At this time, Tristana was a little nervous.

Originally, he and Lulu only needed to face the Righteous Star Spirit, and after flexibly dodging the attack of the Righteous Star Spirit, they could find an opportunity to use the portal key in Lulu’s hand to leave here and escape to a safe place.

But now the two bald uncles who suddenly appeared, Tristana did not know the intentions of these two people.

Although these two people have just helped them solve some dangers, this does not mean that these two people themselves are not a danger to them.

Lulu was very curious around Bloom and Reiz, and the two of them circled and looked at the two hairless men curiously.

“Two bald gentlemen, you still haven’t told me if people without hair are poor?”

Ruiz and Bloom were both speechless, why would this short little girl have such strange thoughts?

Seeing the silence of the two hairless men, Lulu directly took the silence of these two people as a default.

His eyes suddenly became very frightened.

“Oh my God, it’s terrible! Tristana, I’m going to run out of clothes soon! ”

Lulu was very scared and pulled Tristana’s arm and wailed, and she could hear that this incident was very terrifying for Lulu.

Tristana stroked her forehead helplessly, resisting the urge to roll her eyes at her partner.

Lulu was talking to herself and pressing the big hat on her head.

“Oh my God, I’ve been losing my hair lately, and before long, I’m afraid I’ll be bald too!” I won’t have a top to wear then! Oh my God, this is horrible! ”

Lulu said as she stomped her foot in place and spun in circles, chanting “what should I do, what should I do”.

Ritz coughed lightly, interrupting Lulu’s self-talk at the right time.

“Ahem, there is no connection between not wearing a top and not having hair.”

Bloom on the side was a little confused, smiled cheekily, but still nodded in agreement.

“Yes, Bloom doesn’t wear a shirt, just because he doesn’t feel cold. Bloom has no hair, also because Bloom’s head does not feel cold. ”

“Is what you said true? Wouldn’t Lulu’s hair be worn without a top if she fell out? ”

Lulu covered the big hat on her head aggrievedly and looked at the others.

Including Tristana, the three of them nodded to Lulu together.

Even the whispering in Lulu’s arms, the little white daisy bud swayed, as if in approval.

At this time, Tristana opened her mouth to ask the identities of Bloom and Rez.

Ritz and Bloom looked at each other, they didn’t really know each other.

Reiz came to look for the World Rune Fragment, and the purpose was very clear. Blom, on the other hand, is different, and Blom walks around Freyrdrand with his huge shield simply because he is a very zealous Freyrdrand.

He is willing to help those who are weak and in difficulty.

At the same time, Bloom also has a very amazing talent.

That is, Bloom can feel the goodwill and malice of others by virtue of his inner perception.

When Bloom first saw Tristana and Lulu, he could sense that these were two kind little creatures.

Whatever they were doing or what they were going to do, Bloom’s immediate judgment to them was that they were people worth helping.

So almost without hesitation, he raised his shield to help them resist the avalanche, and also risked danger to resist the righteous flame attack of the Righteous Star Spirit.

When Ritz appeared, Blong also used this perceptual power of his own to perceive Ritz’s heart.

It was very clear that Reiz was also only kind to these people.

Although Bloom looks very rough and honest on the surface, he is actually a very delicate person.

So Bloom naturally stood by Ritz’s side and decided to protect these two kind-looking little creatures with him.

Just as Ritz and Bloom were about to introduce themselves to Tristana, the Righteous Star Spirit, who was still observing them in mid-air, spoke.

“You guys, hurry up and hand over what I want, or you will all die!”

As soon as the Righteous Star Spirit started, the attack was blocked by Blom and Rez, so he temporarily stopped to observe them.

After a conversation between them, the Righteous Star Spirit immediately judged that the two bald men who suddenly appeared were just ordinary beings in the Rune Land.

Even if they have very magical weapons in their hands and some strange abilities, they are just creatures of the Rune Land.

As the first batch of creatures on the Giant God Peak, the Righteous Star Spirit had already separated from the mortal body at a very early age and became a high star spirit,

In his eyes, all the other creatures in the Rune Land were as if they were ants.

Even these buildings have very strange weapons or some strange abilities that can temporarily block his attacks.

But this does not mean that the righteous star spirits will take them to heart.

It’s just the difference between a little more force or a little less force.

When everyone heard the voice of the Righteous Star Spirit, they all raised their heads and looked at the Righteous Star Spirit waving its wings in midair.

“What is he asking you for?”

Bloom asked suspiciously.

Tristana chose to remain silent, her expression very solemn and serious, and he didn’t want these unknown people to know too much about them.

But the grinning Lulu blurted out.

“We found a small fragment with magical energy in the glacial cave, and that thing has a lot of power on it. We believe that this kind of thing should not be obtained by others, especially this kind of bad person, he will use this kind of thing to hurt others. ”

Lulu’s personality is very enthusiastic and lively, and at the same time very kind and just.

Now Lulu is doing what he thinks is the most righteous.

Tristana originally wanted to stop Lulu and prevent him from saying it, but it was obviously too late.

This confused companion really made Tristana’s head bigger.

Ruiz on the side immediately heard Lulu’s meaning, and understood that these two little creatures had indeed inadvertently obtained the World Rune Fragment as he expected.

What made Ruiz feel very pleased was that these two very kind little girls also believed that powerful forces needed to be protected and could not be casually obtained by people with intentions.

So Rez stepped forward and stood in front of Blom and the two little yodelers, facing the Righteous Star Spirit.

The star spirit flying in the air looked very powerful, and it was clear that he had just caused a disaster. Ruiz hopes to negotiate with him and get the other party to give up the World Rune Fragment.

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