Rule the Ming Dynasty Alone

Chapter 49 The six palaces are colorful

It was a sunny day in the capital today, but in the blink of an eye it was shrouded by a group of dark clouds, indicating that a thunderstorm was coming at any time.

When Du Ming was released by Dongchang in the morning, based on their judgment of His Majesty's character, they all unanimously concluded that His Majesty had surrendered to them this time.

But I never expected that the truth of the matter turned out to be that Du Ming couldn't stand the torture and greed for power in Dongchang, and finally compromised with His Majesty.

From victory to complete defeat, this is a huge psychological gap.

From Liu Kelang to Liu Bu to various yamen in the capital, many officials were unwilling to accept this cruel fact and believed that someone was spreading rumors.

As more and more sources of information emerged, one in particular was confirmed personally by Cheng Zong, the left minister of the Ministry of Justice, everyone's remaining illusions were shattered.

"It is a shame for us scholars to be so greedy for power!"

"To be an official in the same court as Du Ming is really a stain on our lives!"

"How can a man bend his back for a high position? Du Ming should be impeached and punished!"

Many officials became angry and angry. The voices that had applauded Du Ming earlier had disappeared without a trace. Instead, they pointed their fingers at Du Ming, the "traitor".

If Du Ming is a warrior who dares to fight against the imperial power, then they will not mind licking each other's toes, and will even leave their names in history. But facing this kind of "traitor" who succumbed to imperial power, they naturally wanted the other party to go to hell.

Just like this, a strange spectacle appeared in the Ming court: the officials who were praising Du Ming yesterday had already impeached Du Ming today.

"Damn it!"

Xu Pu, the left minister of the Ministry of Personnel and a bachelor of the Imperial Academy, was so angry that he gritted his teeth after learning the news, but he knew that the Yamen of the Ministry of Punishment had failed to prevent Wang Yue from resurrecting.

Once Wang Yue, the murderous demon king, really comes to Yangzhou to investigate the collusion between officials and businessmen in the salt administration, and that person must have been harboring grudges for a long time, there will really be a lot of deaths.

As night falls, a cold autumn rain arrives as expected.

The lights in the East Nuan Pavilion of Qianqing Palace are brightly lit, and the rain outside is like a symphony, which does not affect the people here at all.

Zhu Youtang specially put on a piece of clothing, but when he saw the memorial about the impeachment of Du Ming, he couldn't help but feel a trace of ridicule at the corner of his mouth.

An official who dares to be honest can only be regarded as a good official if he goes against the emperor himself, but an official who agrees with him is a treacherous person. He really treats the emperor as a master.

It's just that this is the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty. They are obviously a group of people working for their own family, but they want to turn their backs on customers and want to tie themselves up.

Wearing an elegant blue dress, she walked towards her. Even in the Forbidden City where there were so many beauties, her face alone was already the best in the harem, not to mention her proud figure and aloof aura.

Since she has now become the steward maid of Qianqing Palace, responsible for taking care of Zhu Youtang's daily life, she has a stronger aura of a strong woman in her every move.

Erya cherished the hard-won good days now. She took out the chicken soup from the food box with her delicate hands, her eyes shining with tenderness and admiration.

Under the light, the woman is charming and the man is handsome.

Although Zhu Youtang is only seventeen years old, he acts more and more steadily, his eyes are deep and firm, and he is resolute like a mature and steady emperor.

Combined with the regulations for handling memorials that he learned during his earlier period as the prince, and the knowledge reserves he brought from his previous life, he is now able to handle the affairs of the two capitals and thirteen provinces with ease.

The memorials of the two capitals and thirteen provinces are practical and pragmatic. The real ones are like today's impeachment of the magistrate of Shexian County by the censor by finding someone to falsely accuse the rich households and forcing them to spend money to eliminate disasters. The real ones are some sacrificial activities and so-called auspiciousness. .

Zhu Youtang was about to flip through the next memorial, when there was an extra spoon in front of his eyes, and Erya said affectionately: "Master, the soup gets cold easily, let me feed it to you!"

Zhu Youtang looked at the delicious chicken soup in front of him, then opened his mouth slightly, and the soup in the spoon was brought over, with a woman's body fragrance that was like orchid and musk.

The evil feudal society has finally made people fall into it.

Zhu Youtang enjoyed these days when he could reach out for clothes and open his mouth for food, but he nodded with satisfaction and said: "Tonight's chicken soup tastes good. Next time, use less pepper and it will taste even better!"

