“Bitterly said that the master is not dead? Then why do they all say that you killed the bitter master? ”

Akali asked a little naively, she remembered that she had seen several robberies when she was a child, and she was not so cruel and cruel.

Hao smiled and shook his head, not saying anything more, and Kennan sighed, not knowing how to talk to Akali.

Instead, Li Fulang chuckled and explained to Akali.

“Akali, do you know what the true mission of the Equilibrium Sect is?”

Akali shook her head when she heard this, this thing Shen had talked to her many times, but every time Shen said that she would know when she figured out the doctrine of equilibrium, and never said more to her.

“The so-called balance is to maintain the balance between the material world and the spiritual world, to find pure justice by stargazing, to carry out justice day by day, and to eradicate all imbalances through pruning.”

Hao and Kennan’s eyes flashed, and they nodded involuntarily, Li Fulang was indeed right, completely correct.

Even quite thoroughly understood.

Without a deep understanding of balance, you can’t say such a thing.

Unexpectedly, this shopkeeper is also a master of balance.

“Akali, let me ask you, when Noxus invades your hometown and indiscriminately kills innocents, will you agree to it if you are cautious and watch and remain hidden from the world?”

Akali’s brows furrowed when she heard this, if that were the case, she would definitely fight for her hometown, and she would definitely not obey Shen’s orders.

“Not only will I not agree, but all the disciples of the Balanced Sect will not agree.”

Akali’s categorical voice sounded, making Kenan and Robber helpless, they were, too!

“Then if you betray the equilibrium and form a church to fight Noxus, will a large number of followers join you in defecting from the church?”

Li Fulang continued to ask, asking a question that made Yu Yi feel shocked.

This question was exactly what the robber had considered at the time!

Akali frowned tightly and replied, “That’s for sure, everyone doesn’t want their homeland to be harmed, and it is estimated that most of the disciples will join me in fighting Noxus.” ”


Li Fu pondered for a moment, and then asked, “Then it’s all gone with you, who will guard the balance?” ”

This time it stopped Akali, who is only seventeen or eight years old now, and can’t understand these at all, frowning, and can’t think of an answer.

Balance is important and needs to be guarded.

The same is true of hometowns, which need to be guarded.

Hao looked at Li Fulang, a little shocked, because what Li Fulang said was exactly the same as his experience!

He betrayed the Equilibrium Sect and fought against Noxus, while stealing the Tears of Shadow and pretending to kill Master Kushan.

In fact, he was trying to put a charge on himself and prevent a large number of balanced disciples from defecting with him.

He knows that the war will end sooner or later, but it is a matter of thousands of years to protect the balance.

Back then, he pretended to kill Master Ku Say because of this, but he didn’t expect that Master Ku Say directly suspended animation and then disappeared.

“Master Takami.”

He didn’t know what Li Fulang knew, but Li Fulang really said to him.

For so many years, in order to protect his hometown, he was accused of apostasy, and he couldn’t say it, but this was the path he chose.

I just didn’t expect to meet someone who understood him in a small shop.

“Robbery… It wasn’t like that, right? ”

Kennan asked tentatively.

But he snorted coldly, looking arrogant, and ignored Kennan at all.

Anyway, they are already saddled with infamy, and there is no need to whitewash something!

Akali’s eyes swirled between Hao and Kennan, and she couldn’t help but be a little shocked when she thought of what Li Fulang said just now.

Robbery, it won’t be the same as Li Fulang said!

In order to protect his hometown and balance, he chose to carry his own infamy!

If this is really the case, then Hao is really a respectable senior!

Akali’s eyes were full of doubts, and the more she thought about it, the more appropriate she felt!

Isn’t that how robbery is?

Formed Shadowstream… However, because of the crime of killing the master, almost no disciples of the Balanced Sect followed the robbery and defected, plus bitterly said that the master is still alive….

Akali understood almost instantly that Robbery was the most righteous person.

But Hao didn’t care about the eyes of Kennan and Akali, with a cold look, what he carried, he didn’t need others to know!

This look made Li Fulang laugh secretly, but he didn’t expect that the famous Lord of Shadow Stream was still a dead tsundere.

“Crystal ball, Ember, where is it now?”

The robbery directly threw out fifty gold coins, for him, there were too many gold coins, and he couldn’t spend it all, and it was certainly worth it to buy news.

PS: The timeline is when Noxus first invaded Ionia, and Ionia had just repelled Noxus.

The current official timeline is Noxus’ second invasion of Ionia.

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