No wonder he looked fearless, it turned out that he had such a strong strength.

Moreover, he had never seen this ability to play with the soul, and he had never even seen anyone with such a strong ability to manipulate the soul.

But the jewel knight Tariq knew that now was not the time to care about these things, so he directly broke free from the rope bound to his body and followed Mord Caesar towards the peak of the Giant God Peak.

Legend has it that those who reach the Giant God Peak have the opportunity to receive blessings from the gods, that is, to meet the gods directly.

The jewel knight Tariq listened to the guidance of his heart, and Mord Caesar also said that after the two climbed to the peak of the Giant God Peak, they would give him the teleportation charm.

At that time, he will be able to go to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, and then at the same time fulfill his desire to climb the Giant God Peak, which is simply a double kill.

The two went all the way to the peak of the mountain leading to the Giant God Peak, and no one could stop the two at all, and no one could even see these two people.

All the Flaming Sun Sect members who stood in the way of Mordcaesar and Tariq collapsed to the ground and lost their souls.

Since Mord Caesar has decided, there will be no more nonsense, full firepower, plus his steel body, he is confident that he can climb the Giant God Peak.


Among the equinox temples

Leona was preparing for the incarnation of the Flaming Sun Star Spirit, which was a major event for the Flaming Sun Sect, and she could not slack off in the slightest.

And it was also her big thing, she wanted to ask what the true image of the Flaming Sun Star Spirit really looked like, and why the Fierce Sun and Jiaoyue, who fought together against dark creatures in ancient times, became mortal enemies.

What is the truth of history?

Is it the Lieyang Sect that is now deliberately distorting the facts of history, or is she wrong?

The goddess of dawn did not know, she felt that she could only get a clear answer by asking the Flaming Sun Star Spirit, after all, it was the god she believed in.

The gods would not deceive her, and the gods represented absolute justice and would tell him the truth and answer her doubts.

“Not good! Lord Goddess, the two criminals who were ready to be executed, Tariq and Trenier fled, and Tsernir became something else! ”

A Templar rushed in, his face full of horror.

The scene just now was too mysterious, and the blazing sun that could roast ordinary people to death was of no use to those two guys.

Moreover, Tsunier instantly turned into a steel giant, ruthlessly plundering their lives while ignoring the blazing sun and climbing towards the peak of the Giant God Peak.


Leona’s pupils shrank, she didn’t expect something to happen so soon, but now she couldn’t leave.

The two equinoxes will converge, and the Flaming Sun Star Spirit will descend on the Flaming Sun Star Spirit at that time, and he still has many doubts to ask the Flaming Sun Star Spirit!

And… Leona felt that Diana had obtained a lot of ancient secrets at the peak of the Giant God Peak, which must be related to the particularity of the Giant God Peak.

Everyone knows that climbing the Giant God Peak can obtain powerful blessings, of course, the premise is that you can climb the Giant God Peak alive.

Every year, countless locals and foreigners come to prepare to climb the Giant God Peak, and those with potential are rejected, and if they do not know the Flaming Yang Sect, they will be killed quickly, and only those who have no potential will be allowed to climb the Giant God Peak.

Because they had no potential, these people were doomed to fail and turned into white bones on the road to climbing the Giant God Peak.

Now it seems that this move of the Flaming Sun Sect is to cover up…

They didn’t want people to successfully climb the Giant God Peak at all, and anyone who had the possibility of success, the Fierce Sun Sect would not agree with their reasons for climbing the Giant God Peak.

Only the kind of guy who was doomed to failure would the Flaming Sun Sect agree.

There must be some secrets in this, Leona does not know, but she feels that the elders must know.

Her mission this time is to obtain the blessing of the Flaming Sun Star Spirit, gain great power, and then come to eradicate all the believers of the Jiaoyue Sect, and even all the pagan beliefs of the Giant God Peak.

But she had a little doubt, since she had climbed the Giant God Peak to obtain the blessing of the Star Spirit, why didn’t the sect let her climb the Giant God Peak, but instead asked her to go to the second equinox and the blazing sun face?

This is what Leona is puzzled about, after Anna’s incident, almost every Leona will have new doubts in her heart, and all of them are questions about the Flaming Sun Sect.

“Don’t worry about them, just let them go, all the elders, guard the Equinox Temple and prevent foreign enemies from invading!”

Leona squinted, the most important thing now was to face the Fierce Sun Star Spirit to clarify the doubts in her heart.

Usually, the goddess does not have such a big right, just on the same level as the elders, but now that the two equinoxes are about to converge, Leona temporarily has the right to arrange all the priests and elders.

In the face of Leona’s decision, although some elders were a little dissatisfied, they did not say anything.

This was a critical juncture, and compared to the perfect arrival of the Flaming Sun Star Spirit, those two criminals who secretly climbed the Giant God Peak were indeed a trivial matter.

Among these elders, some of them had seen the Flaming Sun Star Spirit descend, and they were simply fanatical about that kind of power.

