On the way, the people of Artox also learned from the people who came to observe the ceremony that the king had decreed that anyone who had made outstanding contributions to Shurema had the opportunity to become an ascension.

This made several of their heroes who had once forgiven Reima feel in their hearts.

A thousand years ago, they were all Celestial Warriors who had great devotion to Shurima.

Now, thousands of years later, Shurima can once again perform the Ascension ceremony, and they all want to see it with their own eyes.

Check out the first ascension ceremony after the revival of Shurema.

The days passed quickly, and several of Attox’s men were moving quickly.

Before the ascension ceremony, they arrived at the capital of Shurima.

“It used to be a fruit stall, and I used to steal his fruit to eat when I was a child.”

Rayast pointed to a house in the city that was still being restored and said to the others.

“Yes, I also remember that there was a fruit stall there, thousands of years have passed, it has long been a vicissitudes of the sea, and things are different from people.”

Yatox looked in the direction that Layast was pointing, and his heart was also a wireless emotion.

They are finally back.

They are back to their native land, the Sun Disk.

Now it’s going to be called the Chaos Disk.

It is said that the former City of the Sun was built under the guidance of the Giant God Race, and it was originally a barren desert.

It wasn’t until the Sun Disc was built that the water of life gushed out of the canyon and surrounded the city, bringing vitality to this barren desert.

Later, Shurima fell for some reason, and the once great city, magnificent temple, and lively and prosperous capital were all sunk in yellow sand.

Only now, Azr is back.

The ancient and powerful Shurima Empire has awakened again.

The city of the sun, buried in yellow sand, has once again seen the light.

Although the rebuilt City of the Sun has not yet returned to its former prosperity, it is believed that it will still be brilliant in the near future.

The Ascension Ceremony begins.

“Nessus, a thirsty scholar at a young age, is a guardian of knowledge and a matchless fighter.”

“He was the most capable soldier and the youngest general in the history of Shurima.”

“He was wise and decisive, loyal and reliable.”

“He has witnessed the prosperity of Shurima, and he has experienced the fall and destruction of Shurima.”

“Loyal guardian of Shurima, he is a loyal warrior of Shurima! Loyalty will be rewarded. ”

“Today, you will see the power of Ascension! The future will be written by the Ascension! We are on a glorious path! ”

“Nessus! Let’s get back to where we belong! ”

“Shurima is once again resuscitated! Ask the true God of Chaos to bless Shurima! Give grace to Nessus! ”

The first ascension ceremony after Shurima’s revival was presided over by Azir himself.

In the temple under the disc of chaos, Azir’s voice resounded throughout the capital city of Shurema.

Use divine power to urge the Chaos Disc.

The entire Chaos Disc emitted a divine white light.

All the people in the capital knelt on the ground and looked at all this reverently.

Even the people of the distant Pulp Seal Bazaar saw the divine white light emanating from the Chaos Disc and knelt down in the direction of the Chaos Disc to greet the gods for blessing and forgiveness.

Li Fulang was still chatting with Raven in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, and suddenly felt that the Chaos Disc was being urged, and knew that it was Shu Ruima who was going to hold the Ascension Ceremony.

“What’s wrong?”

Raven saw Li Fulang talking and suddenly stopped, and couldn’t help asking.

“I’ll go out for something, come back soon, wait for me.”

Li Fu smiled apologetically at Raven, reached out and touched Raven’s soft white hair, and turned to leave.

After the Chaos Disc emitted a white dazzling holy light, he saw a figure that appeared directly above the Chaos Disc.

The man was dressed in a white robe, his hair was tied behind his head with a white headband, and a white and divine light lingered around his body.

The holy light around him was dazzling, but not dazzling.

Everyone present was far away from him, but they could magically see the man’s face and expression.

Holy, handsome, unclean deity.

This is the Chaos True God!

Li Fulang’s appearance was also accompanied by a soothing purifying power, which made all the people of Shurima who saw his figure feel that this moment was unprecedentedly peaceful.

Everyone bowed down in unison towards Li Fuxiang to greet their Chaos True God.

Li Fuxian waved his hand, and the chaos disk slowly turned.

All the white holy light gradually converged into a beam of light and gradually gathered on the Ascension Platform.

Nessus made the most solemn salute to Li Fulang, and then slowly stepped onto the ascension platform.

Zelas, who was still hiding not far from the Chaos Disc, ready to steal the power of Ascension, made him fear from the bottom of his heart when the Chaos Disc began to emit white holy light.

I wanted to step forward, but I didn’t dare to.

Until Li Fuwan appeared out of thin air, Zelas almost didn’t scare the soul out.

Isn’t this the same god who reshaped the Chaos Disc that day?

“Can’t see me, can’t see me, can’t see me…”

Zeras shrunk his presence as much as possible and sneaked out.

I hope that I will never be discovered by this great god.

What is the power of ascension is not the power of ascension, but it is not as important as a small life.

This Chaos True God can really pinch his existence to death with a small finger.

But you can’t mess with him.

Fortunately, Zelas is more acquainted and slips fairly quickly.

If he really wanted to disrupt the Ascension Ceremony blessed by Li Fuwan, then Li Fulang really didn’t mind sending him to be with those star spirits who were killed by the Star Casting Dragon King Aurelian.

Li Fulang’s appearance also shocked the three Yatox, forehead, and six people who were also watching the ceremony.

“Oh my God, it’s really the owner!”

Rayast still had that exaggerated expression to the extreme.

Verus was also so shocked that his mouth opened wide, and he couldn’t close for a long time.

Artox had such an expression that he had guessed.

The Chaos True God who reshaped the Chaos Disc was really Li Fulang, the shopkeeper of the Cultivation Pavilion.

While shocked, several dark descendants also bowed deeply in the direction of Li Fulang with great respect.

For nothing else, Shurema has always made their hometown, regardless of how much right or wrong happened, no matter how many years have passed, this is still the most important place for them.

It is the homeland for which they once willingly threw their heads and shed their blood, and it is the land that carried their greatest enthusiasm.

The holy light condensed and shrouded Nessus’s body, and the chaotic divine power was also poured into his body like spring water.

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