Shen muttered to himself and solemnly placed this Shadow Island chronicle into Akali’s hand.

“This book is very weird, where did you buy it?”

Kennan asked suspiciously, this kind of book is probably written by a star spirit of a wandering continent or an extremely powerful great magician.

After all, this kind of insight and the effect of increasing spiritual power is too rare!

“It’s in a shop in Prechdien, and the owner is a handsome big brother~”

Akali thought of Li Fulang’s appearance in white, and her face was a little blushing.

“What? Right in a shop in Prechdien? Or a shop owned by a young man? ”

Kennan was really shocked, but seemed to comfort himself, and said, “It is estimated that this shopkeeper has occasionally obtained two secret books, and it can be regarded as the chance of our balanced sect to buy them.” ”

But Akali and Shen shook their heads.

“Kennan, that shop is a peerless chance, the plaques at the door are all made of artifacts, and the weapons sold inside are all artifacts, and all of them have artifacts…”

Shen said lightly, a flash of fear flashed in his eyes, he was almost killed by the plaque.

“And there are tens of thousands of such books, I can’t count them at all, and each one has a powerful magic prohibition on it, which is estimated to have the same effect as this Shadow Island chronicle.”

Kennan swallowed a mouthful of spit when he heard this, his strength had not grown in decades, and he was loosened just by reading the meeting.

If he reads those tens of thousands of books, what will his strength get!

It is estimated that it can easily calm the balance between the spiritual realm and the material world!

“And Akali only watched for half an hour, and then broke through and opened the door to the spiritual realm.”



Kennan was a little numb when he was shocked, really according to what Shen said, then what was the strength of the owner of this shop terrifying?

The artifact is used as a plaque, no money!

Moreover, Akali only watched for half an hour, and opened the door to the spiritual realm, saving five or six years of time!

“Heehee, I broke through, don’t study those boring teachings, I want to go to read, master master, I want to go to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion to read, don’t stay in the sect!”

Akali coquettishly said that her mother, the previous Fist of Shadows, died very early, and she was brought up with her, which is also a mentor and friend.

If the original plot is followed, Akali will soon be completely disappointed in the balance, defect from the sect, and turn from Fist of Shadows to a Thorn of the Outlier!

But now, because of Li Fulang’s appearance, everything has changed.

Akali directly broke through the spiritual realm several years in advance!

“Alas, Akali! Forget it, go play, by the way, watch out for the shadows. ”

Shen helplessly sighed, anyway, Akali has already opened the door to the spiritual realm, and sooner or later she will understand the importance of balance.

When Akali heard this, she happily left with her book in her arms, breaking through the spiritual realm at this age, just like being directly escorted to university in the first year of high school, it doesn’t matter if she usually learns the course or not.

“Shen, can Akali really succeed her mother?”

Kennan stroked his forehead, Akali’s nature was simply different from her mother!

The leaders and sleeves of the Equilibrium sect are the proud and indifferent “Twilight Eye” and the “Fist of Shadows”.

At the same time, the furious heart monitors both, and it is necessary to prevent the “fist” of the vigorous fighting spirit from suppressing the “eye” of calm and introspection, and it is also necessary to prevent the observation of the “eye” from hindering the action of the “fist”.

The Fist of Shadows is the most murderous and the most vigorous in the Balanced Sect.

In order to maintain balance, Fist of Shadows will kill some violent nature spirits to fight violence with violence.

Akali’s nature is hard to say.

“It doesn’t matter, she is still young, and the awe of the nascent land and the fury of the spiritual realm will teach her everything sooner or later.”

Shen looked at the distant Akali and sighed.

“Akali’s strength is already far beyond her peers, and with the existence of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, we are enough to support a piece of the sky, aren’t we.”

Kennan nodded, agreeing with what Shin said, if Shushin Pavilion really had so many books similar to the Chronicle of Shadow Island, he was confident that the balance would be maintained.

“Good, I’m going to take a look at the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, as for the matter of the bitter master, you have to beware.”

After Kennan finished speaking, he turned into a ray of thunder and disappeared directly in place.

Shen sighed slightly, he knew that his father bitterly said that the master was still alive, and that he had made a fortune through war, and his soul had long since turned his back on the equilibrium and was completely corrupted by money.

The betrayal of the robbery back then was also a part of the plan of the bitter master, suspended animation, and then got rid of the equilibrium, and then made a lot of war money.

Shen now, very eager to find the bitter speaking master and ask why.

PS: Regarding whether the relationship between Shen and Akali is a brother and sister or a master and apprentice, the author explains here.

Now in the new version of Akali’s backstory, this matter is not explained at all.

The author also considered this issue, but the possibility of a master and apprentice is much greater than that of a senior brother and sister, so I wrote it like that.

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