“Sir, come with me, there are no guards or servants in the palace, and they will not disturb you.”

Nessus smiled and led the way in front of Li Fulang.

Although there are more people in the imperial capital of Shurima, there is nothing in the palace, and there are no servants and dependents.

In the entire palace, there were only three people: Azir, Nessus, and Laketon.

They are all strong people in the demigod realm, and they don’t need to eat like mortals at all, and they don’t have any desire to enjoy.

The three of them spent every day in the palace studying how to be powerful.

“Over here.”

Nessus stretched out his hand, sat down with the ancient etiquette of Shurema, and walked towards the hall with Li Fuwan.


Above the main hall is the Sun Disk.

This is the main hall where Emperor Shurema usually works, but it is a little deserted now.

Azir sat on the top of the main hall, staring blankly at the sun disk.

The magnificent solar disk still hangs there, but it no longer has the sense of oppression and awe of the past.

Divinity, gone!

The current solar disk is just a building, without any divinity, and it is no longer possible to hold the ascension ceremony.

This means that until the Sun’s disk is restored, no new Ascension will appear.

But now Azir has thought of another idea to restore Shurema’s current strength.

Since the sun disk cannot be restored and cannot produce new Celestial God Warriors, then recall the previous Celestial God Warriors!

The crocodiles have all been made like that by Zelas, and they can also be purified back to consciousness, and other Celestial God warriors who have been corrupted by the void should also be able to!

It seems that he has to rely on the power of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

Azir’s eyes flickered, as long as he retrieved those Celestial God warriors who had fallen into the Darkspawn, and then purified them, no!

Those Celestial God warriors in the past were all people who were loyal to Shurima and were qualified to ascend, but they were corrupted by the power of the void.

As long as you find them and purify them, Shurima can temporarily restore her strength!

Just relying on their three demigods to support the huge Shurima Empire was really not enough.

“Your Majesty, the shopkeeper of the Cultivation Pavilion is here.”

The dog-headed Nessus took Li Fulang into the main hall and saw Azir sitting on the throne.

At the same time, Nessus’s heart was a little like laughing.

Azir didn’t want to go to the Cultivation Pavilion to see Li Fulang, and felt that he had done nothing, so he brought the shopkeeper over!

Now Azir has nowhere to escape.

“Huh?? Shopkeeper?!! ”

Azr was slightly startled when he heard this, a little flustered, and quickly stood up from the throne.

Looking at the figure in front of him, dressed in a white robe with a jade-like face, Azir unconsciously rose in awe in his heart, as if he was facing a vast abyss.

Just by looking at it, I felt the pressure like a sea of smoke!

No wonder the weapon master is so respectful and in awe of the shopkeeper of the Cultivation Pavilion!

Not to mention being a person, this strength alone is worthy of his awe!

“Shurima Royal Azir has seen the shopkeeper!”

Tsar Azir did not dare to raise it at all, and respectfully saluted Li Fuwan.

As an emperor, this is already the highest courtesy!

Li Fu shook his head, feeling a little helpless in his heart, how could they all be so respectful to themselves.

Is it so scary yourself?

Are you all afraid of yourself?

“Ahem, I’ll take a look at the Sun Disk, maybe I can fix it for you!”

Hearing this, Azir was surprised for a while, and he felt a little flattered in his heart.

Li Fulang actually came for the sun disk!

This is a force that the gods must fear!

He actually came in person to help Shurima repair the Yang Disc!

Azir was a little moved, and he admired him even more.

“Good! The shopkeeper sits first, the sun disc is on it, there is no hurry, call the song and dance ..”. Azir excitedly sat down with Li Fulang, and then waved his hand, wanting to open a banquet and entertain Li Fulang.

After speaking, I found that there was no one in the current palace to say that there was no servant!

Now he is not the king who once sat on the world!

He has to revive Shurima and beware of the Void!

This is his heavy responsibility, and before that, everything starts with Jane…

“Don’t be so inhibited, let me briefly tell you about the solar disk.”

Li Fu shook his forehead slightly, sat down, and prepared to explain to them about the solar disk.

After all, Shurima is one of the layouts of the star spirits.

Tsar Azr and Nessus are also Ascensionists, receiving the power of the Star Casting Dragon King, and have the right to know this.

Not just the two of them, the source of all the power of the Ascension is the divine power of the Star Forging Dragon King.

Both Azr and Nessus listened with their ears pricked up, so engrossed that they did not dare to miss it at all.

“Do you remember that miserable green sun the other day?”

