“Lilia thinks that big stone should be a friend.”

Lilia tilted her head and said to Raven.

Seeing Lilia’s cute appearance, Raven couldn’t help but directly reach out and rub the small bud on the top of Lilia’s head.

“Since Lilia thinks he’s a friend, let’s go over and take a look.”

Raven smiled fondly at Lilia.

In the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, everyone likes Lilia, a lively and kind little cutie.

So the two of them happily walked hand in arm towards the market.

At this time, Murphyt felt that his whole body was going to stiffen, he maintained the same posture, there were too many humans around him, he almost did not dare to take a step.

For fear of stepping on any human being and harming their fragile lives.

For Murphyt, he is more respectful of life.

Even if he comes from the jungle of Ishtar, which pays attention to the law of the jungle and survival of the fittest, Murphyt cherishes life from the bottom of his heart.

After all, he was once just a stone, used to possess magical life by various coincidences.

Make him pay more attention to the meaning of life.

Murphyt stood in place for a long time, and finally decided to find a passerby and ask the location of the Cultivation Pavilion.

“Hi, you, human.”

Murphyt suddenly lowered his head and shouted at the human closest to him.

Originally, the human was curiously watching the huge stone man who suddenly appeared in the Precidian market.

Thinking that this stone man was a gentle and harmless magical being, because he was very careful to avoid stepping on humans as much as possible.

This made people in the market have some affection for Morphett, and they are not afraid of him much.

But at this moment, Murfitt’s voice sounded, but it startled the humans standing near Moffett.

Murphyt’s body size is very large, and the sound he makes is also very thick.

The Ionian who was stopped by Murfitt felt that the ground at his feet began to tremble as the voice of the huge stone man sounded.

For a moment, he was so frightened that he stood in place, not daring to move or speak.

Murphyt also wanted to greet this human as gently as possible, but he ignored his own voice and how much impact it had on such a small human.

Seeing that the man stood in place after saying hello to himself, he did not move again.

Murphyt thought it was the other party who was going to stand there and listen to what he was going to say.

In fact, the man was just too scared to move him.

“I want to ask, where is the Heart Cultivation Pavilion?”

Just a few simple words scared the man to stand in place and dare not move. At this time, Murphyt’s complete words came out, and he only felt that the ground was constantly shaking, and his body was also shaking.

The Ionian was also frightened by Murfitt’s voice, his ears were faintly painful, his body was trembling, and his legs were soft, and he almost couldn’t stand.

Moffett felt that his question was already polite, but the human in front of him stood there staring at him, not answering a word.

This made Murphyt a little unhappy in his heart, why was this human so rude?

Unbeknownst to him, he almost scared this “rude” human to death.

At this time, Lilia and Raven had already arrived in the market.

Lilia walked on her limbs and hooves and ran towards the stone man who helped the wide area of the market.

Lilia wanted to be the first to run over and say hello to the stone man, and then ask him why the power in his body was similar to Marzaha and the big bug, but it was very different.

It was only when Lilia ran to Murfitt, and just when she wanted to say something, something suddenly happened.

A purple brilliance appeared above Precidian.

And such a purple brilliance carries a very rich void energy aura, so that Lilia and Murphy Raingar instantly felt it, raised their heads in unison, and looked in the direction of the sky.

I saw a purple-red monster flying through the sky.

Although its flight speed is not slow, it is obvious that it is a praying mantis-shaped monster, with the scythe claws of a praying mantis, and thin wings similar to insect wings on the back.

That was none other than Kazik, the Void Marauder that Raingar had been looking for for a long time.

At this time, Kazik’s body, in addition to the purple void brilliance, had some white light.

Although it was not clear what the white light was, Lilia could see at the first time that the white light did not belong to this purple mantis-shaped monster.

After Kazik flew over, soon another figure appeared in the sky.

The man, shirtless, with red strips of cloth tied around his head and waist and legs, and wearing a pair of dark black pants, was striking the purple monster in a strange kicking position.

That person was Li Qing, a blind monk who came out of Hirana’s monastery to look for the Meditation Pavilion.

At this time, he was attacking Kazik with the Celestial Sonic Echo Strike that he had been practicing hard for many years.

The white light on Kazik’s body that Ilya saw just now was actually hit by Li Qing’s heavenly sound wave.

At this time, although Kazik flew fast, he was hit by the Heavenly Sound Wave.

Li Qing can trace the past with an echo strike.

Needless to say, Kazik is a void creature from the void.

In the beginning, Kazik was just a low-level beast with little intelligence.

But he has a very peculiar property, that is, he can mutate and evolve.

After killing the prey, Kazik is able to devour the opponent, thus gaining higher abilities and constant mutation and evolution.

So Kazik’s goal is to devour more powerful prey so that he can also gain more power. Allow yourself to conquer, devour, absorb, evolve.

After arriving in Ionia, Kazik soon heard about the monastery of Hirana.

It is said that many strong people have been there.

So Kazik made it his goal.

Upon arriving at the Monastery of Hirana, Kazik immediately searched for prey to devour.

It was soon discovered that this bald head was now chasing behind him.

Among the Hillana Monastery, this bald head seems to be the most powerful.

So he naturally became the target of Kazik’s hunt.

As long as he devours this bald head, Zik believes that he will be able to obtain the power of purification again.

But what Kazik never expected was that when he secretly ambushed and prepared to devour this bald head, an accident occurred that he had never thought of.

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