After finishing his cruel words, Dreius glanced at the two and turned to leave.

Both Yasso and Caitlin were a little stiff, and they were relieved after Dreius left.

Fortunately, there is Yasso’s wind wall, otherwise I am afraid that the two of them will also be seriously injured because of Dreius’s big killing.

Dreius is now close to the strength of the gods, and the skills full of proficiency are even more powerful.

Yasuo’s wind wall just now also exhausted all the energy in his body and strengthened the wind wall, which blocked all the damage coming towards them.

Now both Yaso and Caitlin are a little out of strength and exhausted.

After Dreius left, the two slowly left the old factory.

When the two came down from Piltover to Zuan, they used the exclusive flying machine of the Picheng guards.

The flying machine was powered by Hex’s crystal and was researched and invented by Professor Heimerdinger.

It can support short-distance flight, and the speed is considerable, and the distance from Picheng to Zuan can be fully supported.

Now although the two of them are exhausted of energy and both are a little out of strength, it is still possible to maneuver the aircraft back to Piltover.

After hearing Dreius’s words, Caitlin’s heart was a little heavy.

She wants to go back quickly and report this important news.

The Dreadnought Chariot was actually built by Noxus to fight Freyrdrand.

Svein has prepared powerful dark magic to turn the dreadnought Urgat into an attacking weapon.

The Noxus Empire came across as brutal, reckless and belligerent, with a strong emphasis on strength. The warriors here are also brave and good at fighting, but they are also mortal in the flesh.

In Noxus there is no nature and magic like Ionia, nor the technology and civilization of Piltover and Zuan.

The crazy expansion of territory is based on the powerful armed forces of the army.

But this time Noxus ran into a big problem when he wanted to capture Freyrdrand.

Freyrdrand is a harsh frozen soil, harsh and unforgiving. Freyrdrand was born a natural warrior, and in the harsh natural environment, weak people simply do not live to grow up.

The attitude towards magic here is very reverent, but the level of technology is very low, and they are still the most primitive habits of life.

Living conditions are very difficult, and in the eyes of other neighbors on the Valoran continent, the Freyrdrand are a group of uncivilized barbarians who drink blood.

On that frozen tundra, the flames of war were never really extinguished.

But those were also wars between various tribes on the ice field.

Now Noxus also wants to get a piece of the realm of Freyrdrand, so first of all, he must face the harsh natural environment of Freyrdrand.

Although the soldiers of Noxus were brave, they really could not endure the bitter cold on the ice field.

If you wear a heavy cotton jacket to protect yourself from the cold and wear armor, it will greatly affect your mobility.

Under such conditions, it is really difficult to capture Freyrdrand.

So Svein thought of entrusting the alchemy barons with Zuan, using the power of technology to build fearless chariots, and then applying his black magic to make him brave the cold and stronger.

Compared with Picheng and Zuan, the level of science and technology in Noxus is really more than a star and a half lower.

It is impossible to talk about the technology to transform people with use.

Svein thought that after the dreadnought chariot was successfully manufactured, he would directly bring it back to Noxus to study the dreadnought chariot and steal the technology to transform the person.

After successful research, you can use this transformation technology to build an army of transformation people who are fearless and cold.

When the time comes, if you want to set foot on Freyrdrand, it is just around the corner.

But now the plan for the dreadnought chariot has been forcibly interrupted and has not yet been finalized.

It seems that it will take some more time to capture Freyrdrand.

Piltover Conference Hall

“It’s a bit tricky this time.”

“I don’t know how much time we have to prepare.”

“Our armed forces really want to face Noxus, I’m afraid…”

“Inform the professors that we need a lot of Hex’s weapons and equipment.”

After receiving the news brought back by Caitlin, the high-level executives of Piltover urgently called a meeting, and all the high-level executives of Piltover in the conference hall frowned deeply.

Noxus has now released the words, if Piltover does not cooperate with Noxus, then go to war.

This news suddenly made Piltover and these aristocratic cabinet elders panic.

Mrs. Grey sat in the main seat of the conference room, quietly listening to the discussion of the high-ranking people.

Dignified and elegant, his expression was as indifferent and indifferent as before.

Everyone discussed for a while, and finally someone realized that Mrs. Gray had not spoken all this time, and gradually they all stopped talking.

As the supreme enforcer of Piltover, Grey Lady Camille has always been a very intelligent and big-picture existence.

Those high-level officials discussed for a long time, all because they were afraid that Noxus would go to war with Pi City, but no one dared to say that they would cooperate with Noxus.

Because they all know that Lady Grey will never compromise on cooperating with Noxus.

As for the reason, some people probably know some, and some people never dare to ask if they don’t know.

The conference room gradually quieted down, and the gray lady moved slightly, scanning the circle of people present, her expression still indifferent.

Mrs. Gray’s white curly hair is neat and elegant, and her eyes are the color of Hex’s crystal, glowing with a faint blue light, which makes her more cold and alienated.

Different from the kindness when facing the junior alone, the current Gray Lady has more of the aura of a ruler.

“Well, let’s say something useful, just put the useless nonsense in your heart and listen to it to yourself.”

Mrs. Gray’s voice was cold and noble, which made everyone who had just been talking about it bow their heads slightly in shame.

They really didn’t have any useful ideas, after all, they were about to face a brutal and huge empire like Noxus.

In the face of the threat of force from Noxus, with the current strength of Pi City, it is indeed in a very difficult situation.

Just when everyone was helpless, Caitlin suddenly thought of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion in her heart.

The place of Xiu Xin Pavilion is so mysterious and powerful, I don’t know if the shopkeeper will help Pi City by seeking the help of Xiu Xin Pavilion.

But after the idea came up, Caitlin quickly denied it.

Xiu Xin Pavilion is a shop, the owner is open to do business, how can he be willing to be involved in the struggle between Piltover and Noxus?

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