“How is that possible!?”

Wally Bell was a little surprised, rubbed his eyes, and wondered if he had seen it wrong.

This thing didn’t even suffer the slightest damage at all.

Not normal at all!

Logically speaking, it should be to smash this guy’s head to pieces!

How come there are not even scars left.

“Abnormal attack detected, launch a counterattack!”

The defense power of the two kingdom machine gods is god level, able to block the attacks of the gods, how can Wally Bell leave scars!

At the same time, Wally Bell’s actions had already triggered the defensive wit, and the two kingdom gods raised their giant swords high and slashed towards Wally Bell!

The magic prohibitions on the giant sword were all triggered, and the offensive instantly reached the peak of the demigod level, which was enough to cause a lot of damage to Wally Bell, and even some ordinary demigods could be hacked to death directly!


A low drink sounded, and the light in the eyes of the two kingdom gods disappeared instantly, and then they stood honestly on both sides of the gate.

Originally, Wally Bell was ready to fight with all his strength, if he couldn’t resist, he was ready to use the power of his body, and directly turned into the size of a snowy mountain…,

But before the blade fell, a soul-piercing sound sounded in his heart, making his soul tremble.

Just a sound… There is such power!

Wally Bell was shocked and looked at the door in horror, wanting to see what kind of low drink came from the strong man.

“The shopkeeper is here!”

The weapon master was pleasantly surprised, and said to Wally Bell and Lisandro, he was also a little confused just now, he didn’t have this kingdom when he came before, and this time there were suddenly two terrifying guards who blinded him.

But fortunately, the owner came forward, as long as the owner came forward, it means that there is no problem!

For this voice, the weapon master Jax is simply all too familiar.

Warm and majestic, the voice seems to hit the soul.

“Come in, Jax, and… Wally Bell, Lisandra, new customers are coming. ”

In the expectant eyes of Wally Bell and Lisandro, Li Fulang walked out, pushed open the half-hidden door of the Cultivation Pavilion, and then walked out.

Dressed in a white robe, his face is like a crown jade, and there is a dark jade-colored hairpin on his head, and at a glance, he seems to remember the appearance, but when he looks again, he finds that he can’t remember the appearance at all.


Wally Bell couldn’t help but gasp, feeling like he was facing an abyss, like facing a storm when he was just a bear but still a bear.


Although it seems that Li Fulang is laughing, but when he looks back, Wally Bell can’t remember Li Fulang’s appearance!

What kind of strength is this!

He is a strong man close to the gods! Can’t even remember a person’s face?!

According to legend, when mortals see gods, they can only glimpse the characteristics of gods, leaving a vague impression, but for appearances and the like, there is only vagueness, one second to see, the next second to forget.

This is because the power gap is too large.

Mortals cannot understand the laws or divine power composed of the body of the gods, which is why this phenomenon occurs.

But he’s a demigod! And also a demigod who is only one step away from a true god!

Even with this kind of strength, can’t understand the realm of this shopkeeper?

Wally Bell was really shocked this time, put down all his arrogance and domineering, and respectfully took a step back.

Li Fulang didn’t know why this happened, with his understanding of the Chaos God Position, there were often some abnormalities, and his current strength was getting stronger and stronger, so strong that he didn’t know how strong it was…

If he wants, he can also drag the stars down and play with it.

It was precisely because of the unknown and incomprehension of the Chaos God Position that Li Fulang let him look for the Star Casting Dragon King, wanting to see what this Chaos God Position was.

Now the system is like a burp, and Li Fulang can’t make a sound no matter how he connects, which is really embarrassing.

“I’ve seen the shopkeeper!”

Jax’s voice sounded, pulling Li Fuwan’s thoughts back to reality, and now there are a few guests here!

Li Fu shook his forehead and smiled, then turned around and led the three of them towards the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

He doesn’t have any need to sell things now, but he is still happy to help these heroes he once loved.

Not his Virgin, it’s just that these figures are his youth.

I don’t know how many people are like this, since junior high school and high school, they have fallen in love with this game, this game called the league, and have been addicted to it countless days and nights.

The happiest time is to buy a new hero, get acquainted with him, use his skills, and use them across the canyon.

But now, as I get older, many times this game is just a pastime with friends, and without friends to play with, it doesn’t feel like it once was.

Back then, for the alliance, there was blood, and that period of youth rushed.

Li Fulang felt that there was nothing wrong with helping these heroes, just distinguishing between good and evil.

From the standpoint of most heroes, there are no good people or bad people, and most heroes fight for their dreams or beliefs.

