“Look at your facilities here, look at the instruments you have here, and look at the people you have here.”

After Viktor said this, he casually threw Bosselda out.

There was no use at all, that is, he casually threw Bosrda away, but also threw it out far away.

No one dared to pick him up, and no one could react, so he watched as Bosselda was thrown into the rubble all over the ground and fell with a scream.

Viktor continued what he had just said.

“Is this still the level here?”

Turning his head sideways, Viktor glanced at the operation panel beside Hemerdinger not far away, and shook his head slightly.

“Gee, why is Piltover so backward in technology now, even this Piltover most advanced laboratory looks so rubbish.”

Viktor’s words were full of contempt and mockery.

This is where he was thrown out in the first place.

In terms of postgraduate examinations, Piltover Institute has all kinds of rules and regulations, which really limit some of the more capable scientists.

Like the former Viktor.

And they don’t know who they can see, they can’t see things clearly.

Bosselda easily convicted him with just a few words, saying that he Victor had stolen the research results of others, and how shameful he was Victor.

These pretentious people, proud and arrogant people, are doing disgusting things.

In fact, Victor is a very kind person, and all his scientific research and inventions are originally intended to protect mankind.

Minimize the accident rate in the workshop, replace humans with dangerous work with machinery, help those humans who have been traumatized by accidents, and treat them with the potions they have developed.

These are all things that Viktor used to do.

But few people remember it now.

They only remember that Viktor slandered the success of his research by someone who stole it, and the appeal failed.

They remember that Victor experimented with mechanical modification with living people, resulting in many deaths.

They believe that Victor’s research on human modification is contrary to human rights, contrary to human nature, immoral, and evil.

That’s not Viktor’s original intention.

Viktor looked at these people with resentment, and the unwillingness and grievances buried in his heart all gushed out for a while.

Heimerdinger was very puzzled when he heard Viktor say that Piltover’s technology was backward and that he was the highest-end laboratory garbage.

He couldn’t understand why anyone would say that about his main lab.

Even Heimerdinger could proudly say that his main laboratory was the best in the Rune Land.

It is the world’s first laboratory.

How is it that in the eyes of this red robot in front of you, this has become backward and garbage?

Wait a minute!

Heimerdinger suddenly remembered the laboratory that Tristana and Lulu had told him a few days earlier.

The Creator Laboratory of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion!

If what Tristana and Lulu said is true, then this laboratory in Heimerdinger is indeed incomparable.

But this red robot…

Could it be that this robot also came from the Creator’s laboratory?

While Victor was still grieving his past, Heimerdinger silently put on another of his special goggles.

This is a new invention that Heimerdinger made not long ago.

The scanner is compressed to the smallest miniature, and then equipped with goggles, which is considered to be a mini portable scanner.

This is of great help to a scientist to scan and analyze data faster when there is no scanner.

After Heimerdinger put on this special goggles, he turned on the scanning function and directly scanned and detected the tall red robot.

“Oh my God, what is this!”

The scan detection was soon shown in the mini-display area of the goggles, causing Heimerdinger to exclaim lowly.

What kind of metal is this!?

Heimerdinger had never seen or heard of this metal material on Victor.

Scanning tests show that the metal is very resistant in all aspects.

If the hardness of the special material used in the construction of Professor Heimerdinger’s main laboratory is 10, then the hardness of this metal material on Victor is one million!

Heimerdinger’s whole person was shocked by this set of data.

Such a metal, let alone he here.

Heimerdinger felt that such metal had never appeared in the entire Rune Land.

This immediately attracted all of Heimerdinger’s attention.

Professor Heimerdinger turned all his focus to his special goggles.

Turning the scanning depth of the miniature scanner on the goggles to the maximum, he had to study the metal materials on the red robot.

After the deep inspection, the data displayed made Heimerdinger even more confused.

Oh my God, what kind of magical metal is this!

It not only has super high hardness and resistance, but also perfectly combines Hex’s crystal technology with metal materials.

Those metal materials have the energy of Hex’s crystals on them, and it is detected that Hex crystals and metal materials are perfectly combined, the utilization rate is super high, and there is almost nothing to waste.

What kind of technology can do this, Heimerdinger could not imagine for a while.

Other things need to be detected by more sophisticated large-scale instruments, and this metal must be granulated and studied more carefully.

If nothing else, there is a little Heimerdinger that can be determined.

It is that this metal is definitely not from the Rune Land.

The red robot in front of him must have encountered some kind of chance, so he will obtain such a metal material.

But what kind of chance it will be, Heimerdinger has no way of knowing.

Curious, Heimerdinger secretly took out a small instrument from a cabinet not far from him.

Only the size of a palm, the shape of a technology gun.

It’s actually a density detector that detects the density of an object.

Viktor’s attention was now all on Bosselda, and he didn’t notice what Heimerdinger was doing not far behind him.

Heimerdinger took the density monitor, slowly moved behind Victor, and then quietly aimed the detector at Viktor’s heel and pressed the button of the detector.

Because Professor Heimerdinger is a yodel, he has a height advantage in such a chaotic situation.

The attention of those scientists and scholars also happened to be attracted by Victor and Bislda, which allowed Heimerdinger to successfully obtain density detection data.

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