Caitlin couldn’t help but thank her, and finally returned satisfied.

Fortunately, there is a teleportation talisman from the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, otherwise I really don’t know how to bring so many things back to Piltover.

However, even with the teleportation jade talisman, Caitlin still took many trips to bring back all the mechs she bought.

Li Fulang’s current space ring has not been perfected, otherwise it will come in handy this time. Because of the fear and unstable factors, the space ring needs to be tested more before it can be officially used.

After Caitlin bought back those mechs, she immediately went to report to Madame Grey.

Madame Grey followed Caitlin to test the mechs, and also specially let people try on the mech armor.

“Nice job, good boy.”

Mrs. Gray was very satisfied with what Caitlin brought back, and did not hesitate to praise Caitlin.

With these mecha, the overall armament level of Picheng can be increased several times.

If nothing else, it should be enough to guard Piltover well.

What’s more, there is still Mrs. Gray’s elite squad in Picheng, which is even more reassuring.

“Oh my God, Officer Caitlin, where did you get all these goodies?”

Professor Heimerdinger received the notice and rushed over.

Looking at the mecha in a warehouse, his eyes were bright and scary.

Yasso also came with Heimerdinger, after all, now Yaso is Hemerdinger’s research assistant.

Now that he came to work, Yasuo naturally came with him.

In the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, Yasuo had seen such a mecha, which was all made by Li Fulang and Viktor.

And now Yasuo is wearing the skin of the source plan, which looks somewhat similar to those mecha armor, which makes Yaso feel very close.

“Oh, can this mech be worn on your body? That’s great, look at the material, it’s nice. ”

Heimerdinger picked up a mecha armor boy and looked at it carefully, praising it while looking carefully.

However, after looking at it for a while, he pulled Yasso over again and compared those armors with the source plan armor on Yaso’s body.

“Although these are very good, they are still not comparable to the one you are wearing.”

Heimerdinger smacked his lips and held up the goggles he was wearing.

This is a special goggle of his own invention, which not only protects the eyes from the bright light and chemical side effects of the experiment, but also has the ability to magnify details.

Carefully comparing those mecha armor with the source plan armor on Yasuo’s body, he was very emotional in his heart.

The source plan armor on Yasso’s body has also put a lot of effort into research in the past few days, but the gains are very limited.

After all, it is a technology manufacturing that has been hundreds of years ahead of the existing technology in Picheng, and it is basically impossible to imitate the same armor with the current level of technology.

But it’s not for nothing.

With the qualifications of a genius scientist in Heimerdinger, even if the harvest is limited, there is still a certain gain.

At the very least, this set of source plan armor still gave Heimerdinger help in many scientific research directions.

“Such a large number of mecha are bought, if the mecha that can be traded can be as powerful as Yasuo’s, the world will not be chaotic.”

Caitlin wore a leather police uniform and said to Heimerdinger with a smile.

You can see that she is in a pretty good mood.

“That’s what I said.”

Heimerdinger immediately understood the meaning of Caitlin’s words.

In fact, he was not disappointed by this, but more curious about the source of these mecha.

However, Caitlin only told him that these things came from the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, and did not say much else.

Heimerdinger was also anxious to study these mechs, so he didn’t ask more.

Directly borrowed one set of each of the two with Caitlin, and directly took Giggs into the laboratory to study the mecha data.

Yasso did not follow Heimerdinger back to the lab.

He really can’t do the work of calculating data, testing performance, and so on.

After all, he is a native of Ionia, and it is okay to let him really fight with people, but it is really a little difficult for him to let a master of the Imperial Wind Sword Art really do the work done by those research assistants.

Yasso had spent a long time with Caitlin when he went to Zuan to destroy the dreadnought chariot before, and they had fought side by side.

People who have experienced the same life and death see that there are naturally some friendships that are deeper than ordinary people.

At this time, looking at the smile on Caitlin’s face, he knew that something good had happened to her.

So while the attention of others was on those mechs, Yaso quietly approached Caitlin’s side and quipped in a low voice.

“Your smiling flowers are blooming, did you pick up money?”

Caitlin looked back and saw Yasuo smiling, and she joked with him in a good mood.

“Yes, I found money, but more, more than the money you have in your pocket now.”

Yaso, who originally wanted to tease Caitlin, almost didn’t resist the urge to roll his eyes after hearing this.

Subconsciously touched the money bag that was still holding on his waist, and felt a little frustrated.

This little nizi is really unforgiving.

“As a swordsman ronin, you are dispensable and do not pay attention to those things outside your body.”

Pretending not to care, Yasuo straightened up very proudly and looked up at the sky.

Caitlin couldn’t help but be amused when she saw Yasso’s pretend posture.

“Now there is a very profitable opportunity oh, do you want to come.”

Caitlin winked at Yasso with a sly look.

Yasuo was still worried about the loss of face just now, and he still looked at the sky with his neck hard, and he didn’t say anything back.

“Don’t go!”

Seeing that Yaso curled his neck and said no, Caitlin was not angry, but muttered to herself faintly.

“Oh? Don’t go? The remuneration is really rich. If I knew swordsmanship, I would go in person. ”

“It’s a pity, I’m only good at firearms.”

As soon as Yasuo heard the word swordsmanship, he immediately became interested.

“Swordsmanship? What swordsmanship? Does this job require someone who knows swordsmanship? ”

Caitlin saw that Yasso had replied, so she started teasing again.

“Interested in the mention of a good remuneration?”

Yaso’s face turned red again, and he looked back at the sky, unwilling to take care of Caitlin anymore.

Caitlin knew that jokes couldn’t be taken too far, so she gave Yasso a step.

“Okay, okay, no kidding with you. Now the Guard needs someone skilled in swordsmanship as an instructor. ”

“How? Interested? ”

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