Rule the Ming Dynasty Alone

Chapter 543 Winter snow falls, Jia Jun joins the game

In the sky, snowflakes fluttered down, like countless tiny petals dancing lightly in the air.

These snowflakes hovered and flew in the air, and below was a square ancient city with great momentum, and then slowly landed in every corner of the ancient city.

"It's snowing!"

Almost at the same time, people in the city wearing all kinds of clothes looked up at the sky, and some people stretched out their palms to feel the coldness of the snowflakes falling on their palms.

Auspicious snow indicates a good harvest, which carries the expectations of the people of the entire North Zhili.

However, now that the Tongzhou granary is solid, there is food supply from the Northeast, and cheap Korean rice can be purchased at any time, there is no need to worry too much about the grain production in North Zhili as before.

The first snow of this winter fell at this time, which seemed to indicate that something bad was going to happen.

Whether it was windy or snowy, important activities in the capital were still continuing.

The eunuchs of Guansui Palace came out in full force, and the palace did not stop them, allowing these palace people to go outside to convey the imperial decree of the Empress Dowager.

"I'm ill, sorry I can't enter the palace!"

This was the unanimous response of all the important officials. The important officials headed by Yin Zhi ignored the imperial decree of the Grand Empress Dowager at all. They had lost respect for the Grand Empress Dowager.

If it was better before, even though the Grand Empress Dowager had some inappropriate behavior before, after all, she was still the Grand Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty, and as officials, they naturally had to respond to the call.

But now she dared to let her female officials set fire to the Qianqing Gate, which was simply a crazy old witch.

Now the Grand Empress Dowager suddenly summoned so many of their important officials into the palace. You can guess her intentions with your toes. This sudden summoning of so many important officials must be aimed at Emperor Hongzhi.

After all, they are not those hypocritical and upright people, but genuine royalists, and also pragmatic officials of the Ming Dynasty who are dedicated to serving the people.

Not to mention that their hearts are always towards the wise and powerful emperor. Now the Ming Dynasty is opening up a new situation that has not been seen for a thousand years and is growing into the world's maritime hegemon.

Now the Ming Empire is thriving, and the overseas situation is very good. As important officials of the Ming Dynasty, how can they cause chaos because of an old witch?

From this incident, it can also be seen that there are certain drawbacks in the etiquette of China.

Even the emperor has people and things that he can't do anything about. It is obvious that it was the Queen Mother Zhou who made the mistake first, but because of the blood relationship, he can't do anything to the other party.

On the contrary, this Queen Mother, this plan failed and another plan came up with another plan. They, a group of important officials, were summoned to the palace and didn't know what the Queen Mother would do.

That's why the eunuchs of Guan Sui Palace ran into a wall in the mansions of important officials. Yin Zhi and other important officials didn't care about the Queen Mother who was afraid of chaos in the world.

If there was no response from the important ministers, even if Empress Dowager Zhou was really wronged, she would have nowhere to complain, and naturally there would be no public opinion that the emperor was unfilial.

It's just that society is a complex form, and there is a variable in the matter.

The walls of the Forbidden City look more solemn and majestic against the backdrop of snowflakes, and snow accumulates on every glazed tile, as if inlaid with silver gems.

In front of the tall and majestic Donghua Gate, snowflakes fell from the gray sky, and a thin layer of white snow was paved on the road ahead.

"Dad, why don't you listen to advice?" Jia Xiong personally sent him all the way and said to his father who got off the sedan with a bitter face.

Along the way, he persuaded him to no avail, but heard his father coughing non-stop.

Although such serious symptoms had occurred a few years ago, his father was recuperating at home at that time, and the emperor specially sent the best doctor from the medical school.

Now that his back is relapsed and he has caught a cold, he should stay at home and recuperate well. He didn't expect his father to insist on entering the palace for the so-called favor of the past.

"Master, be careful!" The housekeeper lifted the curtain of the sedan chair and reached out to help Jia Jun for fear of tripping.

Jia Jun was wearing a standard official uniform. Since his last serious illness, his hair has been full of silver.

Unlike other officials who live a life of luxury, he has been in charge of engineering projects for many years, but he has to be exposed to the sun and rain, so his skin color is darker, and even his hands have calluses.

Jia Jun's face looks very thin, but his eyes remain firm as before, and he seems to have a deeper understanding of the world: "Father's will is determined!"

At this moment, his feet stepped on the snow, looking up at the familiar and unfamiliar Donghua Gate, and the whole person was also in a trance.

He was young, full of vigor, and had a pure heart to serve the country. But reality is cruel after all. Even if he has super high architectural talent, how can he climb up without stains.

