Cassiopeia began to pick out her skin seriously.

Looking at the skin with different colors and styles, it was really difficult to get an idea for a while.

Finally, his gaze rested on the skin of Soul Lotus, and Cassiopeia’s eyes almost lit up.

There is no woman who does not love beauty, even Cassiopeia, who has become the embrace of the demon snake, hopes that her half-human, half-snake self can look better.

Among these skins, this skin looks the best.

“Lord Shopkeeper, do I want this one?”

Cassiopeia’s cold little face, grateful and incomparably respectful, said this, which made Li Fu shake his heart soften.

How painful this girl was in her heart before, the proud eldest lady of the noble family was like this in front of her because he helped recover her legs.

“Each of these skins has its own different attribute bonuses, and this soul lotus you choose can enter the spiritual realm after wearing it, and can greatly improve its strength.”

“Try it, just put the first blood on it.”

Cassiopeia, as a Noxian, knows little about the spiritual realm, and when she heard Li Fulang say that you can enter the spiritual realm by wearing this skin, she couldn’t help but be full of curiosity.

Immediately pricked his finger and squeezed a drop of blood on the skin.

In an instant, Cassiopeia changed her appearance.

The purple-trimmed skirt on a white background, purple belt, exquisite hair accessories and makeup, set off Cassiopeia’s whole appearance is noble, and somewhat mysterious and beautiful.

Holding a delicate small folding fan in his hand and swaying a big white tail, he did not have the eerie feeling before, but it was more seductive.

Even Li Fulang was amazed.

It is not a loss that it is the best looking skin for snake women, but it looks very good when hanging on the shelf, and it feels even more different when worn on real people.

“Not bad, good, really good-looking.”

Hearing Li Fuwan’s praise, Cassiopea’s face turned red, and she unfolded the folding fan to block the small half of her face shyly.

“There’s a mirror over there, see for yourself.”

Li Fuxian pointed to the floor-to-ceiling mirror on the side and said, it was specially bought by Raven and Lilia a few days ago.

They said that if girls come to buy skins, they will definitely want to see how it works, and they want to provide customers with a more comprehensive service.

So I bought a large, clear full-length mirror floor mirror.

Cassiopeia looked at herself in the mirror and couldn’t believe it.

It turns out that she can also look so good as a half-human and half-snake, you must know that after turning into a snake body, she has never dared to face herself in the mirror again.

In her heart, she was even more grateful to Li Fuwan, and secretly made up her mind that no matter what trouble this Heart Cultivation Pavilion encountered in the future, she would do her best to help.

Seeing that the customer was satisfied, Li Fulang was naturally very happy, and originally thought about whether to take her to see the skills or something.

But at this time, the sound of Raven calling him to eat sounded.

Looking at Cassio Peia, who was still obsessed with her beauty in front of the mirror, Li Fu shook his head with a smile.

Forget it, let her appreciate it for a while.

Today Raven made a new dish, which is very different from the past, and he has to try it well.

The virtual enemy that Izerell faces in the Endless Martial Arena is Dreius of Noxus.

Although Izerell has no grudge against Dreius, as a Picheng person, it is a very cool thing to be able to beat this Noxus soul figure happily.

Although this is only a virtual enemy, it does not affect Izerell from beating him happily.

The current Endless Martial Arts Arena has an artificial intelligence self-help system, and players who use the Endless Martial Arena can choose the difficulty of their own challenges and training, increasing layer by layer.

This also allows those who come in to cultivate for the first time to have a gradual process.

Izerell became obsessed with it after a while.

“The fighting is really fun!”

Izerell can now flexibly master the combination of Essence Leap and Arcane Leap. It can detonate magic bombs attached to target enemies from various angles and positions.

I can feel that my own strength has made a qualitative leap.

Now, he can master the ability of the future warrior’s skin to change the timeline.

“The power of time is incredible!”

Izerell felt the demigod-level power flowing in his body, and the whole person remained excited.

Suddenly remembered that in the ancient tomb of Shurima, the red Darkspawn Demon Sword was still waiting for him.

Now the proficiency of both skills is full, and wearing the future warrior skin he has the strength of a demigod.

I believe that facing that magic sword alone should also be able to deal with it.

“Lord Shopkeeper, can you give me a few more jade talismans? I’ll go soliciting. ”

Izerell came out of the endless martial arts arena and flexibly flashed in front of Li Fulang.

“How that feels a little weird.”

At this time, Li Fuxiang had already finished eating, and Raven couldn’t help but glance at him when he heard Izereel’s words.

“Hi Raven, my strength has improved a lot now, but it’s amazing!”

When Izerell saw Raven, he said hello very excitedly, and raised the arcane gloves on his hand and snorted proudly.

“It’s more powerful than before, but you should still not be able to go a few moves under Raven.”

Li Fulang looked at the excited Izerell with some impulse.

This little yellow hair can really scream.

Izerell, who was originally excited, was struck by Li Fuwan’s words, and he could also see that Raven also had very strong strength now, which was not something he could compete with in one day of training in the Endless Martial Arts Arena.

He still needs more improvement.

But now is not the time to say this, he still owes the owner an account, and he must keep his promise to help the owner bring back new customers.

“Lord Shopkeeper, bring me another jade talisman.”

After getting the jade talisman, Izerell also asked about Cassiopea by the way.

Li Fulang pointed to Cassiopeia who was still admiring himself in front of the mirror with a helpless smile.

“Just let her watch it for a while, you go to your business first.”

Izerell is also a little helpless, women, it is really easy to be confused by appearance, even their own appearance can be addicted.

With the jade talisman, Izerell teleported directly back to Shurema.

Landing, still in the same position he had left before.

The sword demon Yatox opened his eyes the moment Izerell appeared, staring straight at the little yellow hair that appeared out of thin air, and his heart was tumbling.

He actually came back!

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