The Star Casting Dragon King’s eyes flickered, he even felt the breath of that person in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion for the first time, how could he have seen it before!

Not someone can predict the future, he can do it, but predicting the future divides people.

If he had gone all out, he might have been able to do his best to learn about the conspiracy of the Star Spirits against him, but after all, it was an all-out shot, who would have done this!

It is already difficult to predict the things of the Star Spirit of the universe, let alone predict his affairs!

If the shopkeeper of the Cultivation Pavilion had predicted his affairs a long time ago, then the strength of the shopkeeper of the Cultivation Pavilion would probably be even more terrifying.

It’s scary enough now!

The Star Casting Dragon King looked at the transmission note in his hand, and his spiritual power was instantly immersed in it, urging this transmission note, and then looked in the direction of Ionia.

In fact, with the strength of the Star Casting Dragon King and Li Fulang, they don’t have to care about these at all, and they can see each other directly.

The transmission note urged, and Li Fuwan, who was in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, instantly felt it.


Shushin Pavilion

Li Fulang’s hand flashed with chaotic brilliance, staying in the laboratory to study this power, as his strength increased, he became more and more confused about his power.

He could manipulate this power as he pleased, but he didn’t know exactly what it was, what it represented, and why it was all kinds of characteristics.

I wanted to ask the system, but the system was like dead, and it didn’t show up at all.

The Creator Laboratory is already full of various experimental materials, whether it is the materials and experimental products of Hex Technology, or the instruments of various magical elements.

Marzaha stayed in the cage on the side and looked at it stupidly, and did not shout about the void of faith or anything.

Now he kind of understood that this adult was not a strong man in the void at all.

Or that the strong man in the void is nothing in front of this adult, not even a shit …

After so many days, Marzaha was really numb.

He originally thought that Li Fulang was a Void powerhouse, but after so many days, he completely defeated this idea of his.

Li Fulang often studied the power of chaos in the Creator’s laboratory, and various characteristics were often flying in the sky, sometimes even directly creating ignorant life, and sometimes being able to annihilate all matter…

There are many more of these characteristics that now Marzaha’s faith has collapsed.

The void counts as a p

Marzaha no longer believes in the void, and in front of this power of the shopkeeper, the power of the void is simply too spicy chicken!

Li Fulang’s chaotic power is ever-changing, and it is very simple to simulate the characteristics of the void power.

“Brother Fu Shao, Sister Catherine has come to buy equipment!”

Suddenly, Lilia pushed open the door of the Creator’s laboratory and poked her little head to remind Li Fuwan.

Catherine had been waiting outside for a while, so Lilia came to urge Li Fuwan.

In fact, Lilia herself does not like to enter the laboratory very much, and even has some fear of this creator laboratory where Li Fulang often does some experiments.

This fear has nothing to do with psychology, but is an instinctive fear.

If Li Fuxian does not converge his breath and completely exposes his qi machine to the world, it is estimated that he can directly scare a group of people to death.

This is an instinctive fear.

“Huh? Here it comes! ”

Li Fu replied, stopped his research on the power of chaos, and quickly walked out.

Catherine came to buy equipment a few times, but in fact, it was mainly to buy some Hex, or rope made of that special material.

After all, the security of Pi City needs him to maintain, and many criminals cannot be killed directly, and Hex guns and ropes can perfectly meet the needs of their guards.

I don’t know what I came to buy again this time.

Every time the Picheng policewoman Catherine came to buy something, she was customized, after all, the needs of the guards were very strange, and there was no need for unified production.

Li Fulang walked out of the Creator Laboratory, came, and saw Catherine who had been waiting for a long time.

“Hello, Catherine, what do you need this time? Didn’t the last one solve it? ”

Li Fu shook and said with a smile, the rope that Catherine bought last time said that she was going to catch a big guy, and it was only a few days before she returned, and it is estimated that things are not going very smoothly.

Seeing Catherine’s sad face, it is estimated that Ken has encountered some trouble.

“Yes, it is not solved, what Noxus left behind is too dangerous.”

Catherine raised her forehead slightly, she was really a little haggard recently, and she was very irritated by Noxus making things upset.

Noxus’s dreadnought chariot plan was secretly carried out in Zuan, and at the same time, many alchemists were united to transform a killing machine.

If this succeeds, Zuan will be the first to slaughter, and in order to stop the Fearless Chariot plan, Picheng mobilized most of his forces.

If it’s just an alchemist and an alchemist, it’s easier to deal with, but it’s difficult to add Noxus.

Recently, Noxus did not know what went crazy, and provoked wars everywhere, fighting Demacia in the west, Shurima in the south, and Freyrdrand in the north, secretly planning to capture Zuan and Pi City.

