There must be a gap in his knowledge, after all, he has directly become a god from a mortal, and he does not know some of the knowledge of cultivation at all.

If there was a lack of these common-sense things, it would be a fatal vacancy, and the Jewel Knight felt that he still needed to make up for it.

“Let’s go then!”

Li Fu nodded, waved his big hand, and disappeared above the Giant God Peak with Mord Caesar and the Jewel Knight.

Chaos power can also be transformed into space power, with mysterious power, very strong.

The three disappeared, and calm returned to the Giant God Peak.

At the same time, because the Star Casting Dragon King left, the difficulty of climbing the Giant God Peak dropped significantly, and there was no longer that heavy pressure.

After a long time, a figure swayed to the top of the mountain.

It was Leona, the goddess of dawn.

Originally, she was climbing forward under great pressure, and the whole person seemed to be crushed to pieces.

But I don’t know why, that pressure disappeared in an instant, and she thought she was dreaming.

It was so easy to climb to the top of Giant God Peak!

Leona looked at the scene of the dome of the Giant God Peak, and her heart was a little shocked.

This is completely different from the glow in the records, there are no legendary stars and mountains, and some are only a mess.

There were scorched black potholes everywhere, and there was still the residual breath of the blazing sun.

Leona looked at the blazing sun in the sky, the once familiar feeling disappeared, replaced by a strangeness…,

The current blazing sun is not the same as it used to be!

What’s going on?

A bold guess surfaced in Leona’s mind… Could it be that the Flaming Sun Star Spirit is dead?

Leona quickly shook her head, not sure about this matter at all, but this sun has indeed changed! Not the sun it used to be!

As a goddess of the Flaming Sun Sect, she had a familiar feeling when facing the Flaming Sun, but now this feeling had disappeared.

Leona looked around and walked to a hole full of ashes, tears dripping from her eyes.

This is… Where the blazing sun star falls. ,

The tears were not that Leona herself was sad, but only the power infected by the fall of the gods.

When the gods fall, all things are sad, even if a believer of the Jiaoyue Sect comes here, he will still be sad and weeping.

“The Flaming Sun Star Spirit is dead, what happened here?!”

Leona’s heart shook, I don’t know what happened here, how even the gods have fallen!

What the hell happened here!

Leona walked around the peak of the Giant God Peak, and her heart was very puzzled, and it was said that climbing to the top of the Giant God Peak would be blessed by the gods. 、

Why is the current Giant God Peak so dead and silent, and none of the stars in the sky paid attention to her.

In fact, now the star spirits in the universe are in panic, all of them are on guard against the dragon king seeking revenge, and they have no effort to deal with Leona.

And Leona’s own god, the Flame Sun Star Spirit, had long been killed by Mord Caesar, let alone blessed her.

“Where will we know the truth? The more you know, the more unwilling you are…”

Leona was a little disappointed, she originally thought that she could get the historical truth above the Giant God Peak, but she didn’t expect to get nothing now! The peak of Giant God Peak is even more desolate!

How on earth can you understand the truth of history ?!

Suddenly, Leona squinted at the sun in the sky, as if she saw something unusual in the sun.

Although the sun has now returned to its original state and is a transparent golden yellow, Leona sees a miserable green world behind the sun…

That’s the underworld!

“Just miserable green sun should be for this world!”

Leona squinted her eyes, thinking carefully, the blazing sun star disappeared from her body, and then the manifestation flew above the giant god peak, and then the sun changed drastically, turning miserable green.

If nothing else, the death of the Flaming Sun Star Spirit must have something to do with this miserable green world.

Leona’s talent is very good, Song sees everything in the spiritual realm, if it were not for this talent, she would not have been selected by the Flaming Sun Star Spirit.

“What are these souls worshiping?!”

Leona’s pupils shrank, and the souls in this miserable green underworld were actually worshiping in one direction!

And there is a thin green line spreading out from the underworld, hooking up towards an area of the Runeterra…

This thin line is the link between Mord Caesar and the underworld, whether it is cause and effect or rules or something.

Leona could actually see such a thing!

But apparently, Leona didn’t know what it was.

“This is, the thin line to Ionia? Could it be that the gods are guiding me? ”

Leona muttered, thinking that the thin green line was a guide from the gods.

In that case, wouldn’t it be telling her to go to Ionia?

