All the members of the guard were knocked down, and Yasso did not even have the slightest mess of hair.

Although Yaso’s hairstyle, even if a tornado blows, it will not be messy.

Dashing casually ruffled a strand of broken hair on his forehead, Yasuo’s lonely back was deeply imprinted in the hearts of all members of the guard.

Professor Heimerdinger had already embarked on a journey to find the Meditation Pavilion, when a very strange creature appeared outside the city of Ionian Prechdian.

In fact, it is not very accurate to say that he is a living being, although he has a life consciousness and can move, but he does not look like a creature, more like a stone mountain with life.

From a distance, it looked like a very large stone wall, appearing a few kilometers away from the city of Ionian Prechdian.

It was a long time ago that he discovered a small stone with life that fell from the sky, and found that the stone contained the ability to kill the power of the void, so he decided to come to find Murfitt, the lava behemoth of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

On Murfitt’s shoulder stood a hunter wearing an eye patch that could tell he was seriously injured.

The breeze blows high above, and long white hairs gently flutter along the breeze of Ionia. The old scars under the fur mean that he is a very experienced hunter.

Murphytt, who is extremely huge, has a very distinct opposite to the hunter’s size.

From a distance, it looks like a little white cat standing on the top of a mountain.

This man was none other than a hunter from the Ishutar tribe on the continent of Shurima, the proud hunter Reingal, although his size was much weaker than that of ordinary adult scorch-toothed beasts.

But he is definitely a qualified hunter.

“Is this Navoli’s Precidian?”

Standing on Boffett’s shoulders, looking at the towering walls in the distance, Reingal seemed to be talking to Murfitt, but more like talking to himself.

Murfitt and Reingal set out from Shurima a few months ago, trekking all the way through mountains and seas, and finally came to Ionia.

Originally, there were no castle walls outside the Precy of Ionia, but after the invasion of Noxus, the Ionians were forced to build towering walls and fortresses.

And the towering iron walls forged by Sindra with mana protect the land of Ionia from the invasion of the invaders.

This time, Raingar and Murfitt made a special trip to find the Meditation Pavilion of Ionian Presidious.

In addition, Reingar has another purpose, which is to find that mantis-shaped void monster.

The moment Ringar and Murphyt set foot on the continent of Elnia together, a very experienced hunter immediately smelled the breath of that praying mantis-shaped monster.

“That Heart Cultivation Pavilion should be in the Prescient, right?”

Murphyt raised his huge arm and asked towards the towering city wall not far away.

“If the news is correct, it should be like this.”

Reingal was actually not quite sure of the specific location of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, but he had heard Kasha and Murfitt mention it before.

And Murphyt also learned the name of Cultivation Pavilion from that small stone.

“I feel that the monster is not too far away from us, and his breath is very strong.”

Lyngal gently moved his nose, smelling the breath and smell in the air, trying to deduce the distance between the target and himself based on his past hunting experience.

Both Ionia and Ishtar are jungle-ridden, but the difference is that Ionia is more like a primeval rainforest, while Ionia is more like a magical forest.

In Ionia, there is a material world and a spiritual world, and every flower and grass here contains abundant natural magic.

Reingar was able to determine that the mantis-shaped monster must be on the continent of Ionia, and most likely in the same place as the port where they landed.

Because there are a lot of that monster’s breath left there.

But all the way towards Presidian in Navoli, Reingar could always feel the breath of the monster, but there was no way to determine his specific location and the distance between him and himself.

This situation is also related to the fact that Ionia is full of magical plants and flowers.

Let Raingar, a rainforest hunter, be in the forests of Ionia, unable to adapt for a while.

However, I believe that it will not be long before Raingar is familiar with the environment here, and soon he will be able to grasp the different natural laws of Ionia and Ishtar.

This makes it faster to find the best way to find prey.

Coming to the outside of Precidian City, Raingar was actually a little hesitant.

He could feel the aura of the monster nearby, and it was clear that the monster had been haunted here.

If he was lucky, maybe the monster wasn’t too far from here, and if he looked for it, he might be able to find him.

Of course, if you give Raingar some more time to adapt to the natural environment here, you can also find the specific location of the monster.

However, the monster was not fixed, but always moving.

Reingar wasn’t sure if the monster would be on the continent of Ionia after he got familiar with the environment.

You must know that the mantis-shaped void monster is very cunning.

Liangar stretched out his furry paws, gently stroked the flesh pad on his paws, and put on the blindfold on his face.

This is all thanks to the mantis-shaped void monster, and this hatred Reingar must be repaid no matter what.

Hunting that monster, taking revenge, also symbolizes honor.

The mantis-shaped Void Monster that Reingar had been looking for was Void Marauder Kazik.

After hesitating for a while, everyone decided to ask Murphy for advice.

“Do you think I should go to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion first, or go find that Void Monster Kazik?”

Reingale was standing on Murfitt’s shoulder at this time, and even though his voice was very soft, Murphyt could still hear it clearly, although Murphyt didn’t seem to have ears, it was all a pile of stones.

This question was not immediately answered.

Murphyt also thought quietly for a while, and finally gave his own advice.

“We now know that the Cultivation Pavilion is right in front of us, and the specific location of that void monster is still uncertain. It is better to go to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion first, and after finishing one thing, then go to find another target with an uncertain position. ”

Murphyt’s suggestion was more objective, and Reingar was persuaded, so the two men headed towards Prescien’s city.

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