It’s crazy!

Many Noxus soldiers were smuggled in by Zuan’s alchemy baron, and many big killing weapons were also transported to Zuan.

One of them, called Theon, was the biggest headache for the Pi City police, and if it weren’t for Theon, they would have destroyed the Dreadnought last time.

“We need something that can limit brute force… In order to subdue – subdue the undead god of war Theon. “,

Catherine was sad, the undead god of war Theon was too perverted, a long-dead corpse was soaked in magic, and then now it turned into a giant monster with no pain at all, which was very terrifying.

The Picheng garrison was simply vulnerable in front of the undead god of war Theon, and I don’t know how Noxus got this big guy into Zuan.

If the undead god of war Theon and the dreadnought chariot Urgat join forces to attack, it is estimated that the guard system of Pi City will collapse in an instant, and even Camille’s team will not be able to resist.

They must dare to destroy this plan before the Dreadnought tank has been developed, but the strength of the undead god of war Theon is too strong, so they have no way to destroy the dreadnought tank.

“Suppress the undead god of war Theon… It is indeed a more troublesome thing, whether these mecha should be considered, they are all Hex products, as long as Annhaix crystals can provide powerful power. ”

Li Fuxian pointed to the mecha outside the door, those were all researched by him, and they all used very advanced technology, all with god-level defenses and demigod-level attacks…

Able to easily tear the continent, enough for Catherine, a policewoman in Picheng, to use.

Of course, if it is used in Picheng and Zuan, Li Fulang can also provide a weakened version, after all, it is not good to accidentally split Picheng.

The power of a demigod can destroy an area!

“Hmm… Is that mech outside the door? I noticed it last time, but I didn’t know what it was, so I didn’t ask. ”

A hint of curiosity flashed in Catherine’s eyes, for her growing up in Pi City, this mecha was an extremely powerful attraction.

Who wouldn’t want to have their own Hex?!

It’s just that now the Hex technology in Picheng is not very developed, let alone the armor, even the Hex weapon can only be made by the master.

It is usually difficult to see a large number of Hex’s weapons.

“Good, if you need it, I can also order it for you…”

Before Li Fuxian finished speaking, his face turned pale, and a flash of joy flashed on his face, and he quickly took out a transmission note and urged it excitedly.

Unexpectedly, Mord Caesar actually succeeded!

This note is exactly the one connected to the note that Mord Caesar gave to the Dragon King, and as long as the Dragon King urges the note, Li Fulang can feel it here.

Li Fuxiang gave a thumbs up to Mord Caesar in his heart!

I didn’t expect this little iron man to be quite powerful!

Li Fulang has never been out of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, and he does not know the changes in the sun outside, and the Heart Cultivation Pavilion has countless artifact brilliance, and the power of the underworld cannot affect the Heart Cultivation Pavilion at all.

Naturally, nothing was known about what Mord Caesar was doing.

“Wait a minute.”

Li Fulang said a warning to the woman, and then pulled out a chair to Catherine.

Just such a chair is a semi-divine weapon, Catherine sits for a while, not to say that it is to prolong life, but it can also be a lot of spirit.

In the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, there are no mundane things, even a chair is very precious.

Catherine sat on it blankly, her eyes full of doubts, not knowing what was wrong with Li Fulang.

Is there something urgent?

Does it have anything to do with that green sun in the sky?

The policewoman of Picheng knew about this, there was a green sun in the sky, and a large number of undead were introduced, but it did not have any impact on Picheng, so she did not care.

Even if you care, it’s useless, it’s the sun!

It’s not something they can think about.

“Casting Star Dragon King…”,

Li Fuxian urged the transmission note in his hand, and in an instant, he formed a connection with the Star Casting Dragon King above the Giant God Peak…

But the transmission note has been shining, extremely unstable…

The power of Li Fulang and the Dragon King is too strong, and it is simply not a transmission note that can support it!


With a loud bang, the transmission note in the hands of Li Fulang and the Casting Star Dragon King directly exploded and turned into powder.

Before the connection was concluded, the transmission note exploded directly.

The power level of Li Fulang and the Dragon King is too high.

“Alas… Let’s go on your own! First design the mech for you. ”

Li Fulang’s eyes passed through the layers of fog, looked at the endless starry sky above the Giant God Peak, and looked at the eyes of the Star Casting Dragon King for a moment.

This time, he had to meet the Star Casting Dragon King in person.

This guy was stuck there, he couldn’t get out at all, and he couldn’t use the notes, so he had to go by himself.

But before he passed, he had to help Catherine solve his own troubles. _

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