after all. I don't think he can tell lies..."

"Dao Zun protects people all over the world day and night from the suffering of demons. How could it be like what he said..."

Just when the elders expressed their opinions and even quarreled with each other, they were completely unable to unify their ideas.

Wuchenzi pointed at the green brick in front of him.

With the crackle and explosion, the whole hall seemed to shake, and the scene became quiet again. Everyone looked at the Supreme Elder respectfully.

Wuchenzi's finger wrote on the ground: 'Continue to listen to him. ’

Li Shentong continued: "The Heavenly Master's Seal has always been enshrined in the Dragon Snake Mountain to suppress the madness of Taoist Xuanyuan and maintain the stability of the world."

"But His Majesty has already determined that Taoist Master will be awakened during this meeting at Dragon Snake Mountain."

"Now that the Master Seal has been revealed, once there is a slight stimulation, Taoist Master's crazy side will explode."

Wuchenzi did not refute the other party. As the supreme elder of the Tianshi Sect and the guardian of the Tianshi Seal, he certainly knew what the other party said.

Li Shentong continued: "I became a Taoist Immortal with "Tai Ying Xi Zou", and the next step of practicing "Tai Ying Xi Zou" is "Tai Yin Xue Gang"."

""Taiyin Blood Gang" was jointly created by Emperor Taizu and the leader of Tianshi Sect at that time, in order to one day accommodate the madness of Taoist Master."

Wuchenzi had a look of surprise on his face, and wrote on the ground: "Do you want us to help you trance?"

Li Shentong said: "Your Majesty and Zhenren Huang have reached an agreement on this matter."

As he spoke, he threw out a token: "This is the token of Daolu Division Zhengyin given to me by Master Huang."

"He said he taught you a set of spiritual rituals."

Immediately, another Taoist boy stepped forward, took the token, and sent it to Wuchenzi.

Wuchenzi found the token and stroked it carefully.

When he said this, Jiang Longyu's shouts spread throughout the Dragon Snake Mountain and into the main hall.

Hearing that Huang Daoxu was trapped and refined by the Taoist Master Tianxian, many elders changed their expressions and looked at Wuchenzi nervously.

Wuchenzi felt the handwriting written by Tao Tong, nodded after a moment, and wrote: "I understand, since it is the arrangement of His Majesty and the leader, we will follow it."

And while the ritual is going on.

The immortals controlled by the Taoist Master Tianxian were continuously devoured by Huang Daoxu, who transformed into a beast.

In the process of eating, the living corpses of the abbot around him were muttering the incantations of the immortal way.

"With the elixir of immortality, the energy dissipates and the soul returns. If you don't see life, you don't see death..."

The undead flesh and blood continued to squirm and spread in Huang Daoxu's body.

Like countless parasites, they penetrated into every corner of his body and began to occupy the magpie's nest.

When everything is completed, Huang Daoxu will be completely transformed into a living corpse, and the Heavenly Immortal Taoist Master will also be able to control the corpse of the most powerful person in the world with the flesh and blood of the undead.

But just when the undead flesh and blood finally rushed towards the brain.

Huang Daoxu's eyes instantly regained their clarity, and the animalistic features on his body disappeared one by one, and the whole person returned to his human form bit by bit.

The voice of the Heavenly Immortal Taoist Master echoed in his body, with a hint of surprise: 'You... have regained your sanity? ’

Huang Daoxu smiled slightly and responded in his heart: "Master Tianxian, although your divination skills are powerful, you are only second in the world." ’

‘The emperor has already thought about the matter of Dao Zun’s awakening and asked Li Shentong to remind me. ’

‘He figured that you were colluding with the foreign gods, and after letting Li Shentong meet with me, he secretly informed me. ’

The scene flashed in Huang Daoxu's mind of when Guangmingding met Li Shentong, the other party was talking and secretly communicating with him using the Taoist's divine power.

He thought to himself: 'Now it seems that our plan has been successfully launched. ’

‘The crazy side of Dao Zun was temporarily led into Li Shentong’s body. ’

‘The power remaining in my body at this moment comes from the conscious side of Taoist Master. ’


Huang Daoxu's palm scratched his head, and countless runes spread out from his body.

A huge word "Feng" has appeared on Huang Daoxu's forehead.

Master Tianxian struggled violently, but he felt that his consciousness was extremely heavy.

Huang Daoxu said coldly: "You are an immortal, from now on you will be regarded as taught by the Heavenly Master."

"As for you, stay with me from now on, recite scriptures day and night, and repent of your sins..."

Master Tianxian murmured: "It's impossible... I can't be wrong... Taoist Master Xuanyuan will definitely go crazy today..."

"Yong'an is already dead, how can he possibly surpass me?"

"Shi! Come out!"

I wrote a little late today... I will probably wake up a little later tomorrow, but fortunately there will be nothing to do tomorrow, so I will start writing after getting up, but I will definitely update a little later, and I will still strive for three updates.

Middle-aged people just have more trivial matters, so please bear with me.

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