Run a B&B and receive Wu Song at the beginning

Chapter 46 Ge Huihui: I am despised by Brother Dao [please vote]

At 11 o'clock in the morning, Ge Huihui dragged her suitcase into the door of the B\u0026B and couldn't wait to say hello to the golden retriever basking in the sun under the eaves:

"Brother Dao, brother Dao, have you missed me?"

After saying hello, the girl looked around belatedly:

"Ah, the B\u0026B has been upgraded again? It's such a beautiful corridor and pavilion. I want to take a lot of beautiful photos... Brother Dao, I'll change into Hanfu, how about you cooperate with me to take photos?"

Brother Dao glanced at this crazy girl, turned over and continued to sleep.

Seeing that this guy was ignoring her, Ge Huihui opened her suitcase and took out a stuffed penguin. Before she could say anything, Brother Dao swooped over.

"Ha, Ruotong is right, you are really enthusiastic only if you have toys."


Brother Dao gave a flattering cry and rubbed his big head against the stuffed penguin, giving people the confused feeling of a macho man who prefers pink.

Ge Huihui said:

"Don't worry, this is a gift specially bought for you... I'll change into Hanfu first and take a few photos while there are less people. Will you cooperate with me?"

When the golden retriever heard this, he quickly sat upright with his head tilted slightly and the corners of his mouth raised, just like those children who pretend to smile when they see the camera.

"Yes, yes, that's the expression, hahaha, Brother Dao, you are so interesting!"

She dragged her suitcase into the living room and happened to meet Xiaoju coming downstairs:

"Wow, Sister Xiaoju, you look so beautiful in Hanfu. Hurry and check in. I want to change into Hanfu. I brought several sets with me this time. I must have a good time."

Xiaoju was about to wipe the stair railing. When she heard this, she quickly put down the rag in her hand:

"It's less than twelve o'clock now. If you want to book a room, the system will calculate the room charge for two days. I'll give you an empty room first. You can go in and change clothes, and then check in after twelve o'clock."

Although I have been looking forward to having customers come to stay, I can't cheat people's money.

Xiaoju opened the computer at the front desk and opened a temporary room. Then she took the room card and led Ge Huihui upstairs. As she walked, she introduced that the B\u0026B also had Hanfu. Ge Huihui could try it on if he liked it.

"I thought Boss Li was just talking about building a Hanfu B\u0026B, but I didn't expect it to come true."

Ge Huihui planned to take the time to take a look and buy two sets if suitable to support Boss Li's career.

Hmm, if he and Ruotong get married in the future, wouldn't it be like burning incense in advance?

When the time comes to have dinner at their house, I will definitely be entertained with good wine and meat!

In the study room on the second floor, Li Yu was inspecting the newly arrived compound bow. When he saw Ge Huihui passing by the door, he asked curiously:

"You're here so early. Is Zhou Ruotong here too?"

I haven’t prepared lunch yet. If there are a lot of people, I’ll have to cook more.

Tsk tsk, you’re getting flustered when you don’t see Ruotong, right... Ge Huihui muttered and said with a smile:

"She is doing cultural relic maintenance in the M260 exhibition hall today. She can't get away at noon, but she can get off work early. She will come at about two or three o'clock. We plan to take Brother Dao to Longqishan Scenic Area to pray for the good luck cat."

Since you won’t come, let’s prepare lunch for four people.

Li Yujian tidied up the study, then went downstairs to the kitchen and started preparing lunch.

Yesterday afternoon, the courtyard upgrade project was officially completed. Wang Chunxi also specially led people to clean up the construction waste in the front and back yards before settling the bill with Li Yu.

Originally, just over 500,000 yuan was enough to upgrade the courtyard, but Li Yu increased the thickness of the concrete on the observation deck wall. In this case, the cost will naturally increase.

All costs added up to just over 580,000 yuan, tens of thousands more than the previous budget.

However, compared with large safes that can easily cost hundreds of thousands or even millions, this fee is nothing. After Li Yu paid it readily, he made an appointment with Wang Chunxi for the interior decoration project of the observation deck.

Nowadays, there are so many kinds of decoration companies that it is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish the different materials.

So I simply left it to Wang Chunxi and let him play with it. Anyway, the requirements are very clear, constant temperature and humidity, and no insects, snakes, rats or ants can get in and cause damage.

Wang Chunxi naturally did not refuse, and also said that he would waterproof the whole house to ensure that it would not get damp inside.

"Boss, what are you having for lunch today?"

At the door of the kitchen, Xiuhe, who had just cleaned the backyard, walked in and was ready to help.

Li Yu is currently cutting the cooked mutton cooked in the morning:

"Today I had glutinous rice noodles for lunch. The meat soup I cooked in the morning was paired with cooked mutton and mutton oil chili. It's absolutely delicious."

Noodles are a kind of pasta popular in the Central Plains. Boil the freshly pressed noodles and put them into a bowl. Then pour the freshly cooked mutton soup, place the mutton slices on top, and sprinkle with chopped green onion, chives or garlic leaves. It tastes fragrant and delicious.

After finishing the noodles, I drank the soup in small sips. I had all the food and soup, which was very satisfying.