Go to Ionia and know everything you want!

This thought suddenly arose in Leona’s heart, and a touch of determination flashed in her eyes.

The underworld has killed the Flaming Sun Star Spirit, and this thin green line is the truth related to the guide and the underworld…

You have to break through these fogs step by step.

Leona thought so and decided to go to Ionia!

As for the Flaming Sun Sect of Giant God Peak, she didn’t want to care about it anymore, the Flaming Sun Star Spirit was dead, what else did she care about the Flaming Sun Sect!

And I only told her that in the truth of history, the righteous blazing sun is definitely not the party of true justice!

She planned to follow the green line to Ionia first, find the end of the line, and then go to the Sea of Conquerors to find Diana, so that she should be able to figure out all the doubts.

The gods are dead, faith is shattered, Leona now only wants to solve the puzzle, and this thin green line on the peak of the giant god has become her hope.


In the endless jungle, countless elemental mages have established such a powerful country, Ezuthar.

As one of the strongest vassals of the Ancient Shureima, the strength of Esutar is naturally needless to say.

Countless elemental mages have strong strength enough to sweep the yellow sand, but most of the Ishtars do not like to expand very much, and they all stay on their own territory to develop at ease.

But those days didn’t last long.

In the area where Ishtar and Shrema meet, Aqasia, expands to open the Void Rift…

The elemental mages soon realized that the void was a threat to the entire Rune Continent and an enemy that should never be taken lightly!

A powerful elemental mage has created a powerful thing to defend against the Void, this thing is called a monolith.

In ancient times, when the Void invaded Acacia, the monolithic stone showed its might.

The monolith is a floating fortress and a living boulder maintained by some of the greatest elemental mages, and on its ramparts, other Ishtar warriors ride.

The battle of the Monoliths against the Void lasted for several years.

Its level and scale of violence is something Runeterra has never witnessed. The witchcraft they use is enough to flatten an entire civilization, or turn an entire continent into memories, and it is such a power that is all released on the Void.

At the same time, the power of the void also acts on the monolith, which is infected and corroded by the power of the void, forming a unique Murphy rock… This is the meaning of bad stone in Issur’s prophecy.

In the end, Murphy Rock was also completely shattered and buried in the powerful power of the void, and only a small stone remained.

A stone more than ten meters tall is indeed like a small stone than the huge monolithic fortress that was once thousands of meters high.

Deep in the jungle of Ishtar, a huge stone stands quietly, very quiet and peaceful.

It’s just that the scars on this stone highlight the extraordinary years this stone has experienced.

Full of scars of Void Power!

Murphyt was sleeping, now was not the time to wake up, sleep a little longer, wait until the scars left by the void healed.

Sleeping is a good way for him to recover from his injuries.

A few years ago, he went to Ecasia again, fought with the Void creatures, and then slept until now, ignorant of the changes in the outside world.

Next to the huge stones, a hut was built there, just against the huge stones to block the wind.

A white-haired, blind, lion-like guy stood up and peeled the body of a deer with a dagger and blade in his hand.

This white-haired lion-like guy is none other than the Proud Hunter, Reingal.

This deer is his food today.

In fact, the scientific name of Raingar is called the Meatlodon, a powerful biological tribe of Ishtar, but Raingar was not very tall, plus a series of circumstances, he was expelled from the tribe.

But now he doesn’t need the Horde, he has grown into the most powerful hunter in this jungle…

Except for the guy who caught his blind eyes, no prey could escape from the palm of his hand.

“Hmm… How do you go to find a guy? ”

Reingal muttered to himself, he had lived here for a long time.

The stone next to his abode had the same aura as that powerful prey!

The power called the Void…

This stone also has the same power on it as Kazik.

He wanted to see if he could get any clues on the stone so that he could pursue Kazik.

Kazik is very flexible, and can also hide his figure and qi machine, which is very difficult to find, and Reingal’s hunter talent cannot find it.

Just as Reingal was dissecting the deer and thinking about the void, a small pebble fell from the sky like a shooting star, and the light on it flickered, which made Reingal frightened.

A meteor has fallen!

Reingal quickly jumped away, and then the meteor exploded into a large crater on the ground, and then bounced a few times and landed on Murfitt’s huge body.

This was exactly the stone that Li Fulang casually dropped from the Giant God Peak! _

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