“Shadow Island, formerly known as Fuguang Island, was originally an island where the people lived and worked in peace and happiness, and there was even a huge magic ancient tree that settled here, and countless magicians studied magic on Fuguang Island…”

“But a magical disaster has turned this into a paradise for the dead, a forbidden place for the living! All happiness is gone! ”

Akali muttered, and couldn’t help but read out the preface above, excited to the extreme!

She didn’t expect that there would really be such a place in this world!

Completely ruled by the dead!

“The origin of Shadow Island begins in ancient times, there was a magnificent country, the king loved his queen deeply, but the queen was poisoned by the assassin’s assassination, and all the doctors in the country could not treat the queen.”

“So the king sent the Iron Regiment’s great general Calista out to seek the fountain of life that could save the queen… Eventually Calista found the fountain of life on Fukuko Island, but by the time she returned to the kingdom, the queen was dead. ”

“The angry king led the army directly to Fuguang Island…”

“If you know what will happen next, please pay to watch.”


Akali was blinded, she was seeing the wonderful place, the whole person’s emotions were completely aroused, and she was wondering what this king would do for the beloved queen!

As a result, she was told to pay to see the rest of the content!


Akali is helpless, it is difficult to come across something of interest, and it is too boring to study the so-called equilibrium every day, this kind of dead story is interesting!

I don’t know if the master will buy it for himself.

Akali took the book and walked outside the weapons area, and saw Shen waiting outside, a little puzzled.

“Master, why don’t you go in and ask, wait here, it’s not like your usual style!”

Akali quipped, usually in order to maintain the so-called balance, who blocks and hits whom, how can he stay outside honestly now, and the atmosphere does not dare to come out.

“you, smelly girl, make a little noise, don’t disturb inside.”

Shen quickly covered Akali’s mouth, lest Akali twitter and disturb Li Fulang’s lesson on those artifacts.

Speaking of which, this lesson to the artifact is something that Shen could not have imagined.


There are still instrumental spirits, usually whoever gets it is offered by the uncle, but now they are listening to Li Fulang’s lectures like a good baby.

The truth is very applicable to children’s enlightenment.

Akali broke free of Shen’s hand and looked at the weapon area suspiciously, it seemed to her that there was nothing in it, she couldn’t see the instrument spirit, and she didn’t know who Li Fulang was talking to.

“Master, what is this, why are you so afraid of a young man?”

Akali was puzzled in her heart, but she honestly followed her master Shen and waited outside.

“That’s it for today, the most important thing to be a person is to be humble, modesty makes people progress, I don’t see that even I am humble and studious.”

After Li Fulang finished speaking, he clapped his hands and walked out of the weapons area.

“Finally gone, finally gone, the ears are going to hear the cocoon coming.”

“Wake up, you have no ears, you are a knife!”

“Be humble and fart, the shopkeepers are invincible, let’s be humble, stand and talk without back pain, if I am invincible, I will definitely pretend to be modest.”

“Shh, be careful of being soaked in the pool.”


The big knife remembered the taste of being soaked in the pool, and immediately closed his mouth.

In their opinion, attending classes every day is simply an ordeal!

“Huh? What are you doing standing here, just go in and find me. ”

Li Fuxian said suspiciously, and then took out two stools for Shen and Akali.

“Ahhh… Isn’t this afraid to disturb you? Ha ha. ”

Shen smiled awkwardly, especially if he went in, he couldn’t be killed by those artifacts!

It’s really standing and talking without back pain.

But he still had to keep a smile on his face, although Li Fulang couldn’t see his smile with a mask.

“Shopkeeper, how much is this Equilibrium Primary Aoyi, I bought it.”

500 gold coins in his pocket, a look of deep pocket, not bad money at all, after buying this book, he has to buy intermediate, high-level, as long as there is a balance of mysteries all have to buy!

I have money to buy a few clothes! He just saw a lot of ninja costumes inside, which was very close to his heart.

“Hmm… 50 gold. ”

Li Fu glanced at it and came up with the price.


Shen gasped, he thought that ten gold coins would be up to the sky, after all, it was a balanced mysteries, but he didn’t expect to cost 50 gold coins.


Shen gritted his teeth, took out a money bag, and said, “It’s not bad money.” ”

Hearing this, Li Fulang immediately smiled, but I didn’t expect that this Shen is also a big fat sheep, 50 gold coins said to buy it, not bad money!

Which is like Nayaso, who picks the rope, and buys something on credit.

Yasso, who was rushing with Ruiwen, sneezed, not knowing who was scolding him.

“Master master, there is still this one, I want to buy it, I want to buy it!”

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