At that time, emerging from the Void Rift, the monitors who visited the Rune Land were just some Void Peripheral Lifeforms, and all of them had at least demigod-level strength.

If the void crack opened again, allowing the sleeping consciousness bodies that oozed out of the void to awaken, I am afraid that they all had the power of the gods.

At that time, if there is not enough strength, how can you fight against the void, how can you protect Freyrdrand and protect the Rune Land?

In the past, her heart was almost distorted by that guilt, and even used all means to erase that history, thus ruthlessly ending countless lives.

But when she really knew that the ice was beginning to melt, she really panicked. What she feared was coming after all.

But now that she has returned from the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, Lisandra has learned the true face of the Void from there, and knows that its strength is far more terrifying than she imagined.

But she was not as afraid as she used to be.

On the contrary, he wanted to condense his strength and fight together.

“Lisandra, do you feel anything?”

Wally Bell had not yet separated from Lisandra, but as soon as he returned to Freyrdraud, he was caught up in something and felt touched by a power.

Lisandra heard Wally Bell’s words and fell silent.

She felt that way too.

It was like something incredible had appeared in Freyrdrand, and there was a strange power, very powerful.

That kind of power makes them all sense.

Both of them were silent, calming down to carefully feel what this force was.

After a while, the two said in unison:

“World Rune!”

Both of them actually sensed the power fluctuations of the World Rune.

And it didn’t seem too far away from them, at least in the realm of Freyrdrand.

After realizing that what they perceived was the power of the World Rune, both were shocked.

But in an instant, both of them quickly calmed down.

Once again there was silence, this time they were searching with their hearts.

Where is the location of the perception world rune.

After a while, the two sensed that it was the direction of the Avarosa tribe.

For some reason, the World Rune suddenly appeared in the Avaros tribe.

But both Lisandra and Wally Bell knew that this was not a good thing.

Now in this world, there are probably not many people who can really know how terrifying the world runes are.

People like Wally Bell and Lisandra who have lived for thousands of years naturally have an understanding of the world runes.

A thousand years ago, Noxus and Demacia did not exist.

The Runeterra has already experienced a lot of baptism of war.

After the Darkspawn War, Valoran ushered in the darkest period of domination, and the dark empire established by a warlord organization attacked the city.

The brutal warlord Saan Uzur wreaked havoc in the north.

The dark power he believed in never put any human life in his eyes and forged his empire with blood and death.

No matter how powerful mortals are, there will be an end to their lives, but Saan Uzur is unwilling to let go of his dark empire.

After his death, use the wizards’ dark magic to bring him back to life.

After being reborn, he called himself Mord Caesar.

He fought everywhere and caused countless slaughters. And he began to be unwilling to enslave only mortals, and he even wanted to control the soul and death.

The reign of the Dark Empire was the most inhuman period in the history of the rulers of the Valoran continent.

The tyranny of Mord Caesar terrified people and raised a spirit of rebellion.

More and more people revolted to overthrow this brutal monarch.

It’s just that it’s hard for them to succeed.

Magicians captured or hired by Mord Caesar worked for him, helped him craft weapons, and even used forbidden spells to revive him again and again.

The key to resurrection lies in his skull, and as long as Mord Caesar’s skull remains, no matter how many times he dies, he can finally be successfully resurrected.

But in the end, someone came forward.

It was the mage who had served him for many years, Loveland.

She formed the Black Rose and invited Vladimir, who inherited the blood magic of the Darkspawn, to join the Black Rose and help the barbarian tribe at the time, Nokoch, against Mord Caesar.

Loveland knew that the key to Mordecaesar’s resurrection was his skull.

Once again, the rebels overthrew Mord Caesar, killed him, and sent his skull to Fukuko Island.

Let the wise men and mages of Fuguang Island watch over the skull of Mord Caesar to prevent his resurrection.

The Dark Empire has finally come to the end of its demise after a long period of brutal rule.

Then the barbarian tribe Nokohi occupied the capital of the Dark Empire and the Endless Fortress.

Without the oppression of the Dark Empire, the forces of all parties developed rapidly, and many countries appeared in addition to Nokoxi.

At this moment, the news of the World Rune came out.

World runes have the power of creation.

The reason why the Rune Land is called the Rune Land is because it was created by the World Rune.

The news of the World Rune was soon known to various countries, and its great power soon caused people to fight for it.

Every nation wants to have the World Rune and control the strongest creation power.

But what they didn’t know was that since the world runes could have the power of creation, they naturally also had the power to destroy the world.

It’s too powerful and too dangerous.

At that time, Tyrus, the wise mentor of Fuguang Island, walked out of Fuguang Island with his little apprentice Ruiz for the sake of world peace and stability.

They want to let go of their greed for world runes through their travels around the world.

At that time, there were also divisions, and all regions and countries wanted to become stronger.

Tyros, the wise mentor, returns to Rez’s hometown of Nokohi with Rez, hoping to start with his hometown and persuade people to abandon the use of world runes.

When they returned, they happened to encounter a confrontation between the two countries, but no one wanted to listen to the good words and bitter advice.

Eventually, war broke out between the two countries.

Thus began the Rune War in the village of Koholm in Nokohi.

This protracted rune war swept almost the entire Rune Land, continents, islands, bays, and almost no places that were not affected.

The world is in chaos, filled with war and smoke, with more dead and wounded than during the reign of the Dark Empire of Mord Caesar.

Many cities were even razed to the ground during the war, and humans, birds and animals, houses, and even the natural environment were severely damaged.

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