No war can avoid death.

Even if the battle is won, many warriors of the Winterclaw tribe still die in this battle.

The shamans of the tribe prayed for the sacrifices of those who died, and prayed for the warriors who died in the war.

After that, a bonfire to celebrate the victory began among the tribes.

Although this victory made Noxus dare not attack easily in a short time, Noxus had no intention of retreating.

Looking at that, it won’t be long before the war returns.

It’s just that tribal warriors who have been tense for days need a ritual to relieve stress and boost morale.

So after paying tribute to the soldiers who died in the war, a celebration was held.

Looking at the Winterclaw warriors drinking spirits around the campfire, Silas was deep in thought.

Although his strength is now many times stronger than before, he was still injured in this battle.

The Noxus army is not waste, they are all a group of brave fighters.

Even though Silas killed a lot of Noxus soldiers, he himself suffered some injuries as a result.

These injuries were not serious, and as long as he replenished his magic, those wounds would heal quickly.

But my heart began to waver and doubt myself.

He is now stronger, stronger than the most powerful mage in the Winter’s Claw.

But after all, he was just a mage.

Most mages don’t have too strong physiques, and only use the most powerful magic to attack or protect themselves.

As a result of this battle, Sellars also saw his own shortcomings.

Now he is not strong enough to make himself not hurt.

Even in the face of the soldiers of Noxus, as long as there are too many of them, he is still a little unable to cope.

What if Noxus sent more capable people to fight? Can he still win?

Moreover, if he didn’t even have this ability, what strength did he have to kill back Demacia?

After deep thought, Silas remembered the name again.

“Cultivation Pavilion?”

The name Shuxin Pavilion had been heard by those people before when he was in Demacia.

Later, when he came to Freyrdrand, he heard the name from the gods here.

“What kind of place would that be?”

At this time, Silas felt a strong urgency in his heart, wanting to find out what the mysterious Heart Cultivation Pavilion was.

Is it possible to give him more power.

“Lord Shamanka, there is news from Lord Sejoni…”

Just as Silas was pondering how to delay the battle situation here and go to find the Cultivation Pavilion, his ears moved, and he heard someone report something to Shamanka.

Although Shamanka did not die after being sucked by Silas, his body was much weaker, and it was even a little difficult to fight the cold.

Therefore, they also followed the tribes who resisted Noxus to the border of Freyrdrand, where the climate was warmer than Freyrdraud, not too bitingly cold.

Although it is now Silas who leads the team of this clan, as the most powerful shamanic mage who once had the claws of winter, many clans are still accustomed to reporting everything to the shamancard first.

Sellars knew this, and he knew that he couldn’t rush too much.

Therefore, I did not feel any displeasure.

By the time he has completely established himself in the Winter Claw Clan, these are just trifles.

Hearing that there was new news, Silas didn’t think much about the matter of cultivating the Heart Pavilion, let’s see what news came first.

“What happened?”

Silas came to Shamanka’s tent and asked directly.

The man who sent the news had already told Shamanka about the matter, and the message had also been handed over to Shamanka, who had already retreated.

Only Silas and Shamanka were left in the tent.

“Cershonny intercepted a group of Noxus spies and were about to pass a message back to Noxus.”

Shamanka did not hide anything, she trusted the chosen person in front of her, so she did not reject sharing any news with him.

“What news?”

Looking at Shamanka’s face with some solemnity, Silas knew that it was probably not simple news.

Shamanka didn’t say much, and directly handed the letter in his hand to Silas, directly letting Silas read it himself.

It turned out that Noxus spies had penetrated deep into the Avarosa tribe and found some very confidential information.

Under the Avarosa Palace, under the deepest solid ice, there was a world rune.

Noxus immediately passed this information back, but was intercepted by Cersei on the way.

Although he ran part of it, he also got the news that Noxus Agent wanted to pass it back.

It is the news of the world rune in the world.

“World Rune?”

Silas was a little puzzled, he didn’t know what the World Rune represented, but seeing Cershoni and Shamanka pay so much attention, it should be something extremely important.

Shamanka, as the great shaman of the claws of winter, naturally learned what the world runes are from ancient legends.

Regarding the World Rune, it is a very old legend.

In the land of runes now, there are very few people who know that they have seen it, even if they have heard of the runes of the world.

Shamanka also only knows a little roughly.

“The World Rune has the ability to create the world, and at the same time, it also has the power to destroy the world.”

Shamanka briefly tells Silas some legends she knows about world runes.

The more Silas listened, the brighter his eyes became.

Isn’t what he seeks and desires powerful power?

Isn’t the world rune with the power of creation and destruction the best choice for him?

“The purpose of Cershonny’s message is to let us intercept the spies who want to send the message back to Noxus.”

“This news can’t let Noxus know, if they get the World Rune, I’m afraid Freyrdrand will be in full danger.”

Shamanka’s expression was very solemn.

Now this news is not known to be true or false, but whether it is true or false is not a good thing for them.

If this news is false, then Noxus got the news of the World Rune, and with the appearance of Noxus’s crazy attack on the city, it is bound to seize the World Rune.

At that time, it must be to take Freyrdrand with all its might.

If this news is true…

The current whereabouts of the World Rune are most likely under the Avarosa Palace.

That was the chassis of the Avaros tribe, and now, they are at war with the Avaros tribe.

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