Run Out of My Life

Chapter 101: almost

On the afternoon of February 17th, the maximum temperature outside Tianjin was only five or six degrees, but at this time in the indoor track and field gymnasium of Tianjin Sports Center, the atmosphere was in full swing, and a rolling heat wave hit.

A total of 22 events for men and women in this National Indoor Athletics Championships were completed in two days. The schedule was a little tighter than the previous National Athletics Grand Prix.

There are many athletes participating in the competition. In the morning track competition, the men's and women's 400m and men's and women's 800m preliminaries were completed in one breath.

In the afternoon, the men's and women's 60-meter preliminaries began, followed by the men's and women's 400-meter finals, the men's and women's 1500-meter preliminaries, and finally the men's and women's 60-meter finals.

The women's 60-meter preliminaries started at 14:00, and the men's 60-meter preliminaries started at 14:50.

"That's enough."

Su Zu got the schedule for his preliminaries and found that he had been placed in the 15th group, seventh track, and there were 17 groups in the total preliminaries.

"Indoor competitions, the registration requirements are relatively low, and many people naturally come." Lu Jianming has experienced various competitions at home and abroad, and has also served as a referee for indoor competitions. Not unfamiliar at all.

The indoor track and field championships are relatively wide for athletes to register. The three individual events with the largest number of registrations are the men's 60 meters, the men's 200 meters and the men's 400 meters.

Provincial and city teams at all levels, as well as sports colleges, are willing to send runners to participate. Some athletes who are not sprinters will also register for the competition across projects to test their sprint strength level. Every single item has more than 120 people, and many people even reach 150 or even 200 people.

"According to your previous training and test results, there should be no problem in entering the finals, but don't take it lightly, and be calm before the competition." As Su Zu came on stage, Lu Jianming said beside him.

The men's 60-meter race of the National Indoor Athletics Championships is somewhat similar to the sprint event of the Grand Prix of Track and Field. Only the preliminaries and finals are set up. In the preliminaries of a dozen or 20 groups, the top eight with the results will participate. finals.

In comparison, a group only takes one or two minutes, which is very fast, but the process is very intense. Even for a seasoned veteran, it is not easy to run out of the top eight in one or two hundred players. If you don’t perform well in the preliminaries, you may fall into the sand. , can't make it to the finals.

"Take it easy, coach."

Su Zu also understands this, this kind of preliminaries will go straight to the finals, you must be in the best state.

"Su Zu, what group are you in, are you about to play?"

Beside the 60-meter track, Zhuang Tao did not know when he saw the two of them, squeezed over, walked to the side and asked.

Because of venue restrictions, players and coaches basically stand by the track to watch the indoor competition. Except for the eight empty tracks, there are basically people on both sides.

Zhuang Tao was also beside the track, watching the performance of the players in his team who participated in the group preliminaries. This meeting was just over. I saw Su Zu and Lu Jianming and came over to say hello.

"The fifteenth group, it's almost time for me." Su Zu glanced at the arena, the preliminaries were already in the thirteenth group, and asked Zhuang Tao, "Coach Zhuang, what did you say? Did the newcomer run away?"

"It's over." Zhuang Tao shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I'm too nervous, so many people are watching on the field, and I can't show my strength at all. I ran for 6 seconds 84 , I guess this result will not make it to the finals."

"This is also normal. New athletes just need constant training on the field. If it is 6 seconds 84, it's actually okay. But it's a bit difficult to enter the finals. It's at the middle and upper level." Lu Jianming aside received the call.

The current sprint strength of domestic athletes is generally average, but if you want to enter the final in the 60-meter indoor competition, you have to have a chance at about 6.75 seconds. Because the distance of 60 meters is short, the main focus is on the first half, the speed is not fully opened, and the difference between the results will not be as big as that of 100 meters.

Lu Jianming looked at the time and said to Su Zu, "Go, it's about to play."

Su Zu also heard the broadcast announcement on the spot, greeted Lu Jianming and Zhuang Tao, took off his long-sleeved trousers, simply moved his wrists and ankles, and walked towards the starting line.

Seeing Su Zu walking to the starting line, Zhuang Tao stared at him a little dazedly, "I didn't expect him to be on the national arena so quickly."

"This is also a good seed that you dug up. You are his enlightenment coach." Lu Jianming laughed.

"He was hitting right, just happened to bump into it. His time in the sports school was too short, and I didn't actually teach anything. After all, unlike a professional team, I can teach by hand. , being able to get to this point is mainly due to his talent and seriousness." In front of an old coach like Lu Jianming, Zhuang Tao didn't want to put money on his face. In his opinion, athletes like Su Zu In fact, no matter who teaches, can run out of it.

Lu Jianming nodded in agreement and said, "It's very worry-free, and no one needs to watch the training schedule. I have been a coach for so many years, and I have rarely met an athlete with this kind of self-discipline. By the way, you didn't run 400 meters back then, 400 meters is your specialty, why didn't you let him try it?"

