Lisandra threw the olive branch while keenly noticing Jax’s words.

Cultivation Pavilion!

Jax is from the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, what kind of force is the Heart Cultivation Pavilion? Is Jax the leader of this force?

How many demigods are there in this force?

“This is not the place to talk, come with me.”

With a wave of her hand, Lisandra carved out an ice tunnel and took the weapon masters Jax and Wally Bell to the Wailing Abyss.

Beneath the Howling Abyss is the place where the Ice Seal Void Rift is, just invite these two guys over to see if there is anything they can do.

The three gods left, leaving behind a group of stunned bear people.

“Let’s go see the adults in a few days, now it seems that they have something important to deal with.”

Hearing this, Silas nodded, his eyes were a little puzzled, he didn’t know if he had misheard, he had just heard the three words of Xiu Xin Pavilion!

He’s heard the name!

Heard in Demacia…

I don’t know if I heard it wrong, the guys from Demacia, as well as this powerful god from afar, actually know the name of Xiu Xin Pavilion!

What the hell is Cultivation Pavilion?!

Silas was puzzled, full of curiosity about the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, if it were only mentioned occasionally by those guys in Demacia, he would not care so much, but this purple-cloaked demigod mentioned the Heart Cultivation Pavilion!

And also ask that immortal mad thunder is willing to join..,

Could it be that the Heart Cultivation Pavilion is all this kind of god?

How did Laxus become a god? Lax’s magic suddenly awakened and obtained such a strong power, is it also related to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion?

In an instant, the thought in Sellars’ mind flickered, connecting everything together.

Lax from an ignorant girl who was deceived and played by him to a black woman with a spear pretending to be a staff yin person, must be inseparable from this Heart Cultivation Pavilion!

And although Lax is very talented in magic, he has never studied magic and does not know any spells at all!

But he suddenly held a big gun and released an extremely terrifying spell.

Recalling the terrifying flash on that night, Silas felt that the power of that magic was not much worse than the three gods just now!

What the hell is the Heart Cultivation Pavilion?! He actually transformed a mortal into a demigod, and the time that elapsed was only a few days!

Silas’s eyes flickered, he felt that after leaving Freyrdrand, it was also a good choice to look for the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.


Frost Guard Fortress.

The Frost Guard Fortress is the site of the remains of the three ancient sisters who formed a powerful kingdom, full of huge palaces sealed by frost, and immortal frozen thrones.

Among the countless palaces, only one is open, which is where Lisandra usually stays.

From this place, you can directly see the void cracks in the wailing abyss, observe the traces of the melting of the Zhen Ice, and determine how long it will be before the Zhen Ice will completely melt.

Lisandra is very concerned about the matter of the Void Rift, and once attracted the Void Monster because of her desire for power.

Although the Void Rift was sealed, at the same time, her sisters Serilda and Avarosa died in the terrifying ice magic, and all the snowmen became funeral objects.

“I don’t know where you’re from, but you seem to have… The power of the void? ”

Lisandra sat on top of the hall and pointed to Jax’s arm.

Jax’s bare skin was completely purple, and I didn’t know that I thought it was his skin disease or something, but it was actually the traces left by Jax’s years of fighting the Void.

All his skin was the result of this color, the invasion of the air force, but fortunately with the Holy Flame Lantern, the void power only invaded and did not corrupt him.

“The Void… I came here looking for the Void Rift, and in the book of meditation, I found a record of the Freyrdrand Void Rift, which is why I am here. ”

Jax pondered for a moment, resting on the edge of the window of the main hall, looking through the layers of fog at a purple crack in the wailing abyss.

It is exactly the same as the Void Crack in Acacia.

However, above this void crack, there were layers of Zhen Ice, and several Zhen Ice Giant Pillars sealed the Void Rift with ice.

“This is magical power, very good, but it is dissolving, don’t you have a solution?”

Jax frowned slightly, wondering if there was a solution to Freyrdraud’s demigod.

The Void Crack is about to open again, and at the current rate, it is estimated that the ice will all melt in about three years.

Three years may seem like a long time, but ice doesn’t always melt at this rate! The melting of the ice is getting faster and faster, and it is estimated that it will not take a year for the Void Crack to reopen!

It’s been a thousand years!

The power of that magic has long been gone.

“O Void.. Now that the Yeti are extinct, it is impossible to unleash another of that kind of magic, so I can only think of other ways. ”

Lisandra waved her hand a little helplessly, if only the snowman was still alive, then she could release a forbidden magic again.

