When the two equinoxes converge, the spiritual realm and the material plane will produce a perfect fusion of two places at the Giant God Peak.

One is the Equinox Temple, and the other is the Luhai Malu Temple, which are the opportunities for the rise of the Lieyang Sect and the Jiaoyue Sect respectively. 、


Flaming Sun Sect

Leona stayed in the temple of the equinox, preparing for the arrival of the blazing sun star spirit.

The Flaming Sun Star Spirit came, and as a goddess, she was going to accept the power of the Flaming Sun Star Spirit, and the elders and priests had been planning this matter for a long time.

Decades ago, the Lieyang Sect picked up an orphan named Diana, and later Diana naturally joined the Lieyang Sect.

And then somehow, Diana seemed to have changed into a person, opposed the teachings of the Flaming Sun Sect, and began to theorize with the elders and priests.

After that, he even directly killed many elders.

They all wondered why Diana had such great power and was able to directly kill so many elders in seconds.

Over the years, the Lieyang Sect had been investigating this matter, and now it had finally been investigated clearly.

Once Lisandra went to the peak of the Giant God Peak, saw the Star Spirit of the Bright Moon, and obtained the power of the blessing of the Star Spirit of the Bright Moon, which is why Diana is so powerful.

“The two-point temple, the power of the blazing sun star spirit, whether what Diana once said is true or not, this time should be able to be determined.”

Leona, the goddess of dawn, muttered to herself, once Diana told her that the blazing sun and the bright moon were originally on the same camp and fought together against the dark creatures.

Originally, Leona didn’t believe it, but as she checked some information herself, there were also some recent actions of the Flaming Sun Sect, as well as banning people from the Flaming Sun Sect from climbing the Giant God Peak…

Leona felt that what Diana said was definitely not without purpose.

Perhaps in ancient times, the Lieyang Sect and the Jiaoyue Sect were really one, and at that time, the Lieyang Star Spirit and the Jiaoyue Star Spirit did not become mortal enemies…

The reincarnation of the bright moon and the blazing sun is the truth between heaven and earth.

Leona felt that this was the case, but all the elders did not agree with this view, in their opinion, the blazing sun was synonymous with justice, and the bright moon was an existence that would breed darkness and must be destroyed.

But as far as Leona knows, the Kyaoyue Sect has secretly helped many refugees, and even now they are fighting dark creatures.

And what about the Flaming Sun Sect?

In the name of justice, exercising the rights of rulers does not seem to have done anything substantial.

It’s not as good as the people sent by the Jiaoyue Sect to fight the dark creatures.

Leona was a little confused, and she wanted to take this opportunity to ask the Flaming Sun Star Spirit what was going on.

Was she wrong, or was the entire Flaming Sun Sect wrong, she needed the guidance of the gods.

When the two equinoxes gather, whether or not she can accept the power of the gods, she has to ask about this matter, which is related to her inner faith.

“Lord Goddess, are you executing the foreign enemy of the divine will now?”

A priest walked in and bowed to Leona.

Today is the day of Tariq’s execution.

For this enemy in the will of the gods, the Flaming Sun Sect showed no mercy, and the decision was to roast him to death under the Blazing Sun today.

“Wait, has there been anything unusual lately?”

Leona’s eyes flickered, and she hadn’t forgotten about Mord Caesar’s pretend Trenier at all.

The enemy in the will of the gods is not the jewel knight Tariq at all, but the guy who is secretly manipulating Trenier.

It’s just that Leona can’t find out what is behind Trenier’s back.

“Goddess, everything is fine with Thurniel, that is…”

This priest hesitated, he monitored Trenil in the shadows, and found nothing unusual at all, that is…,

“It’s that Trenier seems to be very excited and has not slept for a whole night.”

The priest was puzzled, although the Templars were in good health, but sunset rest was a custom of the Lakores for tens of millions of years, and no one slept at normal times.

Even Rahorak, who stands guard in the evening, needs to be in the day.

But Trenier didn’t even go on overnight!

You must know that this guy Thurnir has just led the Templars to capture the enemy in the will of the gods! That must have taken a lot of energy and energy.

It’s very strange that you don’t have a good rest in the evening, but you are very excited.

“Huh? Sure enough, there was a problem, go and arrest Trenil and hang it with that Tariq. ”

Leona’s eyes were grim, she really didn’t believe that something could hide under the blazing sun.

You must know that this blazing sun is not an ordinary sun.

This kind of punishment was carried out in the place where the Giant God Peak Fierce Sun Energy was most abundant, and even she might not be able to withstand it.

Legend has it that this punishment was left by the Flaming Sun Star Spirit, and there was also the power of the Flaming Sun Star Spirit.

