Li Qing supported the coffee table in front of him and stood up carefully.

The moment he stood up again, Li Qing suddenly made a new discovery.

When he sat on the sofa just now, although he was somewhat flustered, after standing up, the feeling of panic became stronger.

So Li Qing sat back again.

Strange things happen.

As long as he sat on the sofa, Li Qing felt as if he had a magical spiritual power wrapped in his body and mind, allowing him to be more relaxed and feel more comfortable inside.

For a moment, Li Qing was a little reluctant to get up from the sofa.

What he didn’t know was that in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, these sofas were all made by Li Fulang later, and they were all semi-divine weapons.

When sitting on the sofa and sitting on the chair, you can feel the nourishment of spiritual power from this companion artifact.

Fatigue can be better relieved, and at the same time full of mental energy, the whole person feels relieved.

However, Li Qing knew that he could not sink into this feeling, and finally insisted on getting up from the sofa.

Now Li Qing has completely lost his perception and cannot feel what is in the surrounding environment.

But in the darkness, I felt that there were countless powerful energy masses, and those energy masses were extremely dangerous.

In addition to those small energy masses, Li Qing also saw a super large energy mass in the dark perception.

Although it was compressed to the height of an ordinary person, Li Qing could clearly feel that that energy mass was more dangerous than the others.

These discoveries all made Li Qingrumang on his back, his throat rolling, and he swallowed saliva with difficulty.

Where exactly is this place? Why is it so dangerous?!

In fact, those powerful energy masses sensed by the blind monk in his perception were all kinds of artifacts and demigods in the Cultivation Pavilion.

And the most powerful energy mass he felt was actually Li Fulang himself.

Li Fulang is now a true god of the Chaos God Position, and his ability is far beyond that of ordinary gods.

Even Star Casting Dragon King Aurelian Thor did not dare to easily make a second in front of Li Fulang.

Li Qing was struggling at the moment, walking lightly, groping and walking. I was afraid that if he moved a little louder, he would alarm the dangers that were dormant.

You must know that if those energy groups make a move against Li Qing, then he will not have the slightest ability to resist at all, and he will be directly killed in seconds, and his body will disappear and be wiped out.

The lounge area is right next to the book area, so that guests can sit and read a book in the seating area.

So Li Qing groped along the wall, and slowly entered the book area.

Because he couldn’t perceive the things around him at all, Li Qingyi accidentally hit a bookshelf directly.

Fortunately, this is the bookshelf of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, and Li Qing’s movements are relatively slow.

This collision, the bookshelf was still flat, but Li Qing almost didn’t stand firm.

Fortunately, he reached out in time to support the bookshelf in front of him, which prevented Li Qing from falling.

Without perception, Li Qing still has a sense of touch. He reached out and touched the object he bumped into, only to find that it turned out to be a bookshelf and was neatly filled with books.

In Li Qing’s groping, he hit the bookshelf again.

A book placed on the bookshelf on the upper floor fell and was directly grabbed by Li Qing in his hand.

This book was put back when Reingal was reading the book before, but it was not put steady, and it fell off the shelf after being hit twice by Li Qing.

Li Qing grabbed the book in his hand and fumbled with the cover of the book a few times.

He could feel the thickness and simplicity of the book.

If he could, Li Qing really wanted to see what was on the tree.

His intuition told him that the knowledge recorded in this book must be useful to him.

In such an environment, Li Qing can guess that the books here must be good.

But he is blind, even if he was sentient before, he could perceive everything around him. It is even possible to rely on perception, touch, smell, and hearing to distinguish the shape, smell, and sound of those things.

But the only thing he couldn’t do was read.

After Li Qing woke up, all the information he noticed reminded him that there was strangeness everywhere.

Powerful to the point of evil.

Even the book he held in his hand at the moment seemed to have some prohibition on it.

Li Qing moved his hand and gently opened the book, his fingers rubbing over the page.

In fact, he longs for the day when he can be like a normal person, able to see the light, see the color, see the words and pictures in the book.


A gentle sigh sighed the sadness and regret in Li Qing’s heart.

In fact, from the time Li Qing carefully got up from the sofa, Lilia had already seen it.

She gently tiptoed her little hooves, tried not to make a sound, and quietly observed Li Qing on the side.

Lilia felt that Li Qing’s movements and behaviors were very interesting.

The way he frightened and groped his head looked funny to Lilia. Lilia kept covering her small mouth and holding back a smile.

But after a while, Lilia found that the reason why Li Qing was like this seemed to be because he couldn’t see things.

“Is he blind?”

Lilia had never seen a blind person before, so it would be funny and interesting to see Li Qing’s actions for the first time.

But now that Lilia found that Li Qing seemed to be really blind, the feeling in her heart also changed.

Lilia felt that just now he regarded Li Qing as a joke very badly, and she should not laugh at an invisible blind person.

For this, Lilia felt very guilty, she had just done something bad.

Biting her lip lightly, Lilia wanted to apologize to Li Qing.

And, adhering to the principle that there are people micro-mountains, Lilia also decided that he would help this blind gentleman who could not see.

So, Lilia walked towards Li Qing.

Li Qing was still saddened by his blindness one moment, and the next moment he immediately felt a very large energy mass exuding powerful energy approaching him.

His face immediately turned pale, and the book in his hand also fell to the ground.

As which energy group approached, Li Qing really wanted to escape.

However, he did not dare to move easily, not knowing what this energy mass was going to do when it approached him.

The other party is too strong, if the other party wants to attack him, even if he escapes, he will definitely not be able to run.

He could only stand in place, and he definitely did not dare to move.

Lilia saw that Li Qing’s face was pale and stiff, and even her lips were trembling slightly, and her heart was very puzzled.

What’s wrong with this Mr. Blind?

“Are you unwell?”

Lilia’s sweet voice suddenly sounded in Li Qing’s ears.

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