Silas also wanted to continue to flip through the book to see what was behind, but found that the book could not turn the pages.

I tried a few more times and found that it still didn’t work.

Only then did I find out that there was a ban on the original book, and there was a line of small print on the cover.

“Later content needs to be paid to watch.”

“Groove? Can it still be like this? ”

Silas read out the small words, and then complained with black lines on his face.

You can’t do it if you want to get some knowledge for nothing! It really is!

Jingle bells!

Just as Silas complained, the door was opened, and the small bell on the door rang.

Silas poked his head out from behind the bookshelf and looked towards the door, only to see a man and a woman walking in from the door of the store carrying large bags of things.

The girl was carrying a bag of things in her hand and wearing a pale pink dress. On his back was a giant sword wrapped with pink and red flowers, and the brilliance flowing above the giant sword was not an ordinary product at first glance.

The man was also carrying a lot of things, which looked like some ingredients. Dressed in a casual flowing white robe, his long hair was casually tied behind his head with a white headband, and he was talking to the girl very gently at this time.

The two looked very intimate, and walked into the store with a smile.

They don’t look like they’re coming to the store to buy something, how can ordinary people walk into such a powerful and mysterious store with such a relaxed look?

Wait a minute! Ingredients!

Silas remembers the magic fawn saying that the shopkeeper had gone out shopping with a sister.

That and that… Is that the owner!?

After Silas guessed Li Fulang’s identity, the whole person felt a little bad.

Originally, after listening to Jax’s story, and after coming to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, I was shocked by all things here, thinking that the shopkeeper here should be the kind of old man with white bones in the fairy wind road.

Or a very strange-looking old man.

I had many conjectures about Li Fulang’s image in my heart, but I never thought that Li Fulang was like this.

He looked young and handsome, with a gentle face, and did not look at all like those high-ranking people he had ever seen, and there was no trace of anger between his eyebrows.

If you just look at the appearance, Silas can’t believe that this is the legendary Chaos True God who can reshape the sun’s disk.

However, the otherworldly temperament on Li Fulang’s body, even the smile at the corner of his mouth, made Silas feel his infinitely small aura.

If it weren’t for the fact that Li Fulang was far away from him now, and was talking and laughing with the girl next to him without a shelf, the aura on his body alone made Silas want to kneel for Li Fulang.

“Huh? What about Lilia? Not in the store? ”

After the two walked into the store with large bags and small bags, they were a little surprised to find that Lilia did not run towards them with her limbs and hooves as before.

“There are new guests, Lilia should be in the reception.”

Before entering the door, Li Fulang felt a strange atmosphere in the store, thinking that it should be a new customer.

There is also the breath of Jax, it seems that it should be the person brought by Jax.

“Oooh, well, then I’ll go to the kitchen and clean up these things first.”

As soon as Raven heard that a new customer was coming to the store, he took the two large bags of things from Li Fulang’s hand very sensibly and walked to the kitchen by himself.

Silas knew that Li Fulang found himself here, and did not peek at his brain behind the bookshelf, and obediently walked out.

“Are you the owner here?”

Silas’s bandit-like personality is really rare to see him so well-behaved and polite now.

“Well, I’m Li Fuwan, the shopkeeper of the Cultivation Heart Pavilion. Nice to meet you, Silas. ”

Li Fu nodded and said hello to Silas.

“You recognize me!”

Silas heard Li Fulang call out his name as soon as possible, his eyes widened, and his expression was shocked.

“Of course.”

Li Fu shrugged, can he say that he knows all the heroes?

Silas’s heart set off terrifying waves, such a powerful being would know the name of someone as small as him.

This made Sellars feel stuffed with something in his heart for a moment, and he couldn’t help but feel a little more close and trusting to Li Fuwan in addition to reverence.

It’s like a child in a remote mountain village suddenly discovering that the leader of the country he admires can call his name, and the feeling of flattering is overflowing with words and indescribable.

“What’s wrong?”

Li Fulang saw that Silas had not spoken for a long time, and couldn’t help but ask.

“Didn’t… Nothing, it’s just that I feel like you know my name, which makes me a little excited. ”

Silas heard Li Fulang’s concerned voice inquiring about him again, making him feel like a nervous child for a while.

Li Fulang smiled, patted Sellars on the shoulder and said:

“Don’t be so nervous, you are a guest here when you come to the Cultivation Pavilion, just say what you need.”

Silas’s mood gradually eased under Li Fuwan’s approachable attitude.

Li Fulang had just mentioned that he was a guest of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion when he came here, which reminded Silas of the book he had just read.

“Can you sell me this book?”

Silas took the “Chronicle of the Kingdom of Demacia” in front of him and asked Li Fulang.

“Of course you can, this is 15 gold coins.”


Sellars really wanted to buy the book, but when he heard the price, he was blinded by it.

How did he forget, his pocket was empty, let alone gold coins, not even a single copper.

Silas was originally born in a poor family in a remote village in Demacia, and later worked for the Demacia Demon Search Team, and later was imprisoned in prison for more than ten years without seeing the light of day.

Even if he escaped from prison and ran to Freyrdrand to make some fame in the Winter’s Claw Clan, the Winter’s Claw Clan never used coins.

The Winter Claw tribe does not trade with people, food and resources are basically robbed, where did the gold coins come from?

At this time, Silas can be described as extremely embarrassed, or in front of people he admires very much.

He only felt that if there was a crack in the ground at this time, he would immediately get into it.

It’s really faceless.

Li Fulang also saw Silas’ embarrassed appearance and didn’t care much.

He has not seen these heroes who are too poor to do it.

So he waved his hand at Sellars and said:

“Or don’t worry, look at other things, follow your inner guidance, and find what you need.”

Li Fulang’s words can be regarded as giving Silas a step down, which made Silas breathe a sigh of relief and full of gratitude to Li Fulang.

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