Reingar moved his hands and feet, and he could obviously feel that after entering the Endless Martial Arts Arena, it was indeed very effective in improving his strength.

Although he is only constantly brushing his skill proficiency, his physical strength and acuity have also increased.

If he could, Reingar really wanted to live in this endless arena for ten years and eight years.

I believe that when the time comes, he will definitely become a strong man unparalleled in the world.

But it’s not about thinking about those things at this time.

After all, there was suddenly another Void Creature’s breath here, which made Reingar very concerned.

So, looking for that breath, Reingar walked in the direction of Kazik.

Walking over, Reingar found that Kazik, who was sitting on the ground holding Kogas’s tearful eyes.

Next to it were Li Qing, Murphyt and Lilia.

Li Fulang has returned to the Creator Lab, so he is not here now. Raven is still working on her new magic dishes in the kitchen.

Murphyt saw Reingale coming over, so he directly handed the Void Detailed Explanation in his hand to Reingale.

Reingal had read this book before, but at that time, he only turned a few pages in a hurry, read some general content, and then went to the Endless Martial Arts Arena.

Now Murphyt handed him the book again, presumably hoping that he would take a closer look.

After all, Reingar had also tracked Kazik for so long, and he should indeed know more about these void creatures.

This time, Reingale carefully looked through it, and this void was explained in detail.

After reading it, Reingar had a deeper understanding of the void creatures, and at the same time, he also roughly understood the terrifying things about these void creatures.

Being able to devour, to be able to evolve, to be able to decompose, these abilities are already very perverted.

In the past, Raingar only had to face one Kazik, which was already difficult to deal with.

I didn’t expect that after coming to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, there would be another such a terrifying creature here.

And now that these two void creatures have reunited, maybe there will be even greater difficulties in the future.

Reingal frowned, and looked at Kazik who was still sitting on the ground with a somewhat solemn expression.

Thinking in his heart, should he give Kazik a knife now, and directly end him.

What other variables will appear later, allowing these terrifying void creatures to endanger the Rune Land.

But at the same time, a question came to Raingar’s mind.

Originally, this praying mantis belonged to Ishtar.

They also had a grudge in the jungle of Ishtar, where they had fought countless times.

In the end, although they did not hunt each other, they also had some understanding of each other’s abilities.

Then something strange happened.

One day, when the driver was preparing to ambush Kazik, he found that in the jungle where they had fought countless times, Kazik’s breath could not be found.

After a long period of tracking, Lynn Garn did not find where Kazik had gone.

By chance, he learned that Kazik had gone to Ionia.

And then came the aftermath.

The main reason why Lynn Gar and Murphyt came to the continent of Ionia was two things, finding the Cultivation Pavilion and tracking down Kazik.

But Raingar never understood why Kazik could suddenly disappear from Ishtar to Ionia so quietly.

These are two completely different continents, separated by a sea of conquest.

You must know that Reingal and Murphyt came to Ionia from the Shurima continent, and experienced many months along the way.

However, Raingar felt that Kazik did not travel as long as they had come to Ionia.

At this time, Kazik and Kogas had finished talking about the old and were looking at their surroundings.

Before Kazik could fully figure out what kind of place it was, Reingar came over and sat down in the chair next to him.

“Kazik, how did you come to Ionia from Ishtar?”

Reingar did not hide and asked straight to the point.

It can be said that this is the first time since Raingar met Kazik that the two of them did not meet each other, but met face-to-face.

When Li Qing heard Reingal’s question, his ears immediately pricked up.

I didn’t expect that this void creature turned out to be Ionia who came from Ishtar.

Kazik was visibly stunned by Reingal’s question, and then narrowed his eyes.

“Why should I tell you?”

Kazik’s voice was cold, and he looked at Reingar with great disdain.

This is his defeated subordinate, always has been.

Raingar had ambushed and attacked Kazik countless times, but in the end he was escaped by Kazik.

But Kazik also has to admit that Reingar is indeed a tough opponent.

As a void creature that can evolve by devouring, he has always become stronger.

Reingar is just an ordinary Rune Land creature, and he can only become stronger through his own efforts.

However, every time after Kazik evolved, he originally thought that he could completely fight back and kill Reingal, but every time it backfired.

Although Reingar was unable to kill him, Kazik was also unable to kill him.

Even if Kazik is stronger than Reingal, it is only a little stronger.

The two have always been in a state of close matching.

However, from Kazik’s heart, he looked down on these Runeterra creatures.

In the eyes of Kazik, the creatures of the Shenwei Void Creatures, these creatures in the Rune Land were just devoured with him and became the nourishment for his evolution.

Kazik was unwilling to answer Reingal’s question, but Li Qing spoke.

“In the past few months, I have been chasing him all the way from the Monastery of Hirana to Presidian.”

Li Qing’s words suddenly exposed the timeline, and Reingal’s pupils shrank.

“How many months? You’ve been following him all these months? ”

Reingal asked towards Li Qing.

Kazik heard Li Qing’s voice, looked up, and petrified on the spot.

Kazik: ???

The handsome man with short white hair and cool blindfold in front of him is the bald blind man with his shirtless arms who chased him for months before?

“Yes, I’m sure.”

Li Qing nodded coolly, and with his current cold appearance, he was simply handsome to the point of explosion.

Reingar also saw Li Qing’s appearance, and was stunned at the same time.

Who is this man? Why doesn’t it seem like I’ve never seen it before?

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