“Sure enough, nothing in this Heart Cultivation Pavilion is ordinary!”

Although Kai Yin did not know about the spiritual realm, he also knew that this book brought opportunities to the robbery.

“Master, and there are a lot of artifacts in there… If you want to go, be sure to do it as soon as possible! ”

Kai Yin said the terrifying artifacts in the weapons area to the robber, and pointed to his hair at the same time.

Now my hair is still scorched black by electricity.

“So… Then I have to go to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion first, something has happened in Ionia recently, even I can’t see through, if the crystal ball is useful, it can help me a lot. ”

After the robbery finished speaking, he directly got up and handed a shadow box into Kaiyin’s hands.

“Kaiyin, if I leave this time, I probably won’t be able to come back, you can take this Tear of Shadow.”

Kadab escaped from Toulang prison and has assassinated many big people, all of whom are against the Navoli Brotherhood.

The Brotherhood of Navoli is a radical group born during the Noxus invasion in an attempt to turn Ionia into a unified nation.

And after more than ten years of investigation, he found that the leader of this organization was suspected of being the leader of the Balanced Sect, and said bitterly to the master!

Ember suddenly escaped and wantonly assassinated the sect elders who rebelled against the Navoli Brotherhood, and must be inseparable from the Master of Bitter Talk!

“Kaiyin, take him, the Shadow will inspire you to fight the Darkspawn… At the same time, the door to the spiritual realm will open when you control the shadows. ”

After the robbery finished speaking, he turned into a shadow and left the sect.

He is going to find Shen and catch this demon ember together! At the same time, uncover the true face of the Navoli Brotherhood!

Kaiyin, on the other hand, took the Tears of Shadow and took a sea ship to Noxus, where he was going to obtain the most important thing in his life, Rayast.

Shushin Pavilion

Kennan and Akali were still sitting on the stool reading, completely immersed in it, not noticing that the boss of the Shadow Sect had arrived here.

Hao was wearing ordinary clothes and no mask, and his appearance was that of a handsome middle-aged man, not at all like a ruthless Lord of Shadow Streams.

“Breath of Shadow, who are you?”

As soon as the robber entered the door, Li Fulang keenly noticed the robbery, this guy’s shadow aura was even dozens of times stronger than Kaiyin’s shadow cultivation.

If nothing else, it was the Lord of the Shadow Stream who robbed.

It’s quite handsome without a helmet and mask.

Li Fuxian muttered in his heart.

“I’m Goufu.”

Hao said lightly, and then looked around the arrangement in the Cultivation Pavilion, and paid special attention to the crystal ball and weapon area that Kai Yin had emphasized to him.

“Look at it, weapons, books, prophecies, skins, only what you can’t buy, nothing you can’t think of.”

Li Fu shook his lips, and Gou Fu, the lord of the shadow stream, also played the set of hiding his identity.

If Li Fulang is not mistaken, Gou Fu is the name of the Lord of the Shadow Stream, when he was a child, and he can be regarded as a bad name.

After capturing the ember, Ku said that the master gave the robbery a name, called the ring! Then the robbery betrayed the Equilibrium Sect, and it became a robbery.

“This, the prophecy crystal ball, the prophecy above is 100% correct?”

Calamity asked tentatively, it was really this crystal ball that Kai Yin said was a little mysterious.

“That’s natural, as long as you can get enough gold coins.”

Li Fulang put the crystal ball in front of Robber, who actually questioned the ability to prophesy the crystal ball, and must teach Robbery a lesson today.

“Gold coins?”

The robber muttered, and then directly took out a large money bag in the shadows behind him, which contained more than a thousand gold coins.

He didn’t think too much about going out, and directly took a pocket from the sect’s treasury.

I think it should be enough.

“Grass, local tyrant!”

Li Fulang sighed and asked, “What do you want to know?” Just ask, the crystal ball will tell you everything. ”

At this moment, Kennan finished looking at Wan Lei Tianjiao, woke up, and saw the robbery at the counter.

“This is?? Warn? ”

Kennan was surprised, he didn’t expect to see the robbery from here! Although the Shadow Sect and the Equilibrium Sect are now opposed, it is Kennan who watches the child who grows up.

Kennan was very happy to see the robbery.

“You are mistaken!”

Hao said coldly, then looked at the prophecy crystal ball and asked, “Who is the leader of the Navoli Brotherhood?” Who released the embers out of Tuleng prison? Why did Ember kill the sect elders who opposed the Brotherhood of Navoli? And…”

The robber suddenly said a series of questions, which made Li Fu shake his head and grow big.

“Ask one by one, take your time.”

Li Fu shook his forehead, a little helpless, is the robbery curious baby? How so many questions.

But immediately, Li Fulang noticed these problems of the robbery, and faintly felt that something was wrong.

ps: On the third day of the book, there are 34 chapters, for the sake of the author’s hard work, let’s support it with some flower evaluation votes

Chapter 35 tonight! Posted books to now 10-12 more a day, please support!

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