“This little guy is serious, and he really looks like that.”

Yaso complained in his heart that Professor Hemerdinger’s posture at this time was really max, an old pedant.

“And that little girl, she looks a little too lively, it’s really a contrast with the silver-haired little girl next to her.”

This is Yasuo observing Lulu and Tristana, two little yodelic girls who have never met before.

Research sessions continue.

Returning to Viktor, he came to Piltover with Yaso.

It’s just that because of some things, he did not stay in Piltover with Yaso, but returned to Zuan.

Every time Yasso thought about this, he felt that Viktor was not interesting enough.

Fortunately, Viktor came to Piltover with him as his guide.

As a result, after getting off the boat, Victor immediately found an excuse to part ways with him.

It has been some time since Viktor returned to Zuan.

This time, Victor returned to Zuan to solve a knot that had been pressing on his heart for a long, long time.

What Victor told Li was that he wanted to go back to Zuan to study Hextech.

But in fact, in addition, Viktor wants to solve his knot.

Previously, when he was in Zuan, Victor had his own research laboratory. Because his thinking is too extreme and stubborn, he always does not get along with others.

With no friends or assistants, he built a robot to help him complete some experiments.

The original intention of this robot was that Victor wanted to make it a tool that could give him a handle in experiments.

But he never expected that after Victor implanted a priceless Hex crystal from the Shurima Desert into the inside of this robot. It didn’t take long for it to start taking on its own minds.

From the moment Victor realized that the robot began to have its own thoughts, it could no longer be called it, but him.

This steam robot was named Britz by Victor.

Britz, like other robots, has strong learning and analytical skills.

It can help Victor complete many dangerous experiments that humans cannot easily complete.

In addition to learning, Britz quickly learned to innovate.

He can understand and deduce his daily instructions, use the processes he understands himself, and act on the results of his deduction.

These growths of Britz were really surprising and happy for Victor.

This means that he created a life!

In the process of gradually maturing the words in the ministry, Victor also did many experiments. According to the drawings that originally made Britz, several more robots were made.

Unfortunately, those robots ended in failure.

They are just steel without any thoughts and feelings, and can only complete some limited work tasks according to the set procedures.

It doesn’t give birth to its own mind like Britz.

In Victor’s eyes, the steam robot Britz is a very strange and special existence. He has self-awareness, independent thinking, and the ability to discriminate.

For Victor, he is no longer just a robot, but a life.

Therefore, Victor has not taken his research results to apply for a patent.

Because he couldn’t build a second robot with autonomous consciousness like Britz anyway.

But the fact that Victor didn’t apply for a patent doesn’t mean that others won’t.

Boselda took advantage of Viktor’s absence to secretly steal Britz’s research materials, directly as his own research invention, and applied for a patent.

Later, Britz disappeared.

Viktor also doesn’t know where he went.

Later, many things happened, and Victor did not have the effort to find Britz.

This time back in Zuan, Victor just wants to retrieve Britz and figure out why he became a living robot.

There is also the need for revenge.

Make the man who stole his valuable research pay, and prove it for himself, untie the knot.

Then finding Britz is the first step in his own name.

The existence of steam robots is really very strange, he not only has autonomous consciousness, but also thinking is constantly evolving. But the only drawback is that his perception of the world is somewhat biased.

As a robot whose purpose is to serve humans, Britz is more than happy to help others.

But in the process of helping humanity, he is likely to destroy other things for his purposes.

For example, once Britz was trying to help a boy go to another street.

Through his own understanding and deduction of this matter, he finally came to an answer.

That is, the branch line between the two points is the shortest.

According to Britz’s own logic of thinking, he chose to help the boy get to his destination, and then he should choose the nearest route. The nearest route is a straight line, so send him straight through.

So, according to the deduction results, Britz directly smashed all the houses and walls in this straight line drawing with his iron fist with lightning.

So that the boy can make a smooth straight line to another block.

The goal was achieved, but the process and results were somewhat tragic.

Or he wanted to help a lost neighbor come home, so he smashed through the door and wall of the neighbor’s house, allowing the neighbor to return home.

And also.

Britz was once sent by Victor on a mission to clean up toxic alchemical waste in a residential area.

Those alchemical wastes have serious implications for humans.

Those wastes are not only toxic, but also corrosive.

If this job is done by ordinary humans, it is extremely dangerous, so sending robots to complete this task is the most correct choice.

Britz followed the task and came to the target location.

His mission goal is to clean up the toxic alchemical waste, but after his thinking, he believes that as long as the source of pollution remains, the residential area will soon produce toxic alchemical waste.

If you want to complete this task perfectly, then you need to solve the problem from the source.

The result of the deduction is that solving the source of pollution can solve the generation of toxic alchemical waste.

So Britz used his lightning iron fist to turn the polluting factory into a field of rubble scrap iron in a circle.

It was also after this incident that Victor was found by the angry factory owner and ordered to destroy the uncontrolled robot.

But Viktor didn’t want to.

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