"Master, this slave will say hello to the imperial chef!" Erya knelt on the low stool and continued to deliver the spoons in a gentle and pleasant manner.

Zhu Youtang opened his mouth and took another sip, then asked with concern: "Is Niu Mengmeng's mouth healed? Can you eat normally now?"

"She was actually resting for one day. She no longer regards herself as an injured person these days. It seems that she is fine now! I just heard that there were rats in Xinan Pavilion. She hugged her little flower and said she was going to catch the rats! " Erya thought of Niu Mengmeng's lively temperament and smiled helplessly.

Zhu Youtang knew that Niu Mengmeng was not a typical example that the public liked, but when he thought of standing up for himself that day, he still took special care and said: "In the future, as long as it is not a matter of principle, you can leave it to her temper. You don't need to make any rules for her." Think outside the box!”

"My slave has written it down! There were so many people present that day, and she was the only one who knew how to protect the master loyally. This slave will definitely not let this happen again, and will definitely train the eunuchs and maids of the Qianqing Palace for the master!" Er Yaqing He nodded lightly and then promised seriously.

Zhu Youtang had already seen the side of Erya as a strong woman, so he rewarded her by saying: "I went riding horses in Xiyuan today. I think the scenery is nice. Next time, come with me for a walk there!"

"This slave doesn't know how to ride a horse!" Erya's heart moved slightly, but she shook her head gently.

Zhu Youtang looked at the woman kneeling in front of him like a horse, but he said considerately: "You don't have to ride a horse. The lake is as big as that, and there must be a lot of fish in it. You can also fish there. I I actually like fishing. If it weren’t for the cold weather now, it would be difficult for the fish in the lake to open their mouths. I would like to give it a try today!”

"If the master does not give up, I am willing to accompany you and hang earthworms for you!" Erya saw Zhu Youtang's great interest and expressed her stance seriously.

Zhu Youtang found that Erya looked particularly charming under the candlelight. He swallowed the soup in his mouth unconsciously, but the soup still didn't seem to quench his thirst.

Erya saw that the spoon in her hand was blocked. Faced with these blazing eyes, she still didn't know what the man in front of her was thinking, so she shyly put the remaining soup into her mouth.

But at this time, Guo Yong came in from the outside and reported: "Your Majesty, a piece of information has just been sent from outside the palace. Xu Pu paid a visit to Mr. Wange and Mr. Liu Ge!"

"So, it will still not go well for the left deputy censor of the Imperial Court tomorrow!" Zhu Youtang couldn't help but frown slightly and said bitterly.

In fact, it is very easy to solve the problems in the capital. After all, he is the emperor of the Ming Dynasty and can directly capture Wan'an, Liu Ji and Xu Pu at any time.

Even if the trouble is really unmanageable in the end, they can just use the Jin Yiwei to start the Zuoshunmen murder case like Jiajing did. The officials below will become honest and even become their own yes-men.

But, what then?

The Ming Dynasty had more than 1,100 counties. People like Xu Pu, Wan An, and Liu Ji were just leaders elected by the civil service group. It was easy to beat up these leaders, but did they have to deal with all the local officials below?

After all, he, Zhu Youtang, was not just the master of Beijing, but the real emperor of the entire Ming Dynasty, thereby achieving the goal of strengthening the country and making the people rich.

If you want to truly control this dynasty, it is not enough to control the eunuchs alone. In fact, you still need this huge civil servant group to drive you.

Thanks to the online novels, TV series and other media that I was exposed to in later generations, and because I was indeed calm enough to deal with things, I decided to embark on a different path of imperial governance.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?" Guo Yong asked seriously, knowing that the three people joining forces would create great resistance.

Zhu Youtang was naturally aware of this, but he didn't want to talk about it now: "The soldiers will block it, the water will cover it, and the soil will cover it. Go down!"


Erya finally couldn't help but stretched out her hand to cover her mouth and swallowed the soup that had been held in her mouth for a long time.

"Yes!" Guo Yong found that the stewardess had secretly drank the soup while he was talking to His Majesty. He glanced over there with dissatisfaction, and then said respectfully.

As if she had done something wrong, Erya hurried away with an empty soup bowl.

Zhu Youtang looked at the somewhat embarrassed figure and licked his lower lip obscenely.

Whether it was to break the original historical trajectory or to prevent his own lineage from being extinct, it was absolutely impossible for him to give up the entire forest for a flower, so that the Sixth Palace would be full of beauty.

As the night progressed, the beauty had undressed and crawled into the bed on the dragon couch, causing the quilt to be filled with a faint body fragrance, and footsteps soon came from outside.

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