They firmly believed that as long as the Flaming Sun Star Spirit was successful, the destruction of all paganism would only be a matter of moments, and those two criminals would also be burned to death by the gods with the flame of justice on the way to climb the Giant God Peak.

At the foot of the Giant God Peak

Ephaelius dressed up as an ordinary person, and the package behind his back was filled with moonstone weapons.

His mission this time is to destroy the gathering of the two equinoxes and prevent the arrival of the Flaming Sun Star Spirit.

The moonstone weapon behind Ephaelius has fatal damage to the blazing sun, and although his strength is not enough to interfere with the arrival of the blazing sun star spirit, these moonstone weapons can do it.

It is only necessary to place the moonstone weapon in the Equinox Temple, and the spiritual realm originally intended to be projected in the Equinox Temple will shift, resulting in the Equinox not being perfectly integrated, and then the gods cannot descend.

This kind of thing was done by the Jiaoyue Sect once.

And it succeeded, it was when Diana led the Jiaoyue Sect, when the Jiaoyue Sect and the Lieyang Sect were evenly matched, and even because Diana’s power had the upper hand.

But now, with Diana’s departure, the Jiaoyue Sect quickly weakened and was wiped out by the Flaming Sun Sect in one fell swoop.

“The situation is getting worse, I hope it will work out this time, Lalune.”

Ephaelius’s mind was full of thoughts, and it was not as calm as it seemed.

It doesn’t matter if he succeeds or not, Laluen’s success is the most important, and on the day the moon shadow meets, Laluen is the person chosen by the Luhai Maru Temple…

If Lalune succeeds, then he will have no regrets in this life.

Ephelius is a complete sister, and everything he has is his sister Lalune except for the belief in the bright moon.

If Laluen can receive the blessing of the Star Spirit of the Bright Moon, then Laluen’s life can be regarded as a complete farewell to weakness.

Ephaelius thought as he walked to the temple of the equinox, with a scarf on his head that covered the crescent mark on his forehead.


The peak of the Giant God Peak

A huge figure saw it all.

This figure surrounds the universe, the eyes open and close to the endless starry sky dim destruction and regeneration, and the terrifying dragon body surrounds the peak of the Giant God Peak.

At the same time, the dragon’s head also carries a huge crown, which is constantly absorbing his power.

It was the Star Casting Dragon King, Aurelion.

He saw the abacus of the Flaming Sun Star Spirit and the Jiaoyue Star Spirit in his eyes, and at the same time he had some disdain in his heart.

He was more interested in the Jewel Knight than the fight between the two children.

Those who can obtain the blessings of the original star spirit power of the universe are not ordinary people, and the Star Casting Dragon King has created countless stars, and his understanding of stars is very deep.

The original stars of the universe are equivalent to the power of the gods, but they have no self-awareness, but this kind of stars can independently find suitable creatures, and then merge with them, completely becoming a strong star spirit in the universe.

The existence of this star spirit is even much stronger than that of a natural star spirit.

“And what is the Heart Cultivation Pavilion? Who set the prohibition on this iron pimple? Interesting, really interesting. ”

The eyes of the Star Casting Dragon King looked at Mord Caesar and the Jewel Knight who were climbing towards the peak of the Giant God Peak, and everything was hidden in front of his power.

But only the skull of Mord Caesar made the Star Casting Dragon King feel the strong forbidden power.

It instantly shocked his heart.

This kind of prohibition can directly kill a star spirit, and it also devours the power of the star spirit, which is very terrifying.

To be able to write this prohibition, the strength is at least similar to him.

He was the first creature born in the universe, and even those sinister star spirits could not compare to him in absolute power.

But now he suddenly found a person with the same strength as him, and you can imagine how shocked and excited the Dragon King’s heart is.

Who wrote this prohibition?

The Star Casting Dragon King stared at Mord Caesar’s skull, he hadn’t been so excited in years, and it was the second thing he had been interested in in so many years.

The first thing is, of course, how to get out of trouble and then kill those Yin and his star spirits.

“Cultivation Pavilion, is it? Where is that? It turned out to be a fog: It really is a very strong existence! ”

For the conversation between Mord Caesar and the Jewel Knight, the Star Casting Dragon King heard it clearly, and naturally knew about the existence of the Cultivation Pavilion.

At the same time, it was almost guessed that the one who wrote down the prohibition was the owner of this Heart Cultivation Pavilion:

The Dragon King’s gaze looked at Ionia, sweeping the entire continent in an instant, but only one area of Presidian was foggy.

No matter how he observes, it is a fog.

If you haven’t guessed correctly, this is the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

“If it’s really that strong, maybe it can really save me!”

The Star Casting Dragon King’s eyes flickered, if he was really a strong man of the same level as him, he would be able to release him!

Once he used his divine power, he would destroy countless stars, and he was very miserable to be bound by the star spirit.

This crown was refined by countless star spirits, even the star spirits could not untie it, only creatures of the same level as him could possibly rescue him!

This one from the Heart Cultivation Pavilion is obviously very likely! _

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