But at the time of that forbidden magic release, almost all the snowman’s magic was absorbed, and only one snowman survived.

This snowman, too weak!

There is simply not enough power, and it is impossible to use the kind of forbidden magic through this snowman.

In the past, only the north was cold and icy in the north, and it was relatively mild compared to the southern region, but the Void Rift appeared, and Lisandra absorbed the power of all the snowmen to release a forbidden magic.

Under the influence of this magic, the entire Freyrdrand went into a bitter cold.

Such a powerful magic has sealed the Void Rift, and it is not permanently sealed, and it will disappear after only a thousand years.

Lisandro’s heart is very sad, she doesn’t know what to do, she is now ready for the worst, that is, to face the void.

Over the millennia, she has convinced Wallybel, Orne, and Anivia, and has also cultivated many powerful Iceraces, which are the forces she unites to fight the Void.

Since the seal must be lifted, then she can only prepare for a duel.

“I once saw a void rift completely sealed, maybe there will be some way.”

Jax mused, he saw that there was even a Void Monitor in the mezzanine sealed by the Ice Seal.

The power of the void is unfathomable, and the outermost void consciousness bodies are all demigod-level existences, and the real power in the depths of the void has not yet appeared.

But Jax estimates that it will not be lower than the gods!


Lisandra and Wally Bell were both shocked, Jax had ever seen a completely sealed void rift?!

How is this possible?!

Completely sealing a void rift, Lisandra could not imagine what kind of power it was.

She gained the power in the void, and then used the power of the snowman to barely seal the rift for a thousand years!

If it was completely sealed, it would require at least a thousand times more power than hers!

“I didn’t deceive you, once in my hometown of Acacia, there was also a void rift, which was an unintentional passage opened by the mages…

Jax’s eyes flickered, and he remembered his hometown, and quickly shook his head, shaking off the feelings of this thought.

“Only the power of true gods can fight the void, don’t you feel that you have a shackle on your body? We are all demigods, not really gods! ”

Hearing this, Wally Bell and Lisandra both nodded, indeed, they claimed to be gods, but they felt an inexplicable shackle a long time ago.

As long as they break through this shackle, they can enter a whole new realm and gain unparalleled power.

That is the real realm of gods, the so-called demigods, but the gods in the eyes of mortals.

“Only the power of the gods can fight the void, such as the Ascension produced by the Artifact Sun Disk… Or the artifact in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, of course, the real gods are the same. ”

The weapon master set aside the flame lantern and stood on the side of the ice throne, gazing out the window at the howling abyss.

The breath of mourning came from the depths of the Howling Abyss, which made people shudder, and the purple eyes of the frozen Void Monitor in the deepest part of the Howling Abyss were still flashing, very penetrating.

“And so on: What is Shushin Pavilion? And what is an artifact? Isn’t it an artifact that Orn created? ”

Lisandra asked her doubts, she wanted to know what was the difference between these people and the real gods.

Moreover, the weapon master has mentioned the Heart Cultivation Pavilion many times, the artifact in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, what is this Heart Cultivation Pavilion, is it related to the void rift that was completely sealed?

One by one, questions flickered in Lisandro’s heart.

“Artifact… The artifact can easily shape countless demigods, and also has the power comparable to the gods, I don’t know if you have ever seen the Darkborn? ”

Hearing that Lisandra and Wally Bell both nodded, the words of the Darkspawn, they had indeed seen.

There were dozens of Darkspawns in the Rune Lands, and they wanted to march into Freddrand, but they were all defeated.

A thousand years later, another Assassin entered Freyrdrand and threatened to destroy everything he saw.

It was a guy who was sealed in a demon sword, and he had been fighting them for days just by relying on a mortal body who had taken the sacrifice.

“The Darkspawns all have a void aura on them, and they all come from the Acacia you said?”

Lisandra was puzzled, and had some thoughts in her heart, but she had to confirm it with the weapon master.

“Yes, the Sun Disc gives a powerful god the power to soar mortals to demigods to fight the Void.”

“However, those warriors who fought against the Void were corrupted by the Void and became Darkspawns.”

The weapon master patiently explained that if you want to seal the Void Rift, you must be a god-level strength.

Demigods simply don’t have enough to see, and neither are the strongest demigods.

If he can’t break through the gods this time, then he still has to go to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion to ask for an artifact to help. _

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