When Xiuhe heard about eating glutinous rice noodles, he couldn't help but swallowed:

"I'm so hungry. Boss, I see there are Baiji bun cakes in the freezer. Can I bake a few later?"

Li Yu put the chopped cooked mutton on the plate:

"The glutinous rice noodles are basically carbohydrates. If you eat white steamed buns, won't they turn into carbohydrates and become carbohydrates?"

"I'm used to it. If I eat noodles without eating some steamed buns or pancakes, I always feel like I'm not full..."

Xiuhe picked up the leeks on the shelf and chatted while choosing.

In the past, my family was too poor to afford food, so we basically had steamed buns as staple food. Over time, we developed this eating habit of eating carbs.

After the mutton was cut, Li Yu brought over the round noodles he bought.

The real glutinous rice noodles are actually noodles squeezed directly into the pot with equipment, but the B\u0026B kitchen does not have such conditions, so they settle for the next best thing and use round noodles bought on the market.

Boil a pot of water, put the noodles in and cook. When it is almost done, add a handful of green vegetables, take them out and put them into a bowl.

Then scoop out a large spoonful of the re-boiled mutton soup, place the sliced ​​mutton on top, grab a handful of chopped leeks that Xiuhe had just washed and chopped, and a bowl of glutinous rice noodles is ready.

The glutinous rice noodles are brought to the table, followed by mutton oil chili and freshly baked white buns, and the meal is ready!

"The smell of mutton is so fragrant. It's really good to come early."

Ge Huihui, who had put on a green double-breasted skirt, was taking photos outside with Brother Dao in her arms. When she smelled the fragrance coming from the kitchen, she couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

Ruotong asked to come together in the afternoon, but luckily he didn't listen to her.

This girl stopped taking pictures and came to the restaurant happily. She rolled up her sleeves and was about to start eating when she saw Li Yu walking out of the kitchen with a plate of cooked mutton.

"Wow, so much mutton, Boss Li, you are so interesting!"

Even for all this meat, I will betroth Ruotong to you!

Li Yu pointed at the big golden retriever standing at the door of the kitchen:

"This is for Brother Dao. If you think the meat in the bowl is not enough, I will cut some more later."

Ge Huihui:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Has Brother Dao's family status risen to this level?

She turned her face and glanced at the big golden retriever at the kitchen door. She always felt that there was a strong sarcasm in this stinky guy's eyes.

Wow, I was actually despised by a dog today!

"Hui Hui, the glutinous rice noodles should be eaten while they are hot. Paired with mutton oil chili, it will definitely make you more and more greedy."

Xiuhe walked out of the kitchen carrying the freshly mixed broccoli and a plate of shredded tofu, placed them on the dining table, and urged Ge Huihui to eat quickly.

After speaking, she also demonstrated how to scoop out a spoonful of mutton oil chili and put it into the bowl. The solidified mutton oil quickly melted in the hot soup and turned into chili oil that was red in color and full of fragrance.

"Smells! So delicious."

Xiuhe took a bite and felt that Li Yu's glutinous rice noodles were really delicious.

When Ge Huihui saw it, he quickly sat down and started eating in the face of Brother Dao's disdainful eyes.

Li Yu poured a plate of mutton to Brother Dao and sat at the dining table to eat.

Hao Zhenzhen just sent a message that members of the Hanfu group will come over one after another in the afternoon. They will have to change into Hanfu after dinner and do the reception work.

Since you want to build a Hanfu-themed B\u0026B, you have to lead by example.

Moreover, apart from being a little troublesome to wear, Hanfu is actually quite comfortable and does not feel uncomfortable.

Li Yu planned to ask Xiuhe to help put on the hair cover after dinner and formally dress up as an ancient person.

"'s killing me!"

Twenty minutes later, Ge Huihui drank the last sip of soup in the bowl, patted her stomach unladylikely, and then followed Xiaoju to check in.

After checking in, she dragged Brother Dao, who didn't have time to slip away, and took a lot of photos in the front and back yards.

Then I tried on a set of light purple women's Hanfu. I thought it was good, so I quickly scanned the QR code to pay.

When Zhou Ruotong drove here, she had already taken photos all over the B\u0026B wearing the newly bought Hanfu, and she also posted them to Moments like a swipe of the screen to help Li Yu do business.

"Ruotong, there is a Hanfu party at the B\u0026B. Do you want to get one too? There are many styles here that are suitable for you."

Although Zhou Ruotong majored in archeology, she was not interested in these things. Seeing that it was getting late, she asked Ge Huihui:

"Are you going to Longqi Mountain yet? If you want to go, hurry up. Climbing the mountain is not that easy."

"Okay, okay, I'll change my shoes and leave."

Ge Huihui remembered the plan to worship the good-luck cat, and hurried back to the room to put on his sneakers, put his arms around Brother Dao's neck and said happily:

"Let's go and pay homage to the good luck cat, and pray that tomorrow's adventure will go well, and there should be some major archaeological discoveries..."

Before she could finish her words, it suddenly started to rain lightly.

Zhou Ruotong: "..."

Just as I said I was praying for a successful expedition, it started to rain.

Your crow's mouth is too clever, isn't it?


It’s the end of the month, please vote, brothers!

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