The political ecology in the past is actually very different from now. At that time, the Qingliu Party was still in power, and the harem had an influence that outsiders could hardly imagine.

It is nothing like today, where a wise ruler sits in the court and makes decisions with one word, brave ministers expand territory for the Ming Dynasty, and all the civil and military officials in the court are working hard.

If he was born in this dynasty, he would also be willing to be an upright person, an official who is willing to travel across the ocean to expand territory and expand business for the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty, but he did follow the path of Empress Dowager Zhou by relying on his family relationship.

"Dad, even if the Empress Dowager was kind to our family, Your Majesty has also been kind to our family over the years. We can't do anything to let Your Majesty down. What's more, the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty depends entirely on Your Majesty. Who in the world doesn't call you a holy monarch?" Jia Xiong still didn't give up and continued to persuade.

Although his father's entry into the palace this time was regarded as repaying the favor of the Empress Dowager, he was actually ashamed of the emperor's favor for so many years, and even the people of the world.

Now that the Ming Dynasty has such a good momentum of development, whoever causes domestic unrest will be China's eternal sinner.

Jia Jun closed his eyes slightly, looked at Eunuch Chen who was full of worry and said, "Eunuch Chen, please lead the way!"

"Mr. Jia Ge, please!" Eunuch Chen was very afraid that Jia Jun would go back on his word. After all, other important ministers had already rejected the Empress Dowager's summons, so he made a gesture with a smile on his face.

At this time, the north wind picked up, and countless snowflakes changed their trajectory, but they fell on them one after another.

"Eunuch Chen, my father is indeed seriously ill. I would like to ask that my father be helped into the palace to pay homage to the Empress Dowager!" Jia Xiong saw that his persuasion was fruitless, so he had to retreat and seek the next best option.

Eunuch Chen glanced at Jia Jun and immediately refused arrogantly: "The Empress Dowager did not summon you, and you seem to be only a seventh-rank official, right?"

It is simply unbelievable that a small official of the seventh rank wants to meet the Empress Dowager.

Jia Jun braced himself and waved to his son who wanted to say something else: "As a father, you can leave! You let Ah Fu and the others stay here. You go home and wait. Don't catch the cold. There are still people in our family." Cooking business!”

Jia Xiong is an out-and-out filial son. Seeing his father looking like this and still caring about him, his eyes were immediately wet with tears. However, the north wind was blowing the snowflakes, but no one noticed his eyes at this time.

But he was still very puzzled. The emperor and the empress dowager were so superior and the other was inferior. How could his father stand on the other side of the empress dowager?

Because Jia Jun was ill, and it was only Jia Jun who entered the palace to meet the Queen Mother this time, he walked alone, which was extremely difficult and lonely.

Forbidden City, Guan Sui Palace.

Although this palace located near Qingning Palace was also invaded by snowflakes, it did not clear the snow like other palaces, resulting in a thick layer of white snow on the road.

Empress Dowager Zhou was well-maintained and enjoying desserts leisurely.

Bad news kept coming back, and important ministers such as Yin Tai, the chief minister of the cabinet, complained of illness and refused to answer the call. However, her face looked very calm. Even if she wanted to smash things, there was nothing to smash.

At this moment, she also realized that she had underestimated the emperor who liked to hide in the closet since childhood. If she had known that Zhu Youtang was so difficult to control, she and her foreign ministers might as well have supported Xing Wang Zhu Youtang to ascend the throne.

But it was already too late. The emperor who had been trained and raised by himself was not only out of his control, but now his wings were completely stiff.

"If they don't come, they won't come. The name of this tyrant is indeed true! It's just that everyone in the world is afraid of him, but the Ai family is not afraid. He said that Potian is also the direct grandson of the Ai family!"

The eunuchs who came back were originally afraid that the Queen Mother would smash things crazily again, but they didn't expect that the Queen Mother Zhou seemed very calm and even a little proud.

In fact, this is also a fact.

In the conflict between the Empress Dowager Zhou and the emperor, the emperor was the naturally disadvantaged party. Not to mention that the emperor did not dare to be aggressive, even if the Empress Dowager Zhou made any mistakes, the outside world and history books would definitely think that the emperor was unfilial.

At this time, Eunuch Chen came back to report happily, and then proudly led Jia Jun in.

The Empress Dowager Zhou regained hope and asked someone to pull up the bead curtain. She looked at Jia Jun who came in and knelt down with joy and solemnly commended her: "Of all the civil and military officials in the dynasty, only Jia Qing is my loyal minister in the Ming Dynasty!"

