Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy-Four

After never finding a good way, Verus decided to go to the monastery of Hirana.

It is said to be the holiest place in all of Ionia, where there are monks who are more familiar with the spiritual realm.

Verus thought that maybe there would be some way to get him what he wanted.

Atox and Kayin headed for Hirana’s monastery, and while they were on their way, Verus was already killing all sides in Hirana’s monastery.

The Hirana Monastery is located on the top of the towering Hirana Hill, which is full of towering ancient trees full of natural powers.

Before Verus came, there was peace everywhere.

In fact, Verus’s idea is also very simple.

It is to find a way to erase the other two souls in the body so that they can no longer influence their actions.

And then revenge.

The heart of every darkspawn is filled with hatred, hatred for the void, hatred for the Star Spirit.

Although the strength of Verus, who had lifted the seal, had not returned to his peak, it was still easy to deal with the monks in those monasteries.

The monks looked at Verus covered in the dark aura of the fallen darkbring, and all saw him as an enemy who came to cause trouble.

Verus did not disappoint them, revealing the bloodthirst and fury that the Darkspawns could have.

If it weren’t for the efforts of Valmau and Kaye in the body to stop and influence, I am afraid that the Monastery of Hirana would have become a sea of blood long ago.

The information Verus wanted could not be found anywhere in the monastery of Hirana, and the monks were hostile and wary of him.

This annoyed Verus rather and soon lost patience.

He decided that if he asked directly, he would have to use some extraordinary means.

He killed them one by one, not believing that no one in this monastery of the so-called wise man would know the solution to his troubles.

The monks in the monastery resisted vigorously, and some monks hurriedly went to Shuoji Temple to invite the blind monk Li Qing to come.

Li Qing, who practiced at Shuoji Temple, is a master of the ancient martial arts of Ionia, and is able to use the essence power of the Divine Dragon Spirit with ease.

At that time, Li Qing personally participated in the reconstruction of Hilana Monastery and Shuoji Temple, and it can be said that he has a deep feeling for this place.

Li Qing knew that the monastery of Hirana had been attacked, and even rushed directly with the monks.

Li Qing arrived in time.

Under the containment of Valmau and Kaye, the number of monks who were really killed by Verus was not too large.

But the thought of the quiet and serene monastery at this time is bloody and chilling.

“What are you? Why hurt the lives of monks! ”

Li Qing burst into a shout, and a heavenly sound wave struck towards Verus.

Verus held the longbow in his hand and narrowly escaped.

The sudden attack made Verus narrow his eyes and look at the comer.

The man in the middle was dressed in a different robe than the monks in the monastery, blindfolded with a strip of cloth, but his body was imposing.

“It seems that you are an interesting opponent, tell me what I want to know, the people I put here in my class.”

“Otherwise, both! Get! Die! ”

After saying this, Verus launched an attack on Li Qing.

The black arrows condensed by the power of the darkspawn roared towards Li Qing with the sound of breaking the void.

As an ancient martial arts master of Ionia, Li Qing’s body technique was extremely fast, and he flexibly and skillfully dodged the black arrow that flew towards him.

Since coming out of Pallas, Verus has looked for many places, but he has never been able to get the answers he wants.

Now Verus no longer had those patience, and at this moment, seeing that someone could fight him, he was also interested for a while.

The eyes without pupils were glowing with dark light, and the black lines on the face and body were faintly emitting a purple-red dark descent aura.

The killing intent and violent will in the heart constantly impacted and occupied the entire body.

A feeling of loss of control and loss of mind made the other two souls in this body feel very panicked.

At this moment, Verus is completely like a demon coming out of hell, without reason, without thought, and only one thought in his heart, that is, to fight, that is, to kill!

Valmau and Kaye exhausted their mental abilities, but there was no way to stop Verus from attacking Li Qing madly.

Li Qing is a martial arts master who can use the spirit of the divine dragon freely, but he is always just a mortal.

Even if he has abilities far beyond mortals, he still has more than enough strength in the face of the fallen Dark Descent, who was once a demigod.

Relying on his nimble and agile body, he narrowly avoided several fatal attacks from Verus.

But gradually, the martial arts master felt a little hard, and his body was injured several times by Verus’s arrows.

Although these wounds were not fatal, the excessive blood loss made it difficult for his physical strength to sustain.

Verus in front of him looked completely irrational, and would only keep attacking, full of hatred of the fallen darkspawn.

If he can’t be subdued, as long as Li Qing falls, then all the monks in this entire Hirana Monastery will probably have to die.

Relying on the help of the Divine Dragon Spirit, Li Qing could barely support Verus’s crazy attack.

But it is impossible to bring Verus down.

He could only keep moving to dodge the black arrows that were constantly shooting at him, and he couldn’t get close to Verus.

Li Qing’s physical strength was about to run out, his speed was getting slower and slower, and he was deeply hit by an arrow in the shoulder.

The arrow, which had a black-purple aura, pierced directly through his shoulder.

The bright red blood had completely stained his monk’s robe, and from a distance, he thought he was wearing a dark red dress.

“I feel his breath, right ahead!”

Because Verus used the power of the Darkspawn to attack madly, the entire peak of Mount Hirana was filled with the aura of the fallen Darkspawn at this time.

Layast, who was only halfway up the mountain, immediately felt his breath.

Yatox nodded, indicating that he felt it too.

Not only did he feel the breath of the Darkborn, but he also clearly realized that Verus was now fighting people, and the battle situation was quite fierce.

With a pop, Li Qing finally fell to the ground without strength.

He lost too much blood, his physical strength really couldn’t keep up, and Li Qing, who fell to the ground, was really desperate and helpless at this time.

Verus saw the opponent who had just been running crazy, and finally fell to the ground at this time, with a cruel and crazy smile on the corner of his mouth.

“Can’t run? So, welcome death! ”

The black arrow condensed by the power of the dark race at the fingertip aimed at Li Qing’s heart position, charging the power and releasing the arrow.

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