"I also want to come. When Su Zu came to the sports school, he would not have enough physical fitness, and his speed and endurance would be too poor. Not to mention running 400 meters, running 200 meters is not enough. My personal suggestion, Coach Lu, you too You can pay more attention to this aspect. But the growth rate is beyond my imagination. Fortunately, I didn't delay too much in my hands. He has met a good coach like you."

"Hey, don't wear a high hat, the good coach he met is not me, I just took over the winter training. Or you have a good foundation for him, and he is better than I saw those nonsense before. Injuries are much stronger." Lu Jianming smiled and looked at the starting line not far away, "To tell you the truth, if I hadn't recommended this person to the national team, I would definitely not have brought him. The more talented the seedling, the better. I’m afraid of breaking my own hands. I’ve had enough of being a father and mother to athletes. I’ll be fifty next year, and I can’t keep up with the times. I’m still learning the same old ways. Now I’m talking about international standards and science. Training depends on your young coaches."

"Coach Lu, you are right, you are growing old and strong, and you have experience and connections, and you know everything. The athletes who follow you are lucky."

"Hey, we're an enlightened coach and a current coach, so stop touting each other. Let's watch the game."

The two laughed and joked a few times. Although they were different in age, they were somewhat close because they both brought an athlete. Young coaches like Zhuang Tao are also happy to make friends with the old coaches of the national team.

The men's 60-meter preliminaries started at 14:50, but by the time Suzu entered the fifteenth group, it was almost 16:00, and there were two preliminaries behind him.

Following the command of the on-site starter, the eight preliminaries of the fifteenth group took their places one after another.

In the stadium, it instantly became quiet, and the eyes on both sides of the track were staring at the eight players in front of the starting line.

As the starting gun sounded, the runners on each track in front of the starting line simultaneously kicked the ground, swung their arms, and started.

This kind of starting speed is too fast, and it is generally difficult for the naked eye to clearly see the starting reaction of the runners. Only the slow motion of the video and the frame-by-frame button can be very detailed feedback.

The starting training of a large number of repeated lines, Su Zu will not have much shortage in the starting, the starting reaction is not the best, but the overall level is also in the middle level, basically stable at 0.15 -0.17 seconds or so.

After finishing the start, Su Zu lowered his head and quickly completed the acceleration. There were many competitors, and the level of the same group was uneven. There was no way to refer to the level of the players around him in this preliminary race. Rush towards the finish line.

The sound of the spikes rubbing against the rubber track sounded, everyone on the track only felt a gust of wind blowing in front of them, and in a blink of an eye, eight runners had already crossed the finish line.

Because of the limited space, 60 meters is the highest stage of acceleration on the way. After the sprinters ran across the finish line, before they could completely slow down, they crashed into the organizer one by one. Fang arranged a tall cotton pad at a distance of 80 to 90 meters at the end of the track.


"Oh, it's a pity, it's still a little short." Lu Jianming slapped his thigh and sighed loudly. As soon as Su Zu finished running, he went to see the preliminaries of this group.

This may be because of the relatively weak level of this group of preliminaries. Except for Su Zu's first run of 6.64 seconds, the other fastest second runners only ran 6.78 seconds. obvious.

"Coach Lu, you are... This result must be no problem to enter the finals, I guess the preliminaries should also be the top one or two." Zhuang Tao looked at Lu Jianming's performance, a little puzzled asked.

"It's still a little bit. The 2003 World Indoor Athletics Championships standard announced by the IAAF last year, the men's 60m is 6.63 seconds." Lu Jianming's tone was not without regret.

"There will be a final, coach Lu, there is still a chance." The men's 60-meter final was held at 18:00 in the afternoon. Zhuang Tao did not expect that Lu Jianming was already staring at the international track and field. In the competition, the coach of the national team has a different vision than the coach of the provincial team.

"I didn't run this group of preliminaries, and the next group of finals is not certain." Lu Jianming shook his head, he knew very well that this was almost the best of Su Zu's current 60-meter run The results have been achieved, and it is difficult to say that the next trip will be able to run such results.

If it can be faster by 0.01 seconds, it is enough to meet the entry standards of the World Indoor Athletics Championships. This is an international competition. For a novice athlete, he is not required to compete for medals. Having the opportunity to share the stage with the world's top players will achieve the purpose of training.

"In the current men's short track events in China, there should be no athletes who can meet the entry standards of the World Indoor Athletics Championships, right?" Zhuang Tao was very surprised that Su Zu was able to run such a result, he Yesterday, I told Su Zu that there was a rookie in my team who ran fast. That was just a scene, and the actual level was similar to his in the game. He is also a professional coach and has a certain understanding of the current overall domestic track and field level, especially the men's short track event.

To talk about the 100m and 200m Olympic AB standards, there may be one or two qualified candidates in China, but they need to be replaced by the World Indoor Athletics Championships, which is really bad at the moment Find.

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