However, seeing the decisiveness of those people leaving, as if they did not intend to stay in Freyrdrand, also made Orn slightly relieved.

They didn’t seem to have any ill will towards Freyrdrand.

But Aoun was still a little nervous.

“Forget it, let’s go find Wally Bell.”

Orn stood in place for a long time, and finally let out a long sigh and decided to go to Wally Bell to find out what was going on.

Why would so many god-level strength guys suddenly appear in the Rune Land, this is too unscientific.

Thinking of this, Orn directly disappeared and left.

Go find Wally Bell.

Ionia, just outside Presidian.

The teleportation array opened by Ruiz was not directly located in Precydian City, after all, his magic teleportation array carried powerful magical energy.

If those mortals accidentally did something to his teleportation magic array because they were curious, the magic energy in it would directly kill those who accidentally touched it.

For safety, Reitz located the coordinates on the outskirts of Presidio.

“Mr. Beard, what’s wrong with you? Is magic making you feel uncomfortable? ”

Lulu was the first to notice that something was wrong with Bron.

Hearing Lulu’s words, Tristana and Rezie also turned their heads to look at Bron.

“I don’t know, my shield suddenly started buzzing, as if some force of power was being pulled.”

Ritz’s spiritual power leaned towards Bron’s shield, and found that just as Bloom said, the divine power in his shield seemed to sense something, humming,

It’s just that the sound of the sound is not audible to their ears, so they can only see the shield shaking a little restlessly.

“Perhaps, maybe the gods did not want me to leave Freyrdrand.”

Blom sweated on his forehead and gritted his teeth to suppress the agitation of the shield in his hand. There is some loss in the heart, some regret.

This shield has been with him for a long time and has helped him a lot. He knew that this shield was an artifact, and he usually cherished it.

The shield was like Bloon’s friend, always by his side.

Lulu even wants to use her magic to help Blom.

“I’ll see if I can calm Mr. Shield down.”

Gently waving her curved magic wand, the magic point of light fell on Bron’s shield, but it was as if snowflakes had fallen into warm water, not only did not form a ripple, but also merged with the warm water.

Seeing that her magic didn’t work at all, Lulu was a little discouraged.

Tristana naturally had no clue about this.

“Mr. Mage, if you can, can you please send me back again. I think maybe the gods didn’t want me to take it out of Freyrdrand. ”

Bloom said with a smile.

The shield trembled even more violently, and Bron couldn’t hold it anymore.

Seeing this, there is nothing good to do about it. After all, the cause of this situation is not known at all, and there is no way to solve it.

Perhaps, now is not the time for Bloom to get the opportunity to cultivate the Heart Pavilion.

“Okay, then you two go to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion first, and I’ll send him back.”

Ritz said to Lulu and Tristana.

The Heart Cultivation Pavilion is in Presidion, and even if you walk, it won’t take long to get there.

“Okay, don’t worry, Mr. Mage, we will definitely be able to find the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.”

“Goodbye Mr. Beard, goodbye Mr. Mage!”

In order to distinguish the two bald gentlemen, Lulu gave them different titles. After saying hello, Tristana held hands with Lulu and walked into Presidian.

Rezie located the coordinates again, opened the teleportation array, and after a period of guided casting, he returned to Freyrdrand again with Bloon.

Actually, nothing went wrong with Blom’s shield.

Just because Orn appeared before they were teleported to the outskirts of Presidian.

Although Orn only hid his figure and looked at the situation on their side and did not appear, the remaining Orn’s divine power in this shield resonated with Aoun.

Coincidentally, the shield’s response hum was almost over.

Bloom looked at the shield in his hand that had stopped trembling and returned to normal, and sighed softly in his heart.

Sure enough, the gods didn’t want him to leave Freld.

It seems that the wish to go to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion cannot be fulfilled.

Ruiz was also surprised to find that the shield had calmed down, and the spiritual power had probed it, and the divine power in the shield had calmed down.

Ritz had not discovered the existence of Orn before, let alone the relationship between this shield and Aoun, so he was surprised.

It turns out that the weapons and equipment still recognize the place.

Seeing a slight look of regret on Bron’s face, Ritz took out a jade talisman from his trouser pocket.

“Here you go.”

“This is…?”

“This thing is a teleportation talisman, as long as you infuse spiritual power into it, it can directly teleport you to the Cultivation Pavilion. If you still want to go to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion in the future, you can use this. ”

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