“The human body is too weak, only steel is eternal and immortal.”

Mord Caesar muttered, nostalgic for his invincible steel body, but now he could only make do with the human guy’s body.

“What’s that?”

Mord Caesar left a mark on the ship so that he could retrieve it, and then walked off the ship.

He had to inquire about the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

What a secret to the fact that mortals can become gods!

Originally, he couldn’t believe such a thing, but Svein and Captain Nock were talking, and they were very convinced, and he believed this strange thing.

Mord Caesar walks on the sea-torn shore, full of sea monster bones, and there are many slaughterhouses, all of which are locals.

He hopes to get some news from the locals.

Suddenly, Mord Caesar’s eyes moved slightly, he saw a golden light, quickly looked up, and suddenly saw the Pike gold statue located at the top of the killer dock.

This is what the hourglass left behind, and the hourglass must not dare to bring her own artwork back when she returns to the Cultivation Pavilion, so she left a divine power on all her artworks.

As long as someone touches her artwork, it will be turned into gold by divine power in an instant.

“On this, there is a strong divine power! Hey, what is that. ”

Mord Caesar narrowed his eyes and asked at a harpooner dissecting a sea monster, while putting his hand on the harpooner’s shoulder.

Putting your hand on someone else’s shoulder is not a good habit in Birgiwater, and it’s a red flag.

After all, the Birdgwater people are very wary, survive in the chaos, and it is impossible for others to get close to their point.

“Take your hands off,!”

The harpoon hand frowned, and directly picked up the blade and slashed at Mord Caesar’s arm, leaving Mord Caesar completely stunned.

What is the situation, this is, a fight without a word?

Can’t people get along with each other? If he shot directly, he could only turn it into a revenant.

Now that the underworld is broken, it needs to be replenished by the revenant.

“Uh… I’m sorry. ”

Mord Caesar shook his head, and then the harpoon hand went straight to the body and fell to the ground, lifeless.

At the same time, a green ghost was injected into the skull on the top of Mord Caesar’s head.

The combination of the underworld and the reality plane failed, and it was greatly traumatized, but if there were enough undead to replenish, it could still be recovered.

“Hey, do you know what’s going on with the golden statue on it?”

Mord Caesar walked to another slaughterhouse and patted the harpoon hand here, trying to squeeze a smile out of his face to be kinder.

But patting on the shoulder is something that causes great disgust in Birgivot…

Sure enough, this harpoon hand directly raised the machete in his hand and faced Mord Caesar with an unkind face.

“It’s really unfriendly.”

Mord Caesar had no choice but to kill this harpoon hand and sent it to his own underworld as nourishment for repairing the underworld.

He really wondered how the Bilgewater people were so virtuous.

Can’t you touch it?

Was he smiling too friendly, or was the smile squeezed out not like a smile.

Mord Caesar did not understand and continued to look for the local harpooner, who was ready to change means.


Mord Caesar kicked open the door of a slaughterhouse, and then directly grabbed the harpooner who was dissecting, pinched the harpooner’s neck, and pointed to the Pike statue at the highest part of the killer’s dock.

“Ahem… What are your orders, my lord? ”

Harpooners’ status in Birgewater is okay, not the lowest existence, but not that high.

It can be said that it is a typical type of person who bullies the soft and fears the hard.

The captains of the large ship regiments are respected, but to those at the bottom is to kill.

“That golden statue, what’s going on?”

Mord Caesar was pleasantly surprised to find that it seemed that violent tactics were more effective against the Bilgewaters.

He squeezed out a smile to gain sword confrontation, and the use of force gained respect.

And ordinary humans still seem to be quite weak.

Mord Caesar, who was originally a little stunned by the loss of strength, instantly relaxed a lot.

Although he was deeply damaged, his power dissipated a lot, and even the underworld he created collapsed, but for mortals, he was still a terrifying existence.

“That: It’s an hourglass, something made out of an hourglass, and she can turn everything into gold. ”

“That golden statue is the ghost of Blood Harbor, one of the horror legends..”

The harpooner gripped Mord Caesar’s wrist around his neck with both hands, trying to break free by half a point, and he was almost out of breath.


Mord Caesar was a little puzzled, hourglass, turned into gold? What is it?

What is Blood Harbor Ghost?

He felt that oral accounts alone would not be enough for him to fully understand what it was.

“Give me everything you have!”

Mord Caesar gritted his teeth and released a necromancy magic, and in an instant, the harpooner’s eyes gradually lost their light, and then all his memories rushed into Mord Caesar’s mind.