Nothing can lurk under this blazing sun.


The priest’s face changed, and in response to the call, he retreated, and rushed with a large group of Rahorak to the residence of Mord Caesar.

Originally, he felt that there was a slight mistake, but now that he thinks about it, it is very wrong!

How can a guy who has experienced a big war be very excited all night!

There must be some reason for this that he did not know.

Although he didn’t know, Leona saw it.

Moreover, the Templars who went to the bottom of the Giant God Peak were all dead, and only Trenier survived, which is also a bit unreasonable.


Groups of Templars broke into Mord Caesar’s dwelling, savagely arrested Mord Caesar, and tied Mord Caesar with ropes.

A series of changes made Maud Caesar a little confused.

Isn’t the execution of the jewel knight Tariq today? How did you come and get him?

Although a little confused, Mord Caesar did not resist.

There were two more days left when the equinox converged, and there was no need for him to expose it at this time.

“Pronounce the will of the gods! Trenier, you have enough suspicions. ”

The priest bound Mord Caesar, looked at the incomparably spirited Mord Caesar, and confirmed his guess in his heart.

This guy, there must be a problem!

Too calm, and it doesn’t look like a person who has experienced a big war at all.

It’s like a guy who has been in a high position for a long time.

Mord Caesar was honestly escorted to the top of the plank road, and through the temple of the equinox, there was a plank road towards the top of the giant god’s peak, and one of the branches of this plank road was the place where the blazing sun was executed.

There, there is a blazing sun that any evil that violates justice will be liquidated by the fire of the blazing sun.

Mord Caesar was escorted up and then tied to a tough pillar, next to which was the tied Tariq.

The scorching sun shone on Tariq’s body, and bursts of stars flowed from the gems, isolating all the power of the blazing sun.

This is the star power obtained by the Jewel Knight, and it has a very strong defense.

The power of the scorching sun can’t even infect half a point!

“Why are you arrested too?”

Seeing that Mord Caesar was also tied to his side, the Jewel Knight opened his eyes in confusion, a little surprised.

The power of the scorching sun just now was so warm that he wanted to sleep.

He thought it was some kind of cruel punishment, but he didn’t expect that just basking in the sun like this was really boring.

“It’s me, what are you, this force…”

Maud Caesar’s pupils shrank, he originally thought that the power in the gem knight was just some kind of ordinary power with strong defense.

But now take a closer look, the gem brilliance in the hands of the gem knight actually came from the heavenly realm!

And it is also an ownerless star in the celestial realm!

This means… There is hope of becoming a god in the tower, as long as he fully grasps this power, he is completely able to become a god!

Like the pirate who had followed Svein to find him, he used the power of the masterless native stars of the Celestial Realm.

Planck’s fear nova power is the same as the power of the jewel knight, both are the power of the original stars of the celestial realm!

This kind of star is not like the star created by the dragon king, this kind of star is the life brewed by the universe itself, but it does not produce independent self-awareness.

The Jewel Knight could have such an opportunity, and Mord Caesar was really envious.

But now it seems that the Jewel Knight has not really polished and comprehended this power, otherwise he would not have fallen asleep.

Sleep is just a way of self-defense, under the intervention of that gem power, the gem knight has not been significantly damaged, but the mental wear and tear is still great.

Mord Caesar is also a person who has approached the gods countless times, and he can still see these things.

It’s a little sour, but that’s okay.

After two days, he would completely revive the underworld, which was much stronger than the chance of the Jewel Knight.

Besides, he has the strongest opportunity to cultivate the Heart Pavilion, but the Gem Knight does not!

“Why aren’t you afraid of this blazing sun, are they fooling me?”

The Jewel Knight looked at Mord Caesar with some doubt, how could he feel that Mord Caesar was not afraid at all.

Doesn’t it mean that this blazing sun can bake people alive into skeletons, and then turn them into flying ashes, and it can also ensure that the soul of the prisoner does not die, and the soul will not die until the ashes dissipate.

The soul will always suffer the punishment of the scorching sun, while watching its body fall in flames.

The Jewel Knight was a little helpless, he said so powerfully, how could he implement anything!

This blazing sun punishment was like the gentle sunlight in winter, which made the jewel knight feel very warm.

He doesn’t know the source of his power, he just can use him.

Originally, the Gem Knight awakened this top-notch defensive force, and then fully awakened when he climbed to the top of the Giant God Peak, and now he has not climbed the Giant God Peak, naturally he is not very clear about the origin of this power.

“Hey, are you going to just bask like this.”

Mord Caesar asked maliciously, wanting to seduce this guy who had gone against the sky. _

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