The power of the underworld can be felt.

Although it is also very surprising, it is also surprising that someone can combine the two diametrically opposed forces of the underworld and the blazing sun.

And at that time, Ruiz also felt that the power of the underworld came from a god.

At that time, Ruiz also thought about whether he would use the power of the World Rune to deal with him to protect the Rune Land if this god of the underworld wanted to be unfavorable to the Rune Land.

However, it was found that the god only wanted to strengthen the underworld and let all the undead return to the realm of the underworld, and did not want to do anything about the Rune Land.

So he let go of his heart and gave up the power of using the world runes.

However, while Ritz breathed a sigh of relief, he was also shocked in his heart.

His first thought was to use the power of the World Rune.

Reiz wasn’t sure if it was because he was seduced by the power of the World Rune, or if he really wanted to use the power of the World Rune to protect the Rune Land.

At that moment, Ritz only felt creepy.

He was almost about to use the World Rune.

If he really took that step, he would really be doomed from now on.

Since then, Ritz’s worries have grown more and more urgently, and he is more and more eager to find a better way to preserve the world runes.

Looking for a thousand turns, the faces of countless people he had seen, contacted, and knew fairly well, flashed in his mind.

Among those people, I tried to find someone who could entrust the World Rune and could afford the heavy responsibility of guarding the Rune Land.

But no.

For more than a thousand years, Ritz has known too many people, but no one can do it.

This made him extremely anxious, and the pressure in his heart increased day by day.

If it had been placed a few decades ago, when he encountered someone like Silas who had not yet obtained the world rune, but only had the ambition to find the world rune, Rez would not have killed it directly.

He will only find the world rune before this person, and properly find other hidden places, hide the world rune well, and hide it to a place that this person cannot find.

But now, Ritz’s heart was a little panicked, he was afraid.

That’s why they are so eager to eradicate these people who covet the world runes, and once they get the world runes, they will immediately cause world disasters.

Jax looked at the clear sky outside the cave, and also noticed the sun that was still faintly glowing green in the sky, and his heart moved.

“Ritz, do you remember the day some time ago when the sun turned a miserable green?”

Jax walked to the entrance of the cave, looked at the sun in the sky, turned back to Ritz and asked.

Ritz also walked up to Jax, looked at the sun in the sky together, and nodded.

“Naturally, I remember it, and I remember it well, it should be the work of the new gods of the underworld.”

“It is truly an incredible miracle that the new god of the underworld actually defies the truth of the universe and forcibly merges the underworld and the blazing sun.”

Ritz sighed sincerely.

“If it is impossible to do it with the power of the underworld, even the gods of the underworld are difficult to do, I think you should understand.”

Jax said to Ritz meaningfully.

That’s right, even a god can’t easily violate the truth of the universe, and there must be a more powerful high-level god behind that newly promoted underworld god.

Thinking of this, Ritz reacted to what Jax meant when he said this.

Looking at his meaningful appearance, I instantly understood.

“Could it be that the owner of the Cultivation Pavilion you said, Li Fulang, helped behind his back?”

Satisfied with his old fellow’s quick reaction, Jax smiled and nodded.

“That’s right, that new god of the underworld is a customer of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.”

“Remember what I told you about chance? The Heart Cultivation Pavilion is a great opportunity, a great opportunity in the Rune Land. ”

“That customer has such strength because he got his chance in the Cultivation Pavilion. It can even go against the truth of the universe and let the two most contradictory things of the blazing sun and the underworld merge together. ”

Ruiz looked up at the sun that still faintly carried green light in the sky, and was extremely surprised.

Without waiting for Ritz to digest the news completely, Jax’s voice sounded again.

“Also, do you remember the chaotic divine power that burst out between heaven and earth not long ago?”

Jax’s words exploded in Ritz’s ears like thunder, and Nene turned his head and asked:

“Shouldn’t you want to say that the Chaos Divine Power was also made by the shopkeeper of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion?”

Seeing the old mage’s completely incredulous expression, Jax smiled and nodded with great satisfaction, and patted the old mage’s shoulder, trying to calm down the old fellow.

“That’s right, that powerful chaotic divine power came from Shurima. Although I didn’t see it with my own eyes, the power was very familiar to me. ”

“That should have been made by Li Fuwan, the shopkeeper of the Cultivation Heart Pavilion.”

“Not long after feeling the power of chaos, I heard that it turned out that Shurima’s solar disk had been completely reshaped.”

“The previous solar disk has completely disappeared and turned into fly ash. The giant star disk in the capital city of Shureima is the chaotic disk reshaped by Li Fulang, replacing the sun disk. ”

Jax told Ritz the information he knew bit by bit, and Ritz didn’t know what to answer, just stared at Jax with his mouth open.

“Old man, don’t look at me like this, I didn’t do it.”

Jax smiled and patted Ritz’s shoulder again.

“You wait, let me slow down.”

That day, when Li Fuwan reshaped the Sun Disk, the pure chaotic power could be said to be felt by all the mages in the entire Rune Land.

It’s just that the force is so strong that most people don’t realize that it can be man-made.

I only thought that the gods of which side had sent down some miracles.

And that chaotic force only brings nourishment to everything in the world, and has no other impact, and the moment the chaotic disk is reshaped makes the heaven and earth feel the power of chaos.

So few people focus on that.

Now listening to Jax, Ritz only felt a chill in his back.

What kind of strength is this, not only can it use the Chaos Divine Power, but also make the entire Rune Continent feel the existence of that power.

At this time, Ruiz finally realized the horror of the shopkeeper of the Cultivation Pavilion in Jax’s mouth.

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