"The Empress Dowager, please forgive me for speaking frankly! If only I were loyal ministers in the Manchu Dynasty, then it would be impossible to have the prosperous age of the world today, without the great power of tomorrow, and without the Ming Dynasty, which is the most prosperous today!" Jia Jun's face There was no expression of joy, but he spoke seriously about the current situation of the Ming Dynasty.

The smile on Empress Dowager Zhou's face immediately disappeared, and she looked very unhappy and said: "Mr. Jia Ge, what do you mean by this? Is there something in it?"

"To the Queen Mother, Your Majesty is a wise king of a generation. Your Majesty has created a situation that has not been seen in the past thousand years. I ask the Queen Mother to live in harmony with Your Majesty and create a more glorious future for the Ming Dynasty!" Jia Jun eagerly made a peace. To repay the Empress Dowager, he also raised his head and solemnly handed over his hands.

Although he did receive favors from the Empress Dowager back then, it was impossible for him to stand on the opposite side of the emperor, let alone destroy the current development trend. This time he entered the palace only hoping that the Empress Dowager would reconcile with the emperor.

The Empress Dowager's face darkened, and she looked at Jia Jun who was kneeling on the ground: "Jia Jun, have you forgotten the kindness you showed to the Ai family back then?"

"I dare not forget, and I have not forgotten it! However, now that the Ming Dynasty is powerful all over the world, and the emperor has great plans, how can I dare to cause chaos!" Jia Jun is not an ungrateful person, but he also made his position clear.

Gratitude is one thing, but national justice is another. He can finally decide which is more important.


Eunuch Chen next to him coughed lightly when he saw that Empress Dowager Zhou was almost losing control.

The Empress Dowager Zhou realized that Jia Jun in front of her was her only hope, so she suppressed the anger in her heart: "Who asked you to cause chaos? But you have also seen that the Ai family is a dignified Empress Dowager, and now she lives in a small house. In the palace, the eunuchs and maids around them were even replaced. The emperor and empress clearly wanted to imprison the Ai family! "


Several palace maids present looked at each other, but did not dare to say a word.

If she, the Grand Empress Dowager, was really imprisoned, she would not be able to pass on any imperial decree, instead of being able to summon important officials at will and meet with the cabinet elder Jia Jun in front of her.

"Grand Empress Dowager, Qingning Palace was burned by the traitor He Shangguan. It is a temporary measure to temporarily live in Guansui Palace. The court has included the reconstruction of Qingning Palace in next year's budget. I believe the new palace will be built soon. I hope the Grand Empress Dowager can sympathize with your majesty's difficulties!"

This fire burned down Qingning Palace. Now if you want to find another palace of the same model in the Forbidden City, the only ones are the Queen's Kunning and the Queen Mother's Renshou Palace.

However, Kunning Palace is behind Jiaotai Hall and is also in the inner palace area. Naturally, only the Queen is suitable to live there. As for Queen Mother Wang's Renshou Palace, where can she live if she gives up Renshou Palace?

"I can leave my bedroom aside for now, but I want all my people back. They are the ones who cut off my eyes and ears, and they are imprisoned!" Seeing that she couldn't make trouble about the bedroom, Empress Dowager Zhou immediately decided to take back her confidant.

Jia Jun knew that this was the direct reason why the Empress Dowager suddenly summoned the important ministers, and he also tried to dissuade her, saying, "Empress Dowager, He Shanggong set fire to Qianqing Gate, and this matter is already known to the whole city. According to her confession, she has accomplices, so how can we not investigate these slaves who intend to murder the emperor? Now we are investigating the loyalty and treachery of the old people in the Ning Palace, which is not only to prevent the emperor from being assassinated again, but also to protect the Empress Dowager. Please be sympathetic, Empress Dowager!"

"Haha... you want me to be sympathetic again! Your heart is really with the emperor!" Empress Dowager Zhou suddenly laughed in anger, and said in a yin-yang tone.

Jia Jun's heart was indeed with Emperor Hongzhi, but he still said earnestly: "Grand Empress Dowager, what I said is objective facts, please be sympathetic to the arrangements of the Emperor and the Empress!"

"What if I don't sympathize?" Grand Empress Dowager Zhou narrowed her eyes and said coldly without room for negotiation.

The reason why she made such a big fuss today and sent people to summon all the important officials in the court was not to listen to Jia Jun's advice here, but to let Jia Jun publicize that the emperor treated her, the imperial grandmother, badly and imprisoned her.

She wanted to make Emperor Hongzhi Zhu Youtang lose his reputation and bear the reputation of being unfilial.

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding palace maids felt that Mars was about to hit the earth, and they also turned their heads silently to look at Jia Jun, and Jia Jun seemed to have expected this. (End of this chapter)

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