Gradually, Mord Caesar also found the memory of that day…

A blue hourglass turns the entire Killer Wharf into gold, including this horror legend Blood Harbor Ghost.

Then… A huge ship appears, and on it are the three of Svein, as well as two other artifacts.

Then the brilliance flickered, and the killer pier that turned golden returned to its original color.

“Sure enough… I didn’t fail because I was unlucky, it must have been an artifact shot! Otherwise I can’t fail! ”

Mord Caesar’s eyes flickered, his face was embarrassed, and then he sighed heavily, quite helpless.

The three of Svein and the artifact disembarked together, and they must have a relationship, otherwise it would be impossible to sail all the way.

It must be an artifact shot!

And… This artifact seems to come from the place called the Heart Cultivation Pavilion that Svein said.


Fate is ordained by heaven, and things are man-made, but when the artifact strikes, he can’t even feel it.

Originally, I thought that my luck was extremely bad, which caused problems at the intersection of the underworld and the real world.

But now it seems that it is estimated that the artifact has shot.

Mord Caesar sighed and continued to browse the guy’s memories to see if there was any other information.

After that day, this harpooner went out to sea, and then saw a golden light on the sea, and followed the trail…. I saw a terrifying colossus!

The same colossus made of gold!

And there is an inscription on the colossus, which is the corpse of a god!


Mord Caesar was a little shocked, this is the corpse of a god! It is a real corpse of a god!

Although it is said to be a relatively weak god, it is also a god!

Mord Caesar quickly scanned the memory of the harpooner, and he could be sure that this was a sea monster that had become a god by the power of faith.

It is a sectarian belief called Bajou.

There are many ways to become a god, and even the world does not know how many ways to become a god, but there is no doubt that this way of believing in becoming a god is not the strongest.

Mord Caesar estimated that if he succeeded, his strength would be several times that of this sea monster god.

And even more.

But it’s shocking enough! A god was killed by an hourglass artifact.

“I didn’t know the power of the artifact until now, and it will take a long time to refine the Nightfall into an artifact!”

Mord Caesar shook his head, originally he was like he was going to make his Nightfall into an artifact, but now it seemed that it was really difficult.

Artifacts are not so simple to refine.

And chance and strength are indispensable.

“But there is still no news of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, where is the Heart Cultivation Pavilion! Is it in Noxus? ”

Mord Caesar frowned tightly, he could be sure that these artifacts were all from the same place, that is, the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

Moreover, the two guys brought by Svein got a lot of good things in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, and even Svein also had a chance in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

With the secrets in the Immortal Fortress alone, Svein could not fully control the power of demons.

After all, Svein is only in his 50s.

If you want to completely control the power of demons, how can you do it without hundreds of years!

What kind of existence is the Cultivation Pavilion!

Morde Caesar’s heart was full of doubts, and he was extremely curious about the Cultivation Pavilion, but where the Cultivation Pavilion was, he had no information at all.

“Hey, Will, why are you here, we’re leaving, we’ve been looking for you for a long time!”

Suddenly, a voice came, and then the Ionian merchants all came over in surprise, with some joy on their faces.

They left Will to watch the ship, but when they returned, Will was gone, and a watcher died on the boat next door.

I thought Will was dead, but I didn’t expect to actually find him!

“Ahhh Yes, I’m down and around. ”

The corner of Mord Caesar’s mouth twitched twice, and after a little thought, he felt that it was better to follow this Ionian caravan.

Ionia, in the time of his reign, was not as prosperous as it is now.

He remembers encountering a man, Heartless Aion, when he was preparing to attack Freyrdrand.

Ai Ion led a group of people to Ionia, and it was at this time that he first learned the place name.

After that, for various reasons, before he went to attack Ionia, he was overshadowed by the mages.

“Go to Ionia first, then slowly improve your strength, and then go to Noxus to look for traces of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion when your strength recovers.”

In Mord Caesar’s opinion, the Meditation Pavilion exists in Noxus, after all, this guy Svein is from Noxus.

And those two artifacts were also Birjiwater who came on Noxus’ warship.

This is not good news, he is still alive, and if Svein finds him, it will definitely kill him.

Now that the strength is insufficient, it is better to stay away from Noxus, and recover the strength in Ionia for a period of time before looking for the Cultivation Pavilion.

“Let’s go!”

In this way, Mord Caesar used this human body to mix in the merchant ships of Ionia, and followed these Ionians to Lionia.

After they had finished processing the fish in the wei, they would go to various merchants to supply sea monster meat to the various nobles of Preshdian and countless sects.

If possible, Mord Caesar wanted to follow the opportunity of these guys to kill a few more people and restore their strength.

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