Li Fulang said, ready to explain it to the Azurs.

Azr and Nessus were both a little puzzled, squinting their eyes, they all knew the strange shape of the sun the other day.

The sun turned miserably green, and then many of Shureima’s hidden undead flew to the sun.

After that day, the solar disk lost its divine power.

This was their only clue, but with their demigod strength, they could not spy on the underworld of Mord Caesar, nor could they see what happened to the sun.

The sun is the belief of Shurimma, and the solar disk is also inexplicably related to the sun, and the destruction of the solar disk is destined to be related to the changes of the sun.

But for what reason, they really don’t know.

“I know!”

Before Azir and Nessus could speak, Laketon’s voice sounded outside.

Laketon also walked in, saluted Li Fu and sat on the side, listening with his ears pricked.

He remembered that it was the artifact of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion that helped him purify it, and he regained his consciousness, otherwise he would still be a bloodthirsty monster in a muddy mess.

Therefore, Laketon has great respect for the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

“You think that where your divine power comes from, it is the power of ascension.”

Hearing this, the three of them were puzzled, they really hadn’t thought about this problem.

In ancient times, powerful gods came to Shurima and created the solar disk for Shurima and established the belief in the sun.

Could it be that their divine power comes from the sun?

“Does it come from the power of the sun?”

Tsar Azir said uncertainly, feeling that his power was not similar to that of the sun.

But rumors passed down from antiquity that their power came from the gift of the sun.

Could it be that the gods of antiquity had been deceiving Shurema?

“Sun? Can the power of the sun be derived from the manipulation of yellow sand? Or can the sun derive soul power? ”

Li Fulang smiled and pointed at Nessus and Azir, feeling a little like laughing in his heart.

He seemed to know something.

The Star Spirits do have their own conspiracy, and this conspiracy is definitely not small!

“However, this has always been said in ancient times, and everyone thinks so.”

“The ascension ceremony is to allow those who are recognized by the sun’s disk to receive the divine power bestowed by the sun and ascend to become a god.”

Laketon said suspiciously, he was also a little puzzled.

The power he gained was related to anger and blood, which could not be related to the heat of the sun.

The sun should be blazing or a flame of justice.

How could it possibly provoke anger!

Even if his anger could explain it, those hundreds of Ascensions were all different, how to explain it!

In its heyday, Shurima had hundreds of Ascensions, all with their own power traits, each with different characteristics.

The power of the sun alone cannot do it at all.

“Sure enough, the Star Spirits hid everything from Shurima when they shaped the Sun Disk!”

Li Fulang muttered in his heart, very curious about what kind of conspiracy these star spirits had.

Do you really want to break through the limits of the universe?

All this can be known by studying the solar disk.

“Your power comes from a creation god who created 90% of the stars in the universe.”

Li Fu pondered for a moment, and then continued to explain to them.

“The star spirits who shaped the solar disk for you in ancient times deceived you, they restrained Aurelian by despicable means, and then absorbed Aurelian’s power and sent it into the solar disk.”

The three of them were all pupils shrunk sharply, and they were shocked and speechless.

Their power did not come from the sun, but from a creation god named Aurelion!

Most of the stars in the universe were created by this strong man!

This directly subverts their thousands of years of cognition!

Why did the gods who shaped the sun’s disk for Shurema deceive them? And why use inferior means to seize Aurelian’s power?

The three of them were full of doubts in their hearts and wanted to say something, but they all controlled it and quietly listened to Li Fulang’s words.

“And just a few days ago, the Flaming Sun Star Spirit died, and the Star Casting Dragon King escaped from trouble, and the Star Spirits could no longer absorb the power of the Dragon King.”

“Without the supply of power for the Sun Disk, naturally there will be no more divine power to provide, and it will not be possible to hold an ascension ceremony for you.”

“However, as long as the divine power is re-injected, the solar disk can be revived again.”

After Li Fulang finished speaking, the three of them fell into deep thought.

This kind of thing about the world’s initial creation gods, the taboos of antiquity, and the conspiratorial struggle between countless gods are really a little distant for them.

Ancient gods, why deceive them?

They couldn’t intervene in these things, but hearing that the solar disk could be repaired, the three of them were a little excited.

“Let’s go, I’ll go see the sun disc and help you infuse divine power by the way.”

Li Fu squinted his eyes and looked at the huge solar disk in the sky.

He had a hunch that there was a conspiracy of the star spirit in this solar disk.

The star spirits tried their best to hide, but they still left clues after all. _

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