Silas didn’t know that the action he had just absorbed Zhen Bing had been seen by Ritz.

I only thought that the other party saw him squatting on the snow, thinking that he was in trouble.

When Ritz heard Silas’ answer, his face remained silent, but he had some thoughts in his heart.

The person in front of him was obviously hiding, and just now this person had the idea of attacking him.

Although the magic that Silas condensed in the palm of his hand was taken back after hearing Rez’s concerned voice, in the entire Rune Continent, Reiz can be regarded as the first mage.

Even if Silas collected quickly, the magic fluctuation Reiz still perceived clearly.

“It’s okay, there are too many snows under this now, if it weren’t for the cold and ice bloodline, staying here would have frozen to death.”

Ritz looked at the not too heavy clothes on Silas, and his eyes were full of meaning.

“I’m just a little tired from walking, and I’m going to continue to rush after a break, so it’s not in the way.”

Silas was ready to say goodbye to Reiz directly and hurry up on his way.

“Thank you for your concern, I still have something to do, I need to hurry up.”

Rez nodded, and then saw that Silas was walking directly in the direction of the Avarosa clan.

Reiz’s destination is also in that direction, so naturally he knows where to go that way.

A few steps followed, and walked to Silas.

Silas was a little surprised, why did this person follow him?

“Is there anything else?”

Sellars frowned, a little impatient.

“Are you going to Lakstak too?”

Ruiz asked directly.

Laxtac is located in the heart of the city of Freyrdraud, a tribe of the Avarosa tribe, and is the most prosperous pilgrimage place in the whole of Freyrdraud.

There is a rather magnificent pilgrimage site with a huge statue of Avarosa.

Of course, Silas knew Rakstak, and his target was there.

“Yes, I’m going to Lakstak.”

According to the intercepted information of Noxus agents, the World Rune appeared under the royal palace of Avarosa.

In fact, although Avaros is the queen, there is no royal palace, only an ice temple built for the empress.

And because the history is so old, the temple is long gone.

The current Avarosa War Mother, Queen Ash’s Ice Sanctuary, was also rebuilt later, and has little to do with Avarosa.

The information that the spies found out may be biased, after all, they don’t know much about the situation inside Freyrdrand.

It is not surprising that the Ice Temple was mistakenly taken for the Queen’s palace.

It’s just that the world runes are deep in the solid ice under the throne of the royal palace, which makes Silas a little incomprehensible.

If the World Rune had always been there, then why did it appear now?

Queen Ash’s Ice Temple was built in Laxtak, but Silas never set foot on the territory of the Avarosa tribe.

Now I can only go to Lakstak first, and then find the opportunity to find the World Rune.

When Ritz heard that Silas’ target was indeed the Avarosa tribe, his heart couldn’t help but sink.

A gentile with a strange talent, who had just appeared in the world rune, immediately set out to go to the direction where the world rune appeared.

This thing is too much of a coincidence, how could Ritz not think about it much?

Immediately, Ritz’s heart was full of vigilance against Silas, but the expression on his face was still that way, so that others could not see through the thoughts in his heart.

After all, he has lived for a long time, no matter what he thinks in his heart, he must show calm on his face and not let anyone see through his thoughts.

“I’m also going on a pilgrimage to Lakstak, so let’s go on the road together, it’s good to have a look after each other with such heavy snow.”

Ritz was right, and for good reason, leaving Silas with few reasons to refuse.

But Silas didn’t want to go on the road with the others.

Just as Silas was thinking about what excuse to find to refuse, Ritz had already walked out first, and beckoned Silas to follow.

Cyrus was not given a chance to refuse at all.

Silas frowned slightly, but after thinking for a moment, he followed.

Ruiz is right, on such a snowy day, it is difficult for a person to rush to ensure that there will be some accidents.

Even if Reiz did not show much strength, but when Sellaska came out, Reiz was definitely a very capable mage.

With such a person, doing it in such environmental conditions is not a wise choice.

If the two of them went on the road together, if he encountered any trouble himself, he could naturally let this blue-purple-skinned mage help him, after all, he seemed quite kind.

But if this blue-purple-skinned mage ran into difficulties…

Then wouldn’t he have the opportunity to claim the magic power of such a powerful mage for himself?

Silas figured this out, and naturally the advantages outweighed the disadvantages of going on the road with Rez, so he gladly accepted it and agreed to go to LaxStak with Ritz.

The two walked all the way, not talking much, after all, there was still a lot of road to rush.

Silas wanted to preserve his physical strength more, while Ritz had many thoughts flashing through his mind.

For a long, long time, there was no one around him who walked side by side with him.

Together with this thought, the memories were like the snow falling in front of him, overwhelmingly smashing towards him.

Once regarded as his most important partner, one by one, they all fell because they could not resist the temptation of power.

Whether it was his former mentor Tyros, or the little apprentice Keegan Noho he thought would be able to shoulder the heavy responsibilities with him.

How good they were in the beginning, walking side by side on this earth with him, working together for the same goal.

But then what?

Tyrus was opened by the world rune to open the gap of his inner desire, in a vain attempt to create a greater disaster to befall the world.

And his little apprentice, Keegan Noho, was blinded by the hatred in his heart and the resentment of the world.

Only the desire for strength and revenge can be seen in the eyes.

Keegan Nohe is a little boy that Reitz found when he came to Freyrdrand hundreds of years ago.

This boy has a very pitiful and pathetic background.

When Ritz finds him, Chigenno and Jigenhe are huddled in a cave, alone and desperately waiting for death to come.

Looking at the boy who was about to freeze to death, the old mage Reiz discovered his very unique magical potential.

He knew that this boy had a high magical talent, and if he taught him well, he might become a very good magician in the future.

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