But there are also completely evil people, such as Ember, so Li Fulang did not care about Ember’s affairs.

Li Fulang had a hunch that if he could thoroughly understand the Chaos God Position, he might be able to figure out the reason why he had crossed over.


“Skin skills, book prophecies, all here, see for yourself, if you have any questions, come and ask me, don’t be too restrained.”

Li Fu shook his head with a smile, looked at the extremely restrained Wally Bell and Lisandro, and laughed.

These two guys, I don’t know why, are very restrained and look nervous.

Look at the masters of people’s weapons! They are all very familiar with running to the endless martial arts arena to practice.

“Ahem, we really have a problem, I don’t know how to strengthen the Zhen Ice Seal?”

Lisandra simply told Li Fulang about her sacrificing frost magic with the life of the snowman clan to seal the Void Rift, and then looked at Li Fulang expectantly.

Her eyes were gouged out by Wally Bell in ancient times, but then she gave birth to a new ability, able to see powers that ordinary people can’t see.

In her eyes now, Li Fulang in front of her was a huge and incomparable ultimate power, even thousands of times stronger than the void power that had bewitched her!

It is estimated that a way to strengthen the Zhen Ice Seal can really be found here.

“This, it’s simple, find an artifact to help strengthen it, or you can break through to the realm of true god yourself, and you can use the power of Zhen Ice at will.”

“There is another one, you can train the surviving snowman to become a demigod, so that with the talent of the snowman race, you can barely condense the ice with it.”

Li Fu shook and gave three solutions.

Zhen Ice is the ultimate path of ice magic, only gods who are proficient in ice magic can use and condense perfectly, and Lisandra actually did it with the help of the power of snowmen last time.

The lives of all the snowmen!

Without these snowmen, Lisandra would not have been able to unleash that terrifying frost magic a thousand years ago.

“So… Those gods, are they there? ”

Lisandra sensed all kinds of powerful forces in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, and then pointed to the weapon area, in her perception, there are the most gods there, and they don’t move, it is estimated that it is the artifact that the weapon master said!

If you can temporarily strengthen the Ice Seal with the artifact, and then wait until she becomes a god to personally solve this void rift, it is naturally the best choice!

For the mistakes she has made, Lisandra wants to end it with her own hands.

“Yes, didn’t you guys fight? How is it still reconciled now? ”

Li Fulang wiped the magic crystal ball on the counter and looked at the two guys with some curiosity.

In his impression, Lisandra was blinded by Wally Bell, and the relationship between ancient gods and mortal realms was not very good in ancient times.

How does it seem that the relationship is still good now, at least stay together and do not fight.

“Void things, Freyrdrand can no longer withstand infighting, Aoun and I can be regarded as reconciled, let alone with this blind man.”

Wally Bell pouted disdainfully, very arrogant.

Freyrdrand’s high-end combat power really can’t withstand infighting, he, Orne, Anivia, and Lisandra can’t be damaged, and he has to defend against the invasion of the void at all times.

Those demigods who are not considered high-end combat power have been killed by Wally Bell, and the only ones he can’t kill are Lisandra three…,

If it weren’t for the Void, he would never let go of the grudge with Orn so easily!

“Ahem, I see, how are you going to solve it? If you want to break through and become a god, it is really not a simple matter. ”

Li Fuxian smiled helplessly, as his strength became stronger and stronger, his understanding of the level of gods became more and more.

If you want to become a god, there are two categories, one is to bind to the Rune Land, everything is for the Rune Land, and become a god recognized by the Rune Land, such as Rez.

The second is to seek a primordial star to place its own power and divine power, or borrow the divine power of the star, which is the case with the ancient giant god Star Spirit.

Compared to being bound to the Rune Land, countless ancient gods have chosen to become star spirits.

Of course, in the universe, there are also several star spirits like dragon kings, creatures naturally brewed in the universe.

“We intend to: Solve the matter of the void by yourself, but you need an artifact to help strengthen the seal, and now the ice seal will disappear in less than a year. ”

Lisandra and Wally Bell agreed on this matter.

This is their business, and it is also a heart demon, and if they can’t solve the Void Rift with their own hands, they won’t be willing!

Wally Bell and Lisandra want to tear those Void Monsters apart with their own hands!

PS: Attentive readers may have the feeling that this book is coming to an end, and when the matter of Bander City and the Celestial Star Spirit Dragon King is finished, it will almost be over.

I love the league, so I will never ghostwrite, and I will apply for it when the time comes.

Thank you all for supporting you all the way. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – bookmark, recommend, share! ��,

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