“Your Majesty, there are three dark descendants outside the palace gate, saying that they have asked to see you.”

The guard ran in a little panic and reported to Azir.

“What? Darkspawn? ”

Azir was a little surprised that there would be a darkspawn to ask for him.

The Darkdescendants were once the Celestial Warriors of Shrimma, and before the fall of Azir, they were all the pride of Shrimma.

However, after the fall of the empire, these former Celestial God warriors gradually degenerate.

In the long battle against the Void, the bodies and minds of the once glorious and great Celestial God warriors were corroded and polluted by the power of the Void.

Coupled with the fall of the emperor and the demise of the empire, the last bit of faith support in their hearts collapsed.

The souls of the Celestial God warriors who survived the battle with the Void were polluted, and they all finally fell into the dark descendants that everyone hated terribly.

These are all things that happened after the demise of Azir, so he is not very clear.

However, Azir also heard from the knowledgeable Nessus about the formation of the Darkspawn and the later Darkspawn War.

Azir’s attitude towards the Darkspawns is also somewhat complicated.

These fearsome Darkspawns are powerful, and they are brutal, bloodthirsty, and love to kill.

But they were all once the proudest elite warriors of Shurima, and they were all heroes who made great contributions to Shureima.

From the panic of the guards, it can be seen that people are very afraid of the darkspawns now.

However, because Shurima now has an ascended person with the realm of gods, the guards still have some confidence even if they are afraid in their hearts.

And those dark descendants didn’t seem to have any malice towards them, so they came to report to His Majesty the Emperor in a hurry.

Nessus was also a little surprised to hear that there was a visit from the Darkspawn.

“Let’s go, let’s take a look.”

Azir led Nessus along, ready to see the Darkdescendants who had come to see him.

There is also a lot of speculation in my mind, guessing what they came to see them for.

Entering the majestic palace, Yatox and the others were a little stunned for a while.

Everything here is still the same as it was back then.

Although it was rebuilt, it was rebuilt according to the imperial palace of that year.

Thousands of years ago, as Celestial God warriors, they also entered the imperial palace and were personally rewarded by the emperor.

And when he went to Acacia, the emperor personally saw them off.

But now, their identities are a little embarrassing.

It is no longer a Celestial Warrior who fought for Shurima, but a fallen Darkborn.

The heart and feelings are complicated.

After a thousand years, they have returned to the original place again.

Sure enough, life is a samsara.

No matter how far you go or wherever you go, you’ll eventually go back to where you started.

Soon, Azr appeared in front of them.

In front of Azir, Yatox’s figure was tall and burly like a hill.

However, after seeing Azir, the three darkspawns still saluted very respectfully.

That was when they were still warriors of the Celestial Gods, respectful and humble to the emperor’s etiquette.

It means that even if they have the strength of the Ascension, they will still submit to their emperor.

Azir looked at the three people who saluted him, and his eyes lit up.

Originally, I was a little worried that these darkspawns were looking for trouble, but I didn’t expect them to have such an attitude.

It seems that this meeting is not a bad thing.

“Your Majesty, we are here this time to return to Shurema and continue to perform the duties of the Celestial God Warriors.”

Yatox said in a deep voice.

“Although we are no longer the once glorious Celestial God Warriors, we are still willing to serve Shurema.”

Layast also made a rare gesture of humility, allowing Kaiyin to salute Azir.

Verus did not speak, quietly saluting Atox, indicating that he had the same attitude as them.

Azir was overjoyed to hear their words.

Even Nessus, who was following Azir, was pleasantly surprised to hear the words of Artox and the others.

At the same time, Nessus was also very keen to discover that these three darkspawns were different from the legend.

The legendary Darkspawn is tyrannical and cruel, with a brutal temperament.

And Nessus has also seen the appearance of the Darkspawn with his own eyes.

During the Darkspawn War, at the junction of Acacia and Gushureima, Nessus had seen the appearance of the original Darkspawn.

At that time, Nessus was still very weak and was not qualified to join such a big war.

Going in can only become an inconspicuous cannon fodder.

So he just watched from afar, watching the battle of those darkspawns.

However, the three dark descendants in front of him seem to be very calm and can control their emotions very well.

This made Nessus find it interesting.

“I’m very glad that you can come.”

Only then did Yatox raise his head to look at Azir.

When he went to Acacia that year, Azr thought he was a teenager.

Nessus is only a half-ascended, compared to the Celestial God warriors who went on the expedition, he is still a nameless librarian.

And now.

Azir is already an emperor who has gone through vicissitudes and was once so brilliant.

And Nessus has also become a true ascension with the strength of the realm of gods.

At that time, Yatox was a great warrior of great fame, and all the people of Shurima were proud of him.

With the addition of three dark descendants, Shurima’s strength has grown a lot.

The glorious empire of the year before the silence is awakening again at this moment.

The revived Shurema will once again be glorious and great.

Soon, Azir made a strategic decision and arranged for Yatox and others to lead the battle.

The gradual reconquest of the coastal cities that had already been captured by Noxus began.

Step by step, Shurima is once again becoming stronger.

On the other side, over the Iron Thorn Mountains, Noxus’ army is on the road to conquer Freld.

The situation in Noxus is somewhat tense right now.

While they are fighting in all directions, they are also feeling pressure.

The Intrepid Vehicle program did not go smoothly.

Although Dreius did not allow the Picheng guards to destroy the dreadnought chariot even if he appeared at that time, the current dreadnought chariot did not have the conditions to go into battle.

The Claw of Winter tribe is brave and good at fighting, and is not afraid of death.

Although the soldiers of Noxus are also very strong, they do not have the slightest advantage in the frozen soil of the ice field.

The cold prevented the soldiers from exerting their best strength, and they did not achieve any good results in the resistance of the Winterclaw tribe.

The coastal city of Shurimma, which had been occupied by Noxus, has